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Everything posted by UNLV

  1. Where did Terror's post go. He and katfans are trashing this move. hehe...
  2. Look at the steam coming from Terrors head. I wonder if BNSF or KCS could use a steam engine. "Yes, we plan to do that, in a five-year program we would like be in the FBS, which is the Bowl Subdivision," Tubbs said. "That's where we aspire to be. As things are moving around, we want to position ourselves to have the possibility of upgrading our football program."
  3. [quote name="LumberCard" post="794403" timestamp="1272124070"] [/quote]A basketball school. But you're 0-2 in the tourney. Neither your men or womens team can't win where it counts. HAHA...0-2. [/quote] And to be honest, since the 80's neither have we... I still don't understand why so many of our fans try to use our success from before the time when the college athletes of today were even born as a way to talk about how great we are?   ??? [/quote]Because if Terror can brag about 5 years ago or 10 years ago, why 20 or 30 or 80. Todays teams brag about how many national championships won in school history. They don't limit themselves to 7 years. SHSU had a streak of success. What kind of sense does it make to limit our bragging rights to SHSU streak of success years. When LU is back on top and SHSU is at the bottom, do you think they will limit their bragging rights to our success years?
  4. [quote name="TexasTerror" post="794337" timestamp="1272113523"] [quote author=AJ25 link=topic=68971.msg794232#msg794232 date=1272077483]I'm not from Lamar but Lamar is my hometown school. And Montana is an exception, they have been pushing to move to FBS for years.[/QUOTE] Are you sure about that? If Montana wanted to go FBS, they could have by this point. They have explored it numerous times and would rather be the top dog in FCS than some middle of the pack WAC team. [quote author=AJ25 link=topic=68971.msg794232#msg794232 date=1272077483]And Texas Southern won't sell 5,000 tickets a game, their stadium is the Dynamos stadium. This stadium is actually Lamar's.[/quote] We'll see... [quote author=UNLV link=topic=68971.msg794252#msg794252 date=1272078820]Cranky ain't we. Is it cramps or LU passing up SHSU in baseball.[/quote] Baseball is about winning in the postseason... And quite frankly, we're a basketball school at Sam. Thought you guys at UNLV er Lamar were too...??? If you were, perhaps your AD would have fired Roc instead of begging him to resign. Good ole Roc told BT to fire him if he wanted him out and Tubbs was not willing to do so. [/quote]A basketball school. But you're 0-2 in the tourney. Neither your men or womens team can't win where it counts. HAHA...0-2.
  5. [quote name="TexasTerror" post="794227" timestamp="1272077183"] [quote author=AJ25 link=topic=68971.msg794151#msg794151 date=1272070677]Keep bringin' em on Texas Terror and hating on the fact that our stadium will immediately be a better facility than yours' at Sam. Sorry bud.[/quote] You sure you are from Lamar? Your reading comprehension skills are very comparable to the UNLV fans on this board! Never was talking smack, just showing you the 'elite' FCS facilities. [/quote]Cranky ain't we. Is it cramps or LU passing up SHSU in baseball.
  6. Lamar needs to hire a coach and get the program started. It is frustrating watching all the areas great softball talent go away to school.
  7. [quote name="texasstud28" post="792758" timestamp="1271824707"] That's bull and simply untrue.  I'm about to get an MBA and yet, I qualify for food stamps.  Our economy sucks, and Obama may go down as the worst president in U.S. history.  He promised college graduates jobs in his bid for the presidency, but he lied and our country is becoming one of socialism and maybe even communism, in the near future. [/quote]Well voters need to think before they vote. He had no experience at all. Yet the MSM convinced the public he was the messiah. Think before you vote.
  8. Roc knows when to wake up. Two 4's and two 3's, sounds like a average MWC recruiting class. We still need a big man. 6'11 or taller.
  9. Kavon Rose, Devon Lamb, and Brandon Davis. A good overnight juco fix. We still need a big man so Custer can back him up.
  10. [quote name="TexasTerror" post="791743" timestamp="1271612924"] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=68738.msg791712#msg791712 date=1271602767]I say, if LU sweeps Sam, TT can't post on this site for a year. ;D[/quote] Well, this group ignores me anyway, so even if I do go away for a year, it will still remain the most ill-informed group of fans in the SLC!  ;D [/quote]Can you name your exclusive source that gave you exclusive information on Marlin not going to ULL. ;D
  11. [quote name="tupac7" post="790444" timestamp="1271301429"] I do not follow any particular district....my job takes me several places... I am just stating FACTS... BISD and its sup. can not measure up to the upper schools in the state.... I want them too, but they can't.. so why is he the highest paid sup. in the state... you can give the hater answer or you can give the truth or a honest opinion... [/quote]Stop being so naive. The easiest super job is super of a very wealthy all white ISD. The hardest would be a poor minority uneducated parents ISD. BISD falls in the middle. Thomas has done an excellent job at BISD. Before Thomas, BISD was awful. New schools, higher grades, more kids going to college is a mark of success, not failure. NYC graduation rate for minorities is about 50%. I think the Thomas haters would love Thomas he produced NYC numbers. However I think it is a bad idea to name the complex after Thomas. Wait until he retires.
  12. [quote name="ForeverADog" post="789847" timestamp="1271207445"] If he can recruit 15 players better than the worse 15 on the team then that's what he will recruit....... [/quote]I would rather he recruit 15 players better than the top 15 players.
  13. [quote name="bigredfan2" post="789493" timestamp="1271130113"] [quote author=UNLV link=topic=68385.msg789314#msg789314 date=1271112090] Heithoff plays soft. I like her off the bench but I think she plays to soft to start. [/quote] Dani is or was just a freshman.  She will get better.  Soft or not she IS tough. I have a number of photos of her taking a beating. Many times no foul called.  I have thought at times, she was picked on  because she is so pretty. [/quote]That is my point, she don't beat back.
  14. Heithoff plays soft. I like her off the bench but I think she plays to soft to start.
  15. Today LU does what it is very good at doing, choking away a lead.
  16. We need some inside players. The trip to the dance should help us get higherf ranking recruits.
  17. Well we know 2 starters for next year.
  18. [quote name="TexasTerror" post="785328" timestamp="1270171236"] [quote author=UNLV link=topic=68048.msg785270#msg785270 date=1270165180]The NCAA might move up to 96 teams. This could make it easier for a new conference to get an auto without the 6/5 rule. [/quote] How so? I think the NCAA will be capping FBS at the 136 teams (12 teams x 10 conference, 13 teams x 1 conference, 3 independents). No new conferences. If you are not in the top 136 (that 13 team conference is the MAC by the way) or not already an independent, you are S.O.L. [/quote]Wrong, just like being wrong about Marlin to ULL. BTW, when will you admit you was wrong and I was right? 96 team tourney opens the door to new conferences. Althought I think 2 or 3 new conferences is the most we will see nation wide.
  19. The NCAA might move up to 96 teams. This could make it easier for a new conference to get an auto without the 6/5 rule.
  20. We need Tubbs to get us into a FBS conference. Then he can retire.
  21. [quote name="DP#1FAN" post="784967" timestamp="1270120483"] Guys do not beat the door down to come to some schools. I don't think Roc can get any good shooters to come to Lamar. What does he have to sell them in the way of winning program? I hope Lamar can turn this around but I think it will take some changes. [/quote]Marlin was able to get shooters. Why can't Roc.
  22. Can he shoot?  no one else on the team can.
  23. We all know Terror thinks he knows more about sports than me or any of us. Remember this....     Re: NCAA tourney « Reply #10 on: March 18, 2010, 11:42:45 PM » Quote Modify Remove  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good thing ole Terror decided not to talk trash with me. Great fight SHSU put up. I think Marlin is gone. Maybe to ULL.  Report to moderator  TexasTerror Senior     Re: NCAA tourney « Reply #11 on: March 19, 2010, 06:27:36 AM » Quote  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote from: UNLV on March 18, 2010, 11:42:45 PM I think Marlin is gone. Maybe to ULL. Marlin is not in the mix at ULL. Heard from a ULL source today that he pulled out of the running last week...  
  24. As part of the ongoing NCAA Leadership Council recommendations, schools in FCS conferences that seek to upgrade to FBS will need to have been invited by an FBS conference. This is similar to the recommendations that Division 2 upgrades need to be invited to join a Division I conference before upgrading. If put in place, the new rule would eliminate the ability for a school to upgrade to FBS football as an independent. Schools rumored to upgrade in the near future include UTSA, Texas St, Charlotte and Georgia St. These schools considering FBS upgrades all have the luxury of being in the current Sunbelt footprint, which will soon be 10 football teams once South Alabama joins for football. The WAC is an option as well. But for schools in the mid-west or northeast, this is one more obstacle to upgrading [Hidden Content]
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