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Everything posted by RETIREDFAN1

  1. Welcome to the board....
  2. They will probably go into the life of a HS hero AFTER graduation......That opens up a lot more story lines and a lot more drama.....
  3. .....oh and by the way: GO EAST DILLON......
  4. I hope all of these young athletes bring home the gold for SETX.....
  5. Bought and watched all 3 seasons on DVD this past week....It's a pretty good show, but not very accurate in terms of how things are at the vast majority of Texas high schools......
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. Day 1 Results will be posted sometime tomorrow.....
  8. I am looking forward to seeing the 4A runners. I'm glad that they are having it at the same time as ours......
  9. They aren't online....I have no idea how to us a scanner....
  10. We've just now got the WOODVILLE paper to cover us consistently....
  11. Where are the Cardinals staying???
  12. As usual, no love is shown for Class A...... The Region IV, Class A meet is in Huntsville on Monday and Tuesday as well.....
  13. from the article, "the first 29,000 tests produced only 11 confirmed cases of steroid use". That is .03%. That does not justify the vast amount of money being spent on this testing. Money that can be put to much better use by the schools if they were given a choice....
  14. So...chicken little finds out it WAS an acorn after all...... ;D
  15. Let's try to keep it at the top, then....
  16. Good article. The only problem is that there won't be ANY SETX teams at the Region III Class A meet since our teams are in Region IV. The class A teams from Southeast Texas will all be in Huntsville on May 18 - 19.
  17. Region IV Class A, which includes all of the SETX class A teams will be on May 18 and 19 at Sam Houston......
  18. You should stop believing the propaganda..... [Hidden Content],0,3821888.story?track=rss
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