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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to kicker in Woodville new AD starts off bad   
    New flash, we (WOS) always lifted weights during offseason periodeven before my baseball and soccer games. Never affected me or my teammates. This isnt toward you ryker, was solidifying your view.
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Tigers2010 in Woodville new AD starts off bad   
    If your working hard ALL YEAR, one workout in MAY should not make you so sore you can't walk.
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to jv_coach in Woodville new AD starts off bad   
    This is 2016 everybody lifts weights and losers still always find something to complain about.
  4. Like
    Could you not have made the same statement about transgenders a few years ago?  Isn't the "cake issue" a valid reason to worry about what our government is going to do next?
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    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from walldrill in Okay, guys, I am gonna need some help.   
    Sabine Pass 8
    West Hardin 4
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    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from 77 in Religious Liberty and the Corporate-State Dictatorship   

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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Discussion question:   
    there is two different types of Church of Christ a denomination one and a non denomination one.
    SO are you saying the bible has contradictions. cause clear as day it says in Mark 16:15-16  15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.   also in Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus commanded it.
    Gotta know the context in which it was written.
    Romans 10:1   Paul is concerned about the salvation of the Jews. In both Romans and Galatians Paul is attempting to convince Jewish people that they no longer are under the Law of Moses. It is this emphasis, this argument, that reveals the meaning of Romans 10:9,10. 
    Many gentiles go to this passage for a simple formula for salvation.
    If this is what you believe, please tell my why Jesus commanded us in Matthew 28:18-20 as well as Mark 16:15-16. 
  8. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from BS Wildcats in Discussion question:   
    Doing what God told us to do is not a work........baptism is a COMMAND from God that saves us when our faith is deep enough to give up our preconceived notions and the false denominational teaching....
    For the FIFTH time now, No, you are not saved if you are a member of one of the false,man made denominations.......SCRIPTURE shows that very clearly.......
  9. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Discussion question:   
    Very true.  its a dedicate situation.  A situation were the believer has to control his emotions and words because the non believer will usually denounce anything we have to say. 
    But also at the same time we can't tell them what they want to hear to try to garner their attention to the truth. we have to tell them the exact truth.
  10. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Discussion question:   
    Im sorry, but you are wrong about this. 
    HOw can you absolutely believe you should be baptized but that you don't have to be to be saved?
    I grew up going to a Baptist and a catholic church for my first 6 years of life.  Dad was a devout catholic my mom a devout Baptist.  both were in families that grew up in that church and were deeply rooted in there family tree going way back.  My dad took it upon himself to start studying the Bible along with historical books. 
    People get offended when they are told they are wrong about something that they have done their whole lives and was taught by their parents/grandparents etc.  ANd rightfully so, but maybe once they calm down from that offense they should take the time to look at the truth. 
    My dad did exactly that.
  11. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Discussion question:   
    Yes we should not berate folks, but God does call for us to teach the truth.  As Christians we have to hold each other accountable.
  12. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Discussion question:   
    And that is the first thing someone always goes to when they think of Church of Christ.
    "they think their better then any other denomination"....its not a denomination for one.
    and no we don't think we are better.....we are all sinners.  Its about following the Bible to the T in worshiping and practices according to the BIBLE.
    Read that book I mentioned and it will help with some of your questions/doubts.  In all honesty and sincerity please take the time to read it.
  13. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Discussion question:   
    Only when the Bible is taken in it's proper grammatical and contextual form can you get God's meaning....the problem is that men think they have the right to "interpret" God's Word....when that occurs, the message becomes subjective to each man's "interpretation" instead of the objective Word of God......the ONLY ones who are right and correct are those who don't "interpret" God's Word, but take it at face value....God meant what God said, and we don't get to "interpret" or change it because some things may make us uncomfortable.....and the major proof, in fact the only proof that I need that it is God's Word is when men try to "interpret" it, there are contradictions....in it's pure, proper, grammatical and contextual form the Bible has no contradictions whatsoever......so to show someone they are teaching error and falsehood, all one needs to do is show them where their teaching causes a contradiction in God's Word......and every single man-made denomination is full of contradictory teaching......
  14. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Discussion question:   
    Many religions believe the Bible is the Word of GOD......but that doesn't mean they follow it correctly in there practices, or add to it, or take away.
    the only head of the Church is God. no man is the head.  
    Read the Book of PETER
     His plan calls for local congregations to be overseen by qualified
       men, known as "elders", and whose responsibilities were to "shepherd
       the flock of God"
    Keyword there is local for you denominational folks.
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Discussion question:   
    Denomination s are man made.....
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Discussion question:   
    Rev 22:18-19.
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Discussion question:   
    and that is a major problem....many people follow what they were raised on and take man's words for truth instead of reading and educating themselves in what the BIBLE says.
  18. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Discussion question:   
    no denomination.....the ONE True Church is the one you can read about in the New Testament......no others fit the bill......
  19. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to PhatMack19 in NCAA Tourney Thread- Opening Weekend   
    Walkup is legit.  West Virginia didn't know what hit them 
    SFA wins 70-56!   
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to LumRaiderFan in WHY WELFARE TO THE ABLE?   
    Then let the states figure out how to take care of their own...not the responsibility of the fed gov.
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    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in WHY WELFARE TO THE ABLE?   
    As always, I'm with God on this one......
    2 Thessalonians 3:10-11English Standard Version (ESV)
    10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. 11 For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies.
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    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from baddog in WHY WELFARE TO THE ABLE?   
    As always, I'm with God on this one......
    2 Thessalonians 3:10-11English Standard Version (ESV)
    10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. 11 For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies.
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to LumRaiderFan in WHY WELFARE TO THE ABLE?   
    One reason...votes.
    It's a sad, pathetic cycle, but anyone that tries to break it is branded uncompassionate.
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to AggiesAreWe in My 45th Straight   
    Tomorrow will make my 45th straight state tournament attended. Started attending the state tourney in 1972 when I was 8 years old.
    My goal is to make 50 in a row.
    This will also be my 10th year as media. The EC and Silsbee game will be my 9th and 10th game broadcasted at state tourney. Hoping to do 11 and 12 this week.
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Hagar in Remembering the Reagans   
    After reading the article saying how Mrs. Reagan restored elegance to the White House, it's sad to see the current occupants show so little class.  Just another example of how this man never ceases to amaze me.  
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