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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 44stack in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    I have known Darrell Barbay a very long time and know that he is for all programs.  I have never seen or heard him "cuss someone" at all. That is b.s.!  Like all of us, a curse word slips sometimes but this is crap if that "reliable" source is saying that..  Mirrors, smokescreens, and deals done in darkness!  Coach Barbay will land on his feet while the muck of all this stays in Jasper.  Coach Barbay is one of the finest men that I know and one of the most passionate educators that I've ever seen. Big loss for Jasper!  
  2. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to NHSBulldogFan in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    If I were a resident of Jasper ISD I would demand Dr Hudson's resignation it's obvious this man flat out lied to everyone.
  3. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 2wedge in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    This is the most asinine thing I have ever read. How can it be that he would be reassigned for these reasons with no prior warnings or rebuke on the issues you have stated? This is truly an excuse that is being circulated by those who are well aware of the fact that they have wronged the Barbay family. I was privileged to play for Coach Barbay for two years (one when he was an assistant, and then the first year he was hired as a HC). That was 16 years ago so he was quite a bit younger and I would assume he was quite a bit less refined. Even then he did not exude the attributes that this post has assigned to him, so I have no reason to believe that his character has degraded over the past 16 years. He took over that team before my senior year when most of us seniors felt like we had been abandoned. He made it clear early on that we were in good hands and that he was the right man for the job. He invested in each one of us and had a special place in his heart for the kids on our team who didn't get the support they should have from home. I personally watched him load groups of kids into his truck after practice and take them home because their parents didn't come pick them up. I watched him pick those same kids up at 6:00 am in the summer to make sure they had a ride to the field house to lift weights or participate in summer practices. I watched him make guys miss practice so they could work with their teachers to improve their grades. I've seen him imbed himself in a community and work to make it better. I watched him start a girls softball program and make himself the head coach. He coached softball for years and really enjoyed it! He did all of this while serving as the athletic director, the head football coach, and teaching classes. No one is perfect, and Coach Barbay surely isn't, but to remove him from this position in Jasper for absolutely no reason at all is an injustice that shouldn't be overlooked. This is not something that the community of Jasper should be proud of and if it were me, I would ensure that each board member who is serving now would not be serving any longer once their term ends. I cannot bring myself to root against the kids of JISD, but I will sure as heck root against those adults who have done this. I really hope they get Garrett Morgan-ed again because that is exactly what they deserve.
    Barbays, on to bigger and better things. JISD has stolen a lot more from you than a job. This thing extends way beyond employment, but you guys are resilient and will bounce back. I am reminded of a phone call that I had with Coach Barbay right after he was hired as AD/HC at HD, and a few weeks after our previous head coach had left right before my senior year. He said to me:  "I know you are disappointed in the way things have transpired, but you can either cry about it and waste one of the best years of your life, or you can fight like hell to be better than you have ever been to prove that this team is as great as we know it is. And if you make the decision to fight, I promise you I'll be fighting right beside you." He is the kind of man that doesn't just encourage you to fight, but stands shoulder to shoulder with you in the battle. He has fought beside lots of us, and now it's our turn to fight beside him. #BackTheBarbays
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to AHUDDLESTON in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    Reliable source? Name em. I worked for this man and would gladly do so again. He may use a cuss word mow and then( who doesn't) but every kid we had would have run through a wall for him. As far as disrespectful comments or actions towards parents, i never saw that and would not believe it without seeing it with my own eyes. BIG MISTAKE jasper isd! Welcome back to the .500 club. 
  5. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to WOSgrad in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    Okay, so he uses colorful language?  Well, guess what, that merely makes him a chip off of the old block as his dad, the late Curtis Barbay who many (including me) consider a Texas coaching legend, did the same.  Further, as I am sure many can attest to, the Barbays don't hold the patent nor the copyright on such language.  In fact, in most cases, the ability and willingness to use such language is not a character flaw among coaches, but a requirement.
    The more "justifications" that come out of Jasper ISD, the more they appear to be not only incompetent, but untrustworthy.  It is a new trend that newly appointed Superintendents wish to bring in "their guys."  While it makes little sense to do so, it happens.  And if that is what Dr. Gerald Hudson was doing, which it appears as early as Friday that is what he was doing, then he should have manned up and stated so.  But he did the opposite, going on KJAS in Jasper and talking to The Enterprise yesterday denying that any decision on Coach Barbay's employment had been made, chalking up the word that got out on Friday as social media rumor gone wild.  Yet less than 12 hours transpired when he fired off a text message to the board president that Coach Barbay was going to be terminated, not even bothering to issue a press release as is customary and leaving it to the Jasper ISD board president who he texted to disclose the termination, reassignment or whatever you wish to call it.
    Quite simply, if you take a look at the twitter activity and articles of David Thompson at the Beaumont Enterprise, as well as the twitter activity, broadcasts and articles at KJAS, you can come to only one reasonable conclusion.  That conclusion is that on Monday morning, Dr. Gerald Hudson, lied to the broadcasters at KJAS, lied to David Thompson at the Beaumont Enterprise, quite possibly lied to members of the Jasper ISD Board of Trustees, and, in doing so, lied to residents of the Jasper ISD.  Quite frankly, this breach of trust, regardless of the subject area, is unacceptable and Dr. Hudson should give serious consideration as whether it is proper for him to remain as superintendent.   But then again, that requires a conscience and Dr. Hudson's recent actions indicate that he may be severely lacking in that area.
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to GATA! in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    Cussing?? Give me a brake! If that's the main reason for his removal then that answers any questions about the board/sup, maybe they should hit the 2 a days this year so they want be so soft and sensitive for the next coach in line....Good luck to the barbays wherever they go, and good luck to the Jasper athletics on finding the right guy for the job.
  7. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to oldschool2 in Jasper is open, then it isn't, then it is again, then it isn't again (for now)   
    Yep.  Go ahead and add Jasper to the list of schools that will get what they deserve.
  8. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from Chester86 in Colmesneil - Evadale   
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Chester86 in Colmesneil - Evadale   
    You know, one of the things I love about small schools is how connected everyone is.  Take for instance, our (Evadale) principal is a Colmesneil alumn - I think 82 or 83.  I graduated from Chester and Colmesneil was always our big rival.  If I'm not mistaken, WH fan1 is a Colmesneil graduate and member of their 86 state championship team.
        Colmesneil just had a tragedy in their community.  My niece in Chester knew her and was tore up.  We had people go to the funeral.  The game is played on the court, but there is always a respect and relationships going on behind every game.  My son is playing against the kids of people I played against in HS.  Best of luck to all teams starting the playoffs tonight.
  10. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Chester86 in Colmesneil - Evadale   
    Same here.
  11. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Hagar in **Bi-District Playoff Info**/ POST HERE   
    Let's go 24-2A.  Rebs, Pirates, Oilers and Sharks.  I think we have about as good of four teams going in as and district.  Good luck.
  12. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from Chester86 in **PLAY IN, SEED & WARM UP GAME INFO**/Post here   
    Let's go OILERS!!!!!!
  13. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from Chester86 in Evadale 93 West Hardin 60/FINAL   
    Yep.....quietest gym in the state.......needed major medical if you ever dove for a loose ball.......lol
  14. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from Chester86 in Evadale 93 West Hardin 60/FINAL   
    That old one was an experience though.......lol
  15. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Tigers2010 in California Asking President Trump For Help!   
    The Republic of California should be the ones fixing THEIR issue. They want out, let them out.
  16. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Reagan in California Asking President Trump For Help!   
    From the article:  “The tallest dam in the United States, which is a critical piece of the state’s water system, is in grave danger, because of Moonbeam (Jerry Brown) the governor,” he said.  “Moonbeam the governor was warned over and over again, as were the psychopaths in the state legislature.”

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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to WHOILERS in **PLAY IN, SEED & WARM UP GAME INFO**/Post here   
    In 24-2A West Hardin will play Deweyville for 2nd/3rd on 7pm Saturday at Spurger.
  18. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Tigers2010 in Texas Vs NFL   
    My favorite part.
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    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from 2HandSlam in Evadale 93 West Hardin 60/FINAL   
    West Hardin will play Deweyville either Friday or Saturday to decide 2/3 seeds.........Winner gets West Sabine, Loser gets Broaddus........
  20. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to WHOILERS in Deweyville @ Sabine Pass   
    #2 from Sabine pass is a gamer, but not even close to D1 talent. It's hard to believe 2 "D1" players could lose to HD. Kids are good, but let's not get ahead of ourselves
  21. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to DHSPiratesBaseball in Deweyville @ Sabine Pass   
    good luck on yalls game, I'll be checking for some updates tomorrow!
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to HasBeen36 in Deweyville @ Sabine Pass   
    You trying to see a 4th game between WH and Dville??
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Spyder53 in Deweyville @ Sabine Pass   
    Maybe we can help you guys more than we've been able to help ourselves.
  24. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Hagar in West Hardin 51 Sabine Pass 50/FINAL   
    Wow, congrats to the Oilers.  Big win.
  25. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Chester86 in West Hardin 51 Sabine Pass 50/FINAL   
    Congrats to the Oilers.  
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