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Everything posted by UNLV

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOh, not its down to 2 after you said this, "As I said -- best teams in the league are TXST, SFA and maybe UTSA"
  2. [Hidden Content] Terror, what excuse do you have for this or would you rather hide....
  3. Excellent post Green, although I want to add Conns and Englobal is headquartered here as well as Entergy Texas.
  4. This team will be a rollercoaster. The starters will be great, the back ups will be lacking....
  5. "Since LU can't pack the house in the current 17,000 stadium, why waste money expanding it." That's the point people are already making now, I think you have made everyone's point for those not in favor of 30+ thousand seats... Well it is a good point. Lamar could not pack the house before so football was dropped. So what makes anything different this time around? A new field house for the coaches and players won't pack the house. Turf instead grass won't pack the house. SLC wont pack the house. FCS jv league wont pack the house. vp suites wont pack the house. So yes, they have a good point in opposing any expansion. What will pack the house? A grand stadium with a college football look and feel AND LU playing FBS. LU playing with the big boys, UT, OU, LSU. The big boys coming to Beaumont, like Fresno st or Alabama instead of Abilene Christian or Mississippi College. Locals having a good reason to stay home.
  6. This statement rules out any bowl configuration in the case there is every an expansion.... That's not entirely true. Unless the athletic complex is right on top of the end zone then there is room for seats. There's quite a few FBS stadiums that are either bowls or horseshoes with maybe 4000 or 5000 seats in the end zones. LU could squeeze around 4000 seats in front of the Montagne right now. Add another 4000 seats in the south end zone and capacity is now at 25K (and the stadium isn't even a bowl yet). If they extend the stands to meet the end zone seats that would add another 5000 or more seats and you have a 30K+ bowl stadium. Cardinal Stadium was designed to be a bowl, but that doesn't mean it has to be a perfectly shaped bowl. I bet both the Montagne Center and the new athletic complex will be tied into Cardinal Stadium so it's almost like one big complex. How much would it cost to bowl 4,000 seats in front of the Montagne? That would create a killer situation for LU and hell for opposing teams. How much would it cost to fully bowl the south end?
  7. This statement rules out any bowl configuration in the case there is every an expansion....
  8. I don't know about we, I will be disappointed. That doesn't mean I will turn my back on LU. I just think by not doing expansion now will lead to a very very very small chance of expansion ever happening. I can already hear the argument against stadium expansion, "Since LU can't pack the house in the current 17,000 stadium, why waste money expanding it." Without expanding the stadium with fbs as a future treat, LU will be seen as small time. Small time will not bring the fans out. Low attendance will lead to this arguement, "Since LU can't pack the house in the current 17,000 stadium, why waste money expanding it."
  9. I didnt say it was for athletics. What this shows is Lamar can raise big bucks when it wants too and is not the poor defenseless weakling who can't afford to be anything else except little Lamar.... Once this mentality is defeated, Lamar will soar to new heights...
  10. See what I mean... Big and powerful almighty DFW has 5 million ppl so they deserved by default the biggest and best. What about La-monroe with a student population of 7,000 in a metro population of 172,000, or La-tech or CUSA Southern Miss. Yet this area thinking is to think small, lower expectation, status quo rules while new and innovative stay away, country bumpkiness rules.. Cardinal stadium was 17,000 in the 80's, I dont remember 18,000 fans. Oh wait, a little paint here and a turf field and maybe suites for the rich will bring in those 18,000 while we play Nicholls st.... Your comparisons are very lame. Those are all very well established football programs that have been playing the last 20 years where Lamar has not. You can't really be serious about Lamar being FBS with a new 40,000 seat stadium in what is really considered being a "first year" program after being dead the last 20 years. C'mon UNLV, your comments are very unrealistic and borderline just plain stupid. Yeah, yeah, I know, "stupid is, stupid does" : We are just the meek and weak mental midgets in these parts. : Hey UNLV, "SHOW ME THE MONEY" please!!!! No, your thinking is very limited. There are those who go out and seek greatness. These people know the sky is the limit. These people always shoot to be the best, the first, the most innovative, the people who lead humanity out of caves and into the modern world. Then there are the nay sayers, the can't be doners, the limit builders, the critics of the geat minds, the ones who opposed leaving the caves. Curious, do you think a hog calling contest should be part of LU's halftime show? For the 1,000th time I ask you, please tell me where Lamar is going to get the money to do these big and bold things that you say has to be done for the Lamar football program to be successful? PLEASE LET US ALL KNOW WHERE THAT BIG MONEY IS SO WE CAN LET THE LAMAR OFFICIALS KNOW WHERE TO GET THEIR HANDS ON IT!!!! : Lamar is raising $100 million dollars. That goal is quickly nearing if not already there. If $100 million can be raised, an additional $15 million can be raised especially if Lamar said publically that money goes for stadium expansion and FBS.
  11. I was at those games in the late 70's and 80's, were you? Don't you see you are supporting the ideas that killed LU football. Small time will be viewed by the public as small time. It maybe common sense to you, however its a big gamble with very little chance of succeeding. The 80's show won't get the fans in the seat in 2010. There needs to be something new/different.
  12. See what I mean... Big and powerful almighty DFW has 5 million ppl so they deserved by default the biggest and best. What about La-monroe with a student population of 7,000 in a metro population of 172,000, or La-tech or CUSA Southern Miss. Yet this area thinking is to think small, lower expectation, status quo rules while new and innovative stay away, country bumpkiness rules.. Cardinal stadium was 17,000 in the 80's, I dont remember 18,000 fans. Oh wait, a little paint here and a turf field and maybe suites for the rich will bring in those 18,000 while we play Nicholls st.... Your comparisons are very lame. Those are all very well established football programs that have been playing the last 20 years where Lamar has not. You can't really be serious about Lamar being FBS with a new 40,000 seat stadium in what is really considered being a "first year" program after being dead the last 20 years. C'mon UNLV, your comments are very unrealistic and borderline just plain stupid. Yeah, yeah, I know, "stupid is, stupid does" : We are just the meek and weak mental midgets in these parts. : Hey UNLV, "SHOW ME THE MONEY" please!!!! No, your thinking is very limited. There are those who go out and seek greatness. These people know the sky is the limit. These people always shoot to be the best, the first, the most innovative, the people who lead humanity out of caves and into the modern world. Then there are the nay sayers, the can't be doners, the limit builders, the critics of the geat minds, the ones who opposed leaving the caves. Curious, do you think a hog calling contest should be part of LU's halftime show?
  13. See what I mean... Big and powerful almighty DFW has 5 million ppl so they deserved by default the biggest and best. What about La-monroe with a student population of 7,000 in a metro population of 172,000, or La-tech or CUSA Southern Miss. Yet this area thinking is to think small, lower expectation, status quo rules while new and innovative stay away, country bumpkiness rules.. Cardinal stadium was 17,000 in the 80's, I dont remember 18,000 fans. Oh wait, a little paint here and a turf field and maybe suites for the rich will bring in those 18,000 while we play Nicholls st....
  14. I'm not saying you dont need a new stadium. I'm for it, for you. Its the attitude of SETX. Its like a "I am inferior" mentallity.
  15. You like to rub it in when we lose, you disappear when we win.... I'm sure you will be AWOL after LU wqin conference.
  16. I have to disagree with you on the double standard. UNT's new stadium will be about the same size as their current stadium so they won't be expanding capacity. Instead of spending millions of dollars to renovate a bad stadium they want to build a new one. LU on the other hand needs to both renovate and expand the stadium and they don't have the money to do both. I don't think anyone was outraged that you wanted Cardinal Stadium expanded now. Lamar just doesn't have the money to renovate and expand the stadium while also starting up the football program and building an athletic complex too. And don't forget the this new UNT football stadium isn't a done deal. The students still need to vote on a fee increase and they need a lot of private donations. If UNT doesn't start winning then they might not get this done. Renovate and expanding the Cardinal stadium is a lot cheaper then building a new stadium. And the UNT stadium is a done deal, those ppl don't think like this area thinks. sigh...
  17. North Texas got destroyed again last night. Its one thing to lose, another to get destroyed. Rice destroyed UNT last week, Rice gets destroyed this week. So what is my point? Many you were outraged beause I think LU should expand the stadium NOW. You said no, wait until Lamar is winning. Should not UNT wait until the they win. Why the double standard for LU.
  18. Not at all -- I'm putting you 3rd or 4th in the SLC this year. I probably watch more volleyball in a week than most of you during a whole season. Just telling you how I see it... Do you ever get tired of being wrong? Soccer you had us with 0 wins, basketball you had us 7th....
  19. You beat a bad SHSU team...and a UT-Arlington team that is just as bad, if not worse. You guys know how this league is. It's top heavy and then it falls out from there. If Lamar wants to win this conference, it goes through San Marcos and Nacogdoches...outside of that, not much happening in the league, outside of UT-San Antonio... Terror is hating our success...LOL.
  20. Ha! The way UNT is playing right now we should be looking to form a conference with Mary-Hardin Baylor!! 77 to 20 lostr against Rice...
  21. Excellent question. I like to hear Terror answer it...
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