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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to stevenash in CNN Goes on Rampage Against Susan Rice Bombshell   
    And why are these polls any more credible than all the polls that showed Hillary as a guaranteed winner of the Presidential election?
  2. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from Hagar in Colmesneil breaking its contracts for football season?   
    It's true.....probably why Evadale put 86 on them last year.........lol
    This is the prime example of WHY you get game contracts signed.........
  3. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from jv_coach in Colmesneil breaking its contracts for football season?   
    It's true.....probably why Evadale put 86 on them last year.........lol
    This is the prime example of WHY you get game contracts signed.........
  4. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from Alpha Wolf in Colmesneil breaking its contracts for football season?   
    It's true.....probably why Evadale put 86 on them last year.........lol
    This is the prime example of WHY you get game contracts signed.........
  5. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to oldschool2 in West Sabine head coach steps down   
    I would love nothing more than Coach Stark to head back to WS.  And then schedule Hardin....and then beat Hardin   70-0.  I'm sure he wouldn't do that because he's probably a better coach than I would be.  In terms of being professional, I mean.  But it sure would bring some satisfaction to me.
  6. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to WOSgrad in Sub topics lacking   
    Thanks for the input.  But I do have one question:
    Why should I expand coverage in this forum to sub varsity coverage when very few folks express interest in varsity?
    Yes, I have not done as good a job in keeping up this forum as in years past.  A couple of reasons were for that.  First, we had teams advance far into the basketball playoffs and, sorry, but when a well followed forum like basketball goes into the playoffs it gets priority over forums that are not, especially when those forum's seasons are not in district play.  Second, illness has slowed me down and I am still endeavoring to catch up.  To anyone who feels that the girls have been slighted, I do truly apologize as any efforts on my part here are to highlight the play of all, male and female.
    However, I must confess that I field complaints about the lack of substance in this forum and some others with a bit of frustration as they appear in the forums where there is little interest shown.  For example, let's look at last week.  There were 67 topics started last week.  64 of them were mine.  I had a game thread that covered every varsity softball game in an SETXsports district that was known to me just I do during football and basketball season.  26 of those topics did not receive a reply.  Only 8 of those topics have at this time received more than 100 views.  Other than the game threads and the standings, and this complaint thread, no topics of discussion exists on the first three pages of this forum. And while I realize that some threads regarding teams in the outlying areas might not be answered, some of the schools that did not report included Vidor, Nederland, Orangefield, Silsbee and West Orange-Stark, all schools with considerable followings on this board.  SETXsports has, since it inception, relied on it members to assist with the reporting of scores.  We have it that way in football, basketball and all of the other sports and have since this sports site has existed.  And I appreciate those in this forum that do follow it, pick up when I have fallen, and post game threads and scores and media folks like Ashly who have been a great resource of info. You are at the games, I am behind a computer and your input is needed.
    I have operated in this and other of the smaller forums in the past with the thought of build it and they will come.  I introduced game threads into these forums with the hope of building some interest in the games.  Six years later, it has not happened.  I know that I will never get the same amount of replies and views as a football or basketball thread for a game thread here, but when several game threads receive 0 replies and barely double digit views, it is hard to fathom that the solution is to expand into sub varsity areas which will, in all liklihood, also be ignored.
  7. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to BS Wildcats in Why won't Trump make White House visitor logs available?   
    Could probably get that from Hillary
  8. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Englebert in Why won't Trump make White House visitor logs available?   
    If true, Trump needs to make the visitor logs available...along with releasing the Fast & Furious documents, the I.R.S. targeting documents, the Benghazi documents, the James Rosen/Family & AP Reporters surveillance (and whoever else) documents, the Trump Tower surveillance documents, the Iran deal, the huge backlog of FOIA requests, the real Obamacare numbers, etc. He also needs to release the Roswell crash documents and the Kennedy assassination documents. But the most important ones are Obama's college transcripts and birth certificate. He might as well through his tax returns in there also.
  9. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to NHSBulldogFan in West Sabine head coach steps down   
    Any chance Tod Stark ends up coming back to West Sabine?
  10. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Mama bear 6 in Should Home School Kids be Able to Participate in School Sports   
    This does hit home for my household. I do have a son who is enrolled at PNG and is in athletics. My youngest did go to PNGISD until 3rd grade. I decided to homeschool her. Not because I didn't like the school district or because she was struggling. For our personal reason. However I do agree that homeschool kids have to work for everything they have earned just like a public school child. You must give 100% to earn your spot on the team. I have heard of the discussion of homeschool kids getting to play in sports, but I'm not aware of the rules. the curriculum that she does is the same as most private schools around here. We still have to take a standardized test every year and also have to have the same requirements as public schools- 2 yrs of foreign language/ fine arts / and a music class. Her work is not graded by me. Every 9 weeks her work is mailed off and graded by the school and once graded you receive your child's report card. I do hope one day if she does decide to participate in sports. She is giving the same opportunity as her brother. Considering that each homeschool child does what is all required by the public school and state. 
  11. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Hagar in Should Home School Kids be Able to Participate in School Sports   
    You highlighted the reference to knee jerk reaction, and then proceeded to talk about kids missing athletic period.  If you'd taken the time to read the whole thing, you'd noticed the first line in my post said that attending athletic period should be mandatory.  That in itself could be construed as "knee jerk", at best, and lack of reading comprehension at worst.  Yes, coaches make the decision on who plays, and we saw how well that worked in Celina.  Had I been that kids coach, that would've been the end of his playing, for that year at a minimum.  And you would hold it against a kid simply because of his parents.  What about a kid at school that plays and his father committed murder.  Would you play him, or keep him on the bench simply because of his parent.  You may have been a coach, and a good one, but it appears you care nothing about kids
  12. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to PNG2720 in Should Home School Kids be Able to Participate in School Sports   
    It's not that hard to show up every week M-F to that particular athletic class and do the same  physical requirements as that public student 
  13. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to PNG2720 in Should Home School Kids be Able to Participate in School Sports   
    That's right it is a CLASS so why would the kid not go? I'm sure they can manage to do their work and show up to that CLASS everyday M-F 
  14. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to PNG2720 in Should Home School Kids be Able to Participate in School Sports   
    Do you honestly think that he/ she would just show up for only game day? No, they would still put in the hours just like every other public school student. The bill has been passed by the senate in 2015, so yes soon homeschool kids will be playing UIL sports. Would it be different if one of the public school main star athlete had a younger brother who was homeschooled? Wouldn't you like to give that younger brother a chance to break his brothers records?
  15. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to PNG2720 in Should Home School Kids be Able to Participate in School Sports   
    May 11 2015 the senate passed the bill so yes, homeschool kids can and eventually will play in public school sports, so really everyone's opinion doesn't matter. 
  16. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Hagar in Should Home School Kids be Able to Participate in School Sports   
    I suspect Tim Tebow was accepted.  Surely not initially, but he earned their respect.  I'm sure it would be difficult, and many would quit, but for the handful of true good homeschooled athletes, it'll give them an opportunity, despite their parents.
  17. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to LumRaiderFan in Should Home School Kids be Able to Participate in School Sports   
    Devil's advocate...if I home school my kids and can't participate in any public school activities, should I be able to be exempted from paying school taxes?
  18. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to CoachCal87 in SE Texas Sports Baseball Standings - 2017   
    Also, games in this district between the 1a and 2a schools are NOT counting in standings, per district vote, so actual standings are this:
    BS 4-0
    EHS 2-1
    Deweyville 1-1
    WH 1-2
    Sabine Pass 1-2
    HD 0-3
    Spurger 1-0
    HI 0-1
  19. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to CoachCal87 in SE Texas Sports Baseball Standings - 2017   
    The 1a and pitch count thing is a bit too much if you ask me....
  20. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to WTB in West Hardin 14 High Island 3/FINAL   
    Coach Calvert really has those boys playing well!
  21. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to WOSgrad in Sub topics lacking   
    Not that you will see this, but your wish to never come here has been granted.
  22. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Hagar in Why can't SE Texas support a pro league?   
    When I was a youngster, my dad and I went to Stewart Stadium & watched the Beaumont Exporters.  Don't remember but a name or two, but I do remember the leftfilder coming in hard and making a flat out diving catch right at ground level.  I also remember my dad's amazement when I ate 7 hot dogs lol (just a bun, weiner, & mustard  It was cheap then.  You'd have to float a loan to afford those at the prices at a pro game now.
  23. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to AggiesAreWe in **STATE TOURNAMENT UPDATES**/Post here   
    I am here at press row at the Alamo Dome. I will provide as many updates of the tourney as possible. I am here all week folks!
    First up this morning
    1A Semifinal
    Borden County vs. Happy
  24. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Tigers2010 in republicans & trump just screwed 22,600 retired coal workers   
    So letters were sent on about this during the last administration. The problem was there and Obama did nothing about it. The article blames Trump for not fixing the problem in the two months he has been in office, but not once mentions Obama not attempting the fix it. 
    Trump didn't strike the agreement in 1946, he didn't make the decisions in bankruptcy court that allowed for this, and he has been in office two months. More propaganda from the left to destroy Trump before he even gets going.
  25. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to baddog in republicans & trump just screwed 22,600 retired coal workers   
    You believed Obama. What did he do for the black people?
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