Parent, your role is of course to support your son but also to support the team. That means not sitting in the stands creating negativity by bashing another player on the team or the coaching staff. You should get fired up and cheer for everyone on the team as hearing the crowd gets the players fired up and playing harder. You should support what the coach is teaching your son and not tell them not to listen to the coach because you know better. The coach needs his players to buy into what he is teaching and if you want your son to play, he better do things his coach's way. If a coach disciplines your son, you should use this a chance to help reinforce a life lesson to your son and not bash the coach because that will teach your son to buck authority. It is important for a coach to have parental support so that he can focus on the job of teaching baseball and so that the team can have good chemistry, because chemistry is very underrated. Player, your role is to be a sponge and soak up whatever your coach is teaching. Because if you do things his way, it will not go unnoticed. Look him in the eyes and say yes sir/no sir. Hustle at all times and set an example on the practice field, because the practice field is where 99% of coaching takes place. Get to practice early and stay late. If your coach gives you criticism, understand that he is trying to help you. Instead of getting your feelings hurt, learn from what your coach is trying to tell you and change what you are doing wrong. Support your teammates and if you are on the bench, DO NOT COMPLAIN and create a bad atmosphere on the bench. This can be a cancer for the team and will really anger your coach. That is the quickest way to earn a permanent spot on the bench. the coach loves a player that will sit on the bench and not complain and cheer on his teammates from the bench. THAT PLAYER will find his way onto the field and into his coach's heart. And most importantly player, if you want to get better, practice outside of practice on your own. A coach can never get all of the work done that he needs to do, you have to do some on your own. I wont go into a coach's role as I've posted too much already. Jason Sawvel