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Everything posted by UNLV

  1. Thanks for letting be sarcastic in a retort to UNLV... ABR3, most of the time when dealing with an individual who has a fundamental misunderstanding of collegiate athletics and refuses to look at the truth, numbers and more -- I got to have some fun. In other words, agree with Terror or you don't know jack about sports.
  2. UNLV -- I know that you are not a math whiz by any means, but have you ever compared enrollments or alumni bases of the two schools? You think that has something to do with things? No, the alumni is not filling the stands at Tech's games. BTW, I did minor in math.
  3. I think we could get 50k there. Remember this areas MSA population is about 400,000. Lubbock is about 280,000, yet Lubbock is expanding Tech stadium to 80,000. Areas much smaller than ours and Lubbock are getting 50k. It can be done. However wasted point because of the status quo never work attitudes of this areas would never allow us to see a 50k or a 35k stadium at Lamar.
  4. That's a good problem to have, not a bad one. If there's a full stadium for every game then there's incentive (and money) for Lamar to expand the stadium. A packed stadium means poeple are enjoying Lamar football and more will come. Some schools around the country are downsizing their stadiums (Tulsa and Stanford come to mind right away) to increase demand and allow them to charge more. Well that is not exactly what I meant. I meant first home game. If Lamar expand the stadium to 35k, 35k will attend the first home game. If Lamar expand the stadium to 50k, 50k will attend the first home game. If Lamar does no expanding to the 17k stadium, 17k will attend the first home game. After the first game hype, 25% will not attend another game that season. For 35k stadium, that is 26,000k average for remaining games. 50k stadium, 38k average. 17k, 12k average which is right in line withe SLC.
  5. I see the samething happening to Lamar. I do not believe Lamar will expand Cardinal stadium for the 2010 season. I see thousands of fans and potential fans wanting to give Lamar a chance being turned away. Those fans most likely will never return.
  6. If HBU starts football, they could join the slc.
  7. UNLV -- what happened to your reading comprehension? While it does not state a time, it states that they've had this committee in place and with as big a decision as they came to and the SLC timeline (when meetings are, etc) -- had to come before Lamar's big announcement. Takes time to make things work... Anyone can put a committe in place, yet everything just so happen to fall in place around the time Lamar football is annouced. So let me put the peices together... CC not Burnett UCA, great work Burnett bad slc decisions, Tubbs fault slc tv, great work Burnett Anyone see a pattern?
  8. If you want to give me a hard time -- SLC took a risk in bringing in non-football Lamar, especially with what was at the time, a slumping basketball program. No telling if LU was going to bring in football when the SLC let Lamar back into the conference... As far as A&M-CC goes, that's not good at all. They got to get their ducks in a row... Lamar has brought more to the SLC then the SLC did for Lamar. Had Lamar stayed in the Sunbelt, Lamar would be playing FBS in 2012 instead of JV ball in the slc. Anyway, back on subject. The punishment by the NCAA for 1 or 2 of these violations are tough on non BCS schools. However we are talking 9 violations, 6 I consider very serious. Lamar is just now recovering from its 1991 womens basketball screw-up. If the NCAA does not give CC the free pass it gives to BCS schools, this could be a disaster for CC and the SLC. CC athletics could end up lower than Nicholls st for years if not a decade. Fan support will dry up. Maybe CC canceling its athletics if not a few sports. Maybe CC gets the boot from the SLC. A storm is building.
  9. I was picking on Terror, but after reading the 9 violations I see these are some serious violations. taken from katfans.... This is bad for CC, really bad.
  10. Way to go Tom Burnett.... He bring in a no football school and now this...
  11. We are lucky to have Tom Burnett as our commissioner. Under his lead, a lot of great things have happened, even before Tubbs came into the league as AD at Lamar. The big things have been our relationship with the Big 12 in football officiating, something that is now being emulated all over the place. Southland TV is huge. Taking the conference back into Arkansas, wonderful. Burnett is one of the power players at the FCS level when it comes to ADs. We got someone very well respected... Burnett had years to introduce TV, interesting the network starts after football is annouced in Beaumont. Thank Tubbs, not Burnett.
  12. Terror do you think Tubbs was behind this TV network. SLC leaders are not known for being innovative.
  13. If us dreamers were running Lamar 20 years ago instead of the no imagination nay sayers, then Lamar would not be playing catch up today.
  14. This is what Lamar needs at the south end of the stadium. The bowl with field house looking over.
  15. Terror would blame Tubbs for a super nova 90 billion light years away.
  16. If Brown walked on, then he dont could as a scholarship. And if he dropped out, not on Lamar. Only scholarships can hurt scholarships...
  17. I know, that is why I said katfan forum and not just katfans. No, long before the move to wednesday the hate for Lamar was there. I am all for parting ways. Lamar best rivals were La-Tech, UNT, LA-LAF, and Arkansas st. With the exception of McNeese, I see no rivals in the slc.
  18. Let's toss Lamar, and bring in HBU or UT Pan Am. Alteast they won't bitch as much. [Hidden Content]
  19. I dunno coach. Mass dumping loyal schools is not likely. Many SLC schools moving up, not likely.
  20. I think Lamar should schedule a home cupcake as the return to football game.
  21. I registered, but they didn't clear me to post. They don't want someone who can challenge their dufus ideas to be at the katfan party where they rag on Lamar even when Lamar is not the subject. Clearly a sign of envy.
  22. I was just poking fun at you guys... Riddle me this, how many LU students were a) alive during those wins and how many students actually know LU won a few games in the tournament? Bottom line, is it better to have had those wins or better to not have them?
  23. Lamar has 5 tourney wins, which one of those teams have 5 or more? Lamar highest ranking was 12th, which one of those schools beat that? Answer Terror...
  24. Clearly jealous of what? SHSU has led the conference in academic accolades for the last four years (or so) while being the top athletic institution three of those four years. Our institution is not jealous by any means, especially since we have no interest in playing second fiddle (nor will we) to any TSUS institution. This AIN'T NO academic forum. I don't see any post on the academic team winning the slc. SHSU has a hic-cup 3 years with no NCAA tourney win and you call that success. Get back to me when SHSU win at least 1 NCAA tourney game, just 1.
  25. You did not do home-and-homes with all the teams in the SLC West. Three of the top four RPI teams (the other being Lamar) were in the West. The teams that made the difference in OOC play -- all in the West. Hard for those not to say that Lamar would have found the same success in the West. In fact, Lamar went 0-1 at those schools while 2-0 at home. Wonder what Lamar's record would be on the road against those schools if they went home-and-home. Got to remember that LU was 14-2 at home while 5-8 on the road. Lamar actually got the 'lightweights' of the SLC on the road. Figure Lamar would've dropped a few more if they had to go to the SLC heavyweights on the road. While Pat has inability to justify his remarks and is a relative newcomer to sports -- I'd say that Lamar goes .500 at best on the road in the SLC West considering the Cards track record of road woes and tougher foes on a more consistent basis than what was seen in the East. Tubbs is not popular in many locales in the Southland Conference. Many feel that he pushes an agenda that does not necessarily positively impact the conference. While he may view it as upgrading the conference, there are those who feel that it does not have the impact Tubbs says it will. Before I even knew a lot about Tubbs (around the time he came back to the SLC), I heard so many negative things about him. He is associated with Lamar and thereby the reason that you'll find people that dislike Lamar. Oh stop with the excuses. Karfans are clearly jeolous. boo hoo hoo. I guess Lamar will have to win the west so we can hear the latest rounds of excuses. If so many hate Tubbs so much, kick us out the SLC.
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