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Everything posted by UNLV

  1. lol...I'll pass...
  2. I meant to post the information after I made a quick run, two hours to build suspense, I didn't mean it to be 2 days...lol, oops. Ok, this is what I heard. LU's private donations for football is already in the millions...DOUBLE DIGIT MILLIONS. add that to the Texas st system money of $17 million, we are talking a minimum of $27 Million for football so far...
  3. I heard a rumor today that will blow your mind. No time right now to post, gotta go.
  4. LU needs to pony up a lot more money than $1.5 million. You have to spend money to make money. I think LU should pay high the first few years. $500k for a big name coach, good salary for great recruiting assistants, maybe as high as $5 million per year football program. After as few years, then drop to something more affordable. This way our chances of winning fast is high. Winning means fans. Winning means support. Support and fans means invite to FBS.
  5. If Cardinal stadium is expanded, LU will top ALL slc schools the first year. After that first year comes the hard part. LU must not join the slc in football...PERIOD.
  6. I remember LU ranked 18th, then Karl Malone knocked us out.
  7. The economic growth has already started, I was expecting to see change in the mid-late 08, yet I am seeing things now. LU needs to excite the new and current people of SETX. We need to make big changes to that 1960's stadium.
  8. I'm not saying he could be the next Shaq. However it doesn't take an 140 IQ to post up, turn and shoot. Any team playing LU knows to focus defense on the guards. If we could only make them back off the guards a little, then we would see a much better team playing. If Custer can't back an aggressive guard defense off just a little, then he need not be in D-I basketball. Just post low, then shoot over your guy. He just needs to learn 2 shots. How hard is that?
  9. What is Custer doing? Why have a 6'10" center if he can't play at the slc level. Roc should be using this time to get him ready for the slc.
  10. La Salle University to Drop Football Diminished Pool of Suitable Opponents Key Factor in Decision Nov. 19, 2007 PHILADELPHIA, PA - La Salle University has announced that it will discontinue its football program effective immediately. "This was a very difficult decision, and I announce it with a real sense of disappointment," stated Director of Athletics, Dr. Thomas Brennan. "La Salle instituted a non-scholarship football program in 1997 and subsequently joined the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference (MAAC) Football League. However, the steady dissolution of the MAAC Football League and the changing landscape of collegiate football have negatively affected our program and led us to this decision. " [Hidden Content]
  11. 6'1" Point guard, 6'2" shooting guard...sounds like a mens team. excellent.
  12. 18k average or 30k average is not dreaming. it's just a matter of making it happen.LU could make it happen if they tried hard with the right ppl.
  13. Yeah, I would say and extra $10 million would get us a horseshoe. Add $3 million to that for a bowl, although the Montagne side of the bowlwould be much smaller. Maybe this is what it will take to get the community to attend games.
  14. LU surely needs to do more than dressing up that old stadium. It needs to go bowl or at least horseshoe.
  15. The first game will be a sell out. If LU wins, hopefully they schedule a cupcake, LU could average 75% of the first game. LU needs to make it fun....
  16. If the guys are signed, why is it a secret?
  17. lol..I thought the samething. Why isn't Slocum coaching anywhere else? lokl.Why would recru8its choose 0-11 SFA small town over LU and possible FBS and mid-size town.
  18. Exactly, Stump has the fire and skills, Stumps lacks the name to lure the best not taken by UT.
  19. Depends depends depends... IF... 1. Expand Cardinal stadium to 35-40k...horseshoe 2. A big name coach 3. Saturday day game 4. tailgate/carnival liike before the game... 25k first year average, 35k first game.
  20. No coach, when the shuffling begin and end, each conference will have 12. LU can't wait around to be 13th because its not gonna happen. There will be 2 mid-majors that covers this area. SWC and Sunbelt. CUSA will fold or move east to be a Florida strong conference. After the dust settles, you are stuck where you are for at least 30 years.
  21. UTSA has no plans to join the SLC, neither should LU. LU will have a small window to join a FBS conference before 2010/2011. If LU miss that window, no FBS for LU for +30 years.
  22. When JD left, Roc should have assigned a coach to Custer. 1. Teach him how to post up low. 2. Then shooting over his defender. THATS IT... we don't need Custer to dribble, we don't need him to do anything except post low and play defense. We aren't talking rocket sciences to learn 1 and 2.
  23. I agree...We also need a good DC. Frank Middleton from Kelly as the OL coach.
  24. I would like Jimmy Johnson. You asked who I like, not who was possibled.
  25. LUFAN is right, LU sucks. I think Roc built this team around JD. After JD went off, we were stuck with Custer. If Custer doesn't step up, we are screwed for the year. We can't continue "trying" to use small forward playing a 5 spot.
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