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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to PhatMack19 in republicans & trump just screwed 22,600 retired coal workers   
    So let me get this straight... The coal miners union underfunded their pension and gave out money to workers that didn't earn it, and Republican Congress screwed them over?  
    It seems to me that the UMWA screwed them over. 
  2. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to baddog in Trump's Speech to Congress   
    Sad to see a lib stand and applaud then realize he is the only lib standing, then sits back down. Well trained indeed. Sit uboo sit.....good dog.
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to BS Wildcats in Trump's Speech to Congress   
    Obama set our country back years.  What a disgrace the Democratic party has become.
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to CraigS in Trump's Speech to Congress   
    And NOT ONE Democrat stood, speaks of the lack of Americanism of the last 8 years......
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to PhatMack19 in Trump's Speech to Congress   
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to PhatMack19 in Trump's Speech to Congress   
    "My job is not to protect the world, my job is to protect the United States of America."
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to PhatMack19 in Trump's Speech to Congress   
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to EnjoyLife in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    Small towns can turn into a soap opera over things like this. Few years ago Henderson ran off a coach that was 95-45 with four ten win seasons. Too many folks believe they are a big fish when they are really just in a small pond.
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to fishcat in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    Coach Barbey accepted a two year contract. He let a Lawer look it over. He didn't want any surprises 
  10. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to WOSgrad in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    2wedge, while I share your hope, given the dealings of Dr. Gerald Hudson so far in this saga, I can't share your optimism. 
    I have no doubt that Coach Barbay will do everything in his power to quell these "concerns" that Dr. Hudson has about his work as an AD.  Because you are right, he has SEVERAL real reasons to remain in Jasper, ranging from his family in Newton, to his girls, to his wife, who I understand also has significant ties to the Jasper community.  While all of us, in and outside of Jasper, acknowledge that, at this point it seems to matter little, if any, to Hudson.  And, yes, I am quite concerned that no matter what steps and what concessions Barbay makes, Hudson and whatever powers that may be driving this will deem it inadequate to relieve these mysterious and, as of yet, unsubstantiated concerns.
    If I am wrong, and I hope that I am, good.  But I can't count on that being the case.
  11. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 2wedge in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    Do you think that Hudson things the public outcry won't be 10X worse if he goes that route? I believe that this thing is working itself toward a resolution that allows Coach Barbay to remain at JISD for, at least, next year. I agree with you that I think this is far from over, but I think it at least buys him a year to be on people's radars for future jobs. The wisdom here would be for Coach Barbay to pursue other jobs and leave, but I do not think he will do that. I truly believe he loves that community and his concern is not for his own employment, but rather for the stability of his daughters. The tragedy in this entire situation is that those two girls are caught in the middle of it all. One is a freshman at Jasper High School and had to ensure a week of classes under the immense pressure that this situation has brought to her family. When the Barbays took the Jasper job, Coach Barbay stood at the board meetings and boldly told the crowd that both of his girls would graduate from Jasper High School. This was done to assure the town of Jasper that they were not a stepping stone for him, but rather the culmination of a journey back home. I believe he meant those words and I believe that he will stay is there is any way to stay. Not just for the girls, but for his mother, his wife, and the rest of his family that is in that area.
  12. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Hagar in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    Supt's fault?  School Board's fault?  Both?  I live in Evadale, and we know smell.  This incident in Jasper smells like a 10 on the 0-10 Stink Meter.
  13. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to AthleticSupporter - Jock in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    You are 100% correct in your last few sentences.  I thought this exact same thing before you said it.  This is an attempt to quiet the Barbay supporters at his door and shift the blame for Barbay dismissal onto Barbay.  It will read something like, "Coach Barbay was not agreeable to the long-term commitment to ALL athletic programs.  After much negotiation and with a heavy heart, both sides have decided that a change in AD is in everyone's best interest".  Total BS.  WOSgrad is correct.  This is far from over.
  14. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to oldschool2 in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    He needs to bounce....in about June.  It seems like what they deserve.
  15. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to WOSgrad in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    I really like KJAS' assertion of the "Golden Triangle sports website" starting all of this.
  16. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to oldschool2 in Larry Haynes scared to play Hardin-Jefferson   
    Hmm.  Alright, let me weigh in.
    It's obvious that Coach Haynes is trying to schedule some wins.  Or...at least some teams he'll have a chance at beating.  I can understand to an extent.  He'll want to come in a be the hero.  I think it's probably not good to bail on a school in football because there are only 10 games and they're probably difficult to replace in the middle of the "home and home" 2 year agreement.  So no, I don't think that should've happened.  Like AAW said ^, finish out the schedule and remake it when the agreement is over.  However.  Did HJ willingly let Hardin out of the agreement?  I have no idea.  Maybe they did...not a soul here knows how that conversation went.  In all fairness...it would probably be better if they didn't play.  Only thing that will come of it is a guaranteed (pretty much) win for HJ.  That's a different conversation.
    As for Stark.  I've said this before... someone tell me just exactly WHO he should've scheduled.  I thought the schedule was probably as good a schedule as he could've made.
  17. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to WOSgrad in Larry Haynes scared to play Hardin-Jefferson   
    Really?  The 'killer" schedule that Coach Stark set up last year included Class 2A, DII Hull-Daisetta, perennial power (yes, that is sarcasm) Huntington, Class 3A, DII New Waverly, Class 2A, Division I Centerville and the aforementioned Hardin-Jefferson.  Yes, they were winning teams (except Huntington) but hardly teams that make you shake in your boots.
    I mean God forbid that Coach Stark set up a predistrict schedule that would make his players play up in ability.
  18. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to AggiesAreWe in Larry Haynes scared to play Hardin-Jefferson   
    Its very simple. You come into a job in the middle of a two year realignment, you honor the schedule that was done for those two years. After this next season then you can schedule how you see fit.
    By dropping teams in the middle of two year schedule, you send those teams scurrying for a 1 year opponent. Not cool!
    Show some class
  19. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from Chester86 in Evadale - Alto   
    I'm picking Evadale.......
  20. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from Hagar in Evadale - Alto   
    I'm picking Evadale.......
  21. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from DHSPiratesBaseball in Deweyville VS San Augustine   
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    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from Hagar in Deweyville VS San Augustine   
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to WOSgrad in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    Well, that's strange, the minutes of last week's meeting indicate no executive session nor action regarding any employee aside from the naming of Susie Taylor as interim Principal at Parnell Elementary:

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up (interestingly enough, a fact, not a "social media" invention) Look, I have not been one of Darrell Barbay's biggest fans.  Many will probably recall the big swipes I took at him over his handling of the schedule particularly his refusal to schedule my alma mater when openings in the schedule were apparent. 
    And I realize that we are in a era where, leaders of a district want "their guys."  I must say that it is very strange when a guy who has won nearly 70% of the games he has coached at the school is told he needs to leave, but that is today's world.  That being said, there is right way and a wrong way to go about this. And a superintendent lying to the voting public by saying that a decision has not been made when events show it had is NOT the right way.  And yes, he did do that:

    This has now gone well beyond the dismissal of a coach.  This is a superintendent being deliberately deceptive about goings to the residents of that district.  If you are telling me that "what is going on in the community" "justifies" this manner of proceeding, then I truly fear for the children receiving an education in this school district.
  24. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to mistro in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    I have known coach barbay for a very longtime,( going back to working summers in plants during college years). This guy has
    football and winning in his DNA. JISD has bigger issues going on in my opinion. My guess is Super is not about athletics and does not understand how football is king in this area. Grades are # 1 but you take care of your HC/AD and he will build winning programs in all sports. he will land on his feet and build whatever program he is at into winners as well.
  25. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to spoonbill in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    It's interesting that Dr. Cammack, local orthodontist and fixture in the community, resigned as the announcer doing color commentary for over a decade for Jasper football games this morning. He's also an elected member of the school district board of trustees. All is not well in Jasper currently. Ugly mess.
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