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Everything posted by UNLV

  1. How do you know Lamar can afford that? They are raising their budget so much as is with football...they'd need to raise it even more to participate in the WAC. Lamar wouldn't be in the WAC more than two or three seasons before La Tech jets out considering LU would have to wait awhile before they even left the SLC. La Tech...they don't want to be in the league and quite frankly, being in the WAC and the lack of success that has riddled their program since joining the conference, is not making them attractive. Their women's basketball program has fallen flat on it's face. Heck, the WAC even said that they are getting complaints about conference championships in Louisiana and Hawaii -- so that may stink for them even more... Schools have ups and downs. Tech is in a down and its not because of the WAC. ULL is down and ULL don't have the travel cost as Tech. Lamar was down in the SLC.
  2. It could work now it Lamar only as Tech travel partner. The extra travel cost could off-set, not 100% but close, by having more recognized teams coming to Beaumont. Would not more people attend a Lamar vs Fresno st then Lamar vs Nicholls st? Lamar vs Nevada or Lamar vs SELA Lamar vs Hawaii or Lamar vs SHSU We are talking 4-5 years in the WAC. Lamar can afford that...
  3. Coach, the exposure Lamar would get in the WAC is priceless. In Las Vegas I was at the Barbary Coast and Ceasars Palace every weekend beting on Lamar. Lamar was on the big board for all to see as well as other Sunbelt schools. The SLC is not on the big board at Ceasars or any other casino. Only the big named conferences. Big name conference means FBS conferences. Being in the WAC would move Lamar to the front of the line for CUSA. It would force Lamar to play FBS. And it would only be for a few years as conference realignment would move Lamar and Tech back this way. And we can finally restart our rivalry with Tech again. Sigh...Like I said, it'll never happen. The one coin nickle slots still rules the thinking in this area.
  4. I agree, but not by much. Once Lamar adds football the nod moves to Lamar. Texas st has size over Lamar. Lamar has a history of making noise on the national level in varies sports. Noooo...the Sunbelt would take Texas st with open arms. The Sunbelt is already mostly former SLC teams.
  5. La Tech is looking for a travel partner so travel cost won't force them out of the WAC. Should Lamar volunteer? I SAY HELL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH... BTW, the WAC likes the idea even if it is a non-football school. I wonder if Texas st already volunteered to join the WAC as tech partner. This would explain the rush to FBS....
  6. Dang, he should have waited or put up the money. Georgetown would put 10,000 in the Montagne so the extra money would have been worth it.
  7. I played with SHSU QB Danny in high school.
  8. More than likely, Roc is looking for home-and-home series. The SWAC schools have upped their ante in terms of game day guarantees in recent years and unless you give them a home-and-home (which is not ideal for many reasons), it's not a good idea. Bet UTPA requests a return date too and for those who have been to Edinburg, it's not worth anyone's while! I say give them home and home. PV and Texas Southern would put a few extra butts in a seat at the Montagne.
  9. We could have found 4 DI cupcakes;PV, TSU, UTPA, and SHSU...
  10. Are you saying Terror is trashing Lamar on another forum....Noooooooooooooooo, I don't believe it. Not Terror...
  11. They would come if we were in the same conference.
  12. I said the samething to Terror, but ofcourse the whole world is wrong and he is right. Lamar football and Texas st FBS will kill McNeese football. Unless SLC goes FBS.
  13. For someone that claims UNLV and Lamar as their #1 schools -- I am surprised you do not recognize Georgetown. I'm sure ABR3 and perhaps some of those Univ of Houston fans that lurk this board, can tell you about Georgetown... I seem to recall a guy named Patrick Ewing who went there...ABR3 can correct me, if I'm wrong! IN FOOTBALL...Geez do I need to SHSU everything down to you.
  14. WHO, WHO, AND WHO? The only school I recognize is Savannah st. And the only reason I recognize them is because the basketball team was like 0-31 a few years back.
  15. Yes it does. ODU has two Big South teams, a MEAC team and a Patriot League team. All three conference have automatic bids like the SLC does to the postseason. May not sound like much because you guys think too "regionally" with mid-majors, but comparable. Big South is a quickly improving conference (will have an auto-bid in 2010) and the MEAC has gotten two teams in during recent years. LOL... All I see is DII, Non-Scholarship and Partial-Scholarship.. Lamar is yet to sign its first player yet I would predict Lamar a winninng record versus that cup-cake schedule.
  16. McNeese and SELU doesn't sound like a ODU schedule so far....
  17. UNLV -- come back to Earth! Guess you are going to make me present to you the facts... UTA returns Guignard, Vereen, Long. All three averaged more than 12 ppg...and you have got to figure Moffitt will do more this year plus they got a nice incoming class...they even got Marquez Haynes, the Boston College transfer, who is done sitting out...played 18 minutes a game for BC, started three games and according to their Prospectus, could end up being the top player for UT-Arlington. UTA is no slouch. Didn't you predict Lamar 6th last year and a few katfans predicted Lamar wouldn't make the slc tourney. Lamar and SFA, write it in stone. UTA will go 7-9 like they did last year.... SHSU will go 5-11.. Lamar will repeat another 13-3
  18. ODU's schedule is not boring by any means. Nine Division I opponents! That's not bad for a program that is new to FCS. Coachacola, you are better than that! Look at schedules of other new programs. Seven home games and nine Division I opponents may be the best one you'll find... South Alabama is playing Hargrave Military Academy in season 1. They also have Kentucky Weslayan and if I am not mistaken, the George Mason club football team! Have you looked up Hargrave and seen who they play? Seen the score when Kentucky Weslayan played an SLC foe recently? Did you even know club football exists? You guys may not end up being jealous of ODU's, maybe you will -- but ODU has a tougher opening slate than South Alabama by far! You guys will have somewhere in the middle...three or four SLC foes (which include two road contests in your first three games), then it'll be interesting from that point forward... That is a chump schedule. I would be ashame if that was Lamar schedule.
  19. BAHHHH... McNeese and possible SELA alone has Lamar above them.
  20. UTA lost the guys that got them to the dance. Come back to Earth, Terror. And UTA has 1 non-conference home game. Lamar and SFA, everyone else is 5 steps back...
  21. What good is a better team when Lamar will be in the West. We won't go 13-3, in the west we might go 3-13. ;D I thought I would give Terror a smile because he will be crying when Lamar is dominating the west.
  22. Not in one sport, but 3-4 sports could get the hammer. I am wondering if the SLC will consider the boot. I doubt it because Burnett pulled them in, however the SLC could legally boot them.
  23. Lots of home games. Could this be because Cardinal stadium wont be available next year.
  24. That's not true -- I'm a young pup and learn quite a bit from the next generation up -- but sometimes, things said just are too out of this world and need someone to bring that back to Earth. A lot of us look at your opinion and feel the need to bring you back down to Earth.
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