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Everything posted by UNLV

  1. according to katfans. had we played in the west, we would have not won in basketball. [Hidden Content] weren't we 5-1 vs the west.
  2. Two seasons of Brit and Ang together. Then add Loyd and Hill... Unstoppable in slc...
  3. What is getting under my skin is how you guys are linking LU to other schools. Yes we are all TSU but LU is independent from what SHSU does or else we could all save money by sharing the same AD. And don't fall for Terror's con job. When SHSU started considering FBS, Terror couldn't control himself with joy. The day SHSU announce a move to FBS, Terror will be standing next to me calling FCS Jv peewee league ball.
  4. I agree with that, but the problem is they just can't do that right now. Thanks to the previous administrations for running LU into the ground (dropping football, leaving the Sun Belt, declining enrollment), it's going to take time to get there. I'm hoping sometime between 2012 and 2014 when the supposedly conference shakeups start happening Lamar will be ready to make that jump. If the plan is for FBS by 2012-2014 and a expanded semi-bowl or bowl stadium, then Lamar will have a successful program. Anything less, Lamar football = Titantic.
  5. A big reason I think for the new athletic fee is to help finance football, even during the bad times. Since they now know the harm that canceling football caused I doubt they would do it again. Technically they were D1-A but Lamar mostly played SLC level D1-A schools and they also played a lot of non-D1 schools. Attendance didn't drop just because Lamar went I-AA, there were a lot of other factors, like the local economy tanking and people leaving SETX in droves and Lamar all but abandoning the football program in favor of basketball and letting it die a slow death. I think the economy played a part, however when Lamar football started dropping, the Beaumont economy was ranked number 1. Look it up. But I don't want to argue this case again. It's not in either one of our hands. I think Lamar football is a guarantee success play FBS in a bowl type stadium. I think Lamar football struggle playing FCS in a high school looking stadium. Las Vegas vs Lake Charles, ppl like the loud flashy types.
  6. I disagree. That thinking is what built the basketball program. Lamar's success in basketball came when they played in the 3500 seat McDonald gym. Basketball went downhill soon after the Montagne Center was built. There were big crowds at the Montagne Center for a few years, but after the "shock and aww" wore off, people stopped coming because the team stopped winning. Winning is what got Lamar a nice large arena and winning is what kept them coming. Now about football. The fans know LU won't be competing at UT's or LSU's level for a while. That doesn't mean they won't show up. Back in 1979 Lamar went 6-3-2 and averaged over 16K per game. Here's who they played at home that year: La Tech, West Texas A&M, McNeese, UL-Laf, and Northwestern State. No great teams, no big name school, mostly former and current SLC teams. Lamar just needs to win and the rest will follow. What if they don't win? cancel football again? stay FCS? Back in 1979, Lamar played at LSU and UT level so 16k was a slam dunk. Lamar football attendance went down after I-AA and now Lamar wants to repeat that I-AA/FCS mistake.
  7. It doesn't matter, it should be SFA and Lamar at the top again....
  8. You do know that thinking was used to kill football at Lamar. "If we kill football, then we can use the resources to build up other sports and improve the campus, then fans will fill the montagne, then the school can grow with improvements then we can return football in 10 years." It didn't work out. Why? too many "then's" to accomplish. Now Lamar starts FCS, then must build up, then get community support, then invite to another conference, then increase stadium sizes, etc.. Can it work that way? yes. In my opinion its unlikely. Without shock and aww, Lamar risk the old lamar small time football image returning.
  9. That's harsh. Is there anyway we can get UNLV kicked back to UNLV? UNLV is an enthusiastic supporter of Lamar and there's nothing wrong with that. Exactly. All I want for Lamar is the best of the best. The best conference Lamar can get into, the best stadium, best recruits, the best everything yet that pisses off so many. We all want the best for Lamar. It's just that most of us realize that Lamar does not have carte blanche when it comes to conference, facilities, and players. We know they do not have the money to provide these opportunities but enough to get the ball rolling and to build from there. For some odd reason, you don't understand this concept. Now if you are proposing that Lamar wait till they get enough money to build these bigger and better facilities and go FBS, then I can understand that. But it seems you think they can do that right now, and that's just absurd. You're in LALA Land. No, its people like you who nay say everything. You lack an imagination and vision to see anything that could be great. Lamar and Beaumont went 40 years without growth because of leaders who think like you. I like to use Kemah as an example. I'm sure you and many others would have said, one day before construction on the boardwalk started, this guy is an idiot to build a tourist resort in this dump. You lack that vision. I am a true believer in build it, build it right, people will come. I watched it work for years in Las Vegas. I'm watching it now in Galveston and Gilchrist. I'm happy Beaumont in waking up and abandoning your way of thinking. I'm happy Dr Simmons do not think the nay sayers way. Lamar built Cardinal village, Lamar built them right, people came to fill them. Lamar has started football, if Lamar don't do it right, people will not come. PERIOD... You are leaving out one important fact with your examples. All those " visions " had the financial backing to do those things with, Lamar doesn't, at least to the high standard that you want it to be. There's nothing wrong with starting at the bottom and working up. Many a great thing has been built that way. Trust me, I am not a nay sayer. I want Lamar to go big time, but I know it will take some time to do it. There is no quick fix here. I have the patience to give Lamar the time they need to get there. I do have some insight to what's going on at Lamar with the football program. I'll just say, it will take longer than expected with the type upgrades that you are wanting. That doesn't mean that Lamar can't be successful. I believe they will because of who they have in charge. There are risks from moving too slow. Let me give you an example scenario. Lamar starts football, Lamar decides to play FCS for 5 years before considering to move up. 1st year, lets say Lamar fill the little 17,000 seat stadium every game. 2nd year lets say Lamar average 10,000 per home game... the first year hype wont last forever especially playing Nichols st. 3rd year 10,000 again... 4th same 5th same I am being very generous with the numbers even if Lamar is winning. Lamar basketball was 13-3 in conference yet SETX half a million population could only manage 5,000 average. Therefore with numbers like these, the nay sayers will say why would Lamar move up with 10,000 average per game? why wasted the money when the money can be used for something else? In a frugal area like this you must build it quickly or it wont get built at all.
  10. That's harsh. Is there anyway we can get UNLV kicked back to UNLV? UNLV is an enthusiastic supporter of Lamar and there's nothing wrong with that. Exactly. All I want for Lamar is the best of the best. The best conference Lamar can get into, the best stadium, best recruits, the best everything yet that pisses off so many. We all want the best for Lamar. It's just that most of us realize that Lamar does not have carte blanche when it comes to conference, facilities, and players. We know they do not have the money to provide these opportunities but enough to get the ball rolling and to build from there. For some odd reason, you don't understand this concept. Now if you are proposing that Lamar wait till they get enough money to build these bigger and better facilities and go FBS, then I can understand that. But it seems you think they can do that right now, and that's just absurd. You're in LALA Land. No, its people like you who nay say everything. You lack an imagination and vision to see anything that could be great. Lamar and Beaumont went 40 years without growth because of leaders who think like you. I like to use Kemah as an example. I'm sure you and many others would have said, one day before construction on the boardwalk started, this guy is an idiot to build a tourist resort in this dump. You lack that vision. I am a true believer in build it, build it right, people will come. I watched it work for years in Las Vegas. I'm watching it now in Galveston and Gilchrist. I'm happy Beaumont in waking up and abandoning your way of thinking. I'm happy Dr Simmons do not think the nay sayers way. Lamar built Cardinal village, Lamar built them right, people came to fill them. Lamar has started football, if Lamar don't do it right, people will not come. PERIOD...
  11. That's harsh. Is there anyway we can get UNLV kicked back to UNLV? UNLV is an enthusiastic supporter of Lamar and there's nothing wrong with that. Exactly. All I want for Lamar is the best of the best. The best conference Lamar can get into, the best stadium, best recruits, the best everything yet that pisses off so many.
  12. Not in Beaumont, but they can play. LU nd OU football will still be on the same level.
  13. The arrow continues to point to FCS as the final resting place.
  14. Sunbelt would welcome Lamar with open arms, If Lamar announce FBS after 2011. I would prefer the Sunbelt over the SLC. However I think the Sunbelt will move east with Monroe bering the far west school.
  15. No, it was between UTEP and Tech...the WAC schools. It's all about where you been. Though UNT brings more to the table then Tech, Tech gets the edge. UNT and Tech shouldn't fight each other, they should fight together. UNT, Tech, and even Lamar hasn't did much since splitting apart. Imagine UNT, Tech, Lamar, Ark st, ULL together Again. Add UTSA Tulsa SMU Rice Tulane
  16. Utah Valley North Dakota South Dakota Texas Pan American Houston Baptist New Jersey Institute of Technology
  17. At UNLV when I was there, they built a classroom building. The campus population grew by 3,000 in 1 year. Lamar could do the same and recruit more out of Houston. I say lets wish for 20,000 by 2015. I know its not likely, but still its better to hope for more...
  18. I dont see how the SLC can move up unless they boot a few schools.
  19. I agree, more time is needed. However I doubt that time is available. Lets say you are right, 2014 is the time. That means teams must make an announcement by 2012...right?
  20. UNLV...you really want Lamar to be the next ULM and LaTech? Two programs who since ULM moved from the SLC to the SBC and La Tech, from the SBC to the WAC...have seen their premier programs fall flat on their tail? You don't hear about Lady Techsters WBB anymore, do you? If a school leaves the CUSA, who is next in line? LA-Tech Tech and Lamar is about the same size. Tech and Lamar was former rivals in the same conference. So why is it Tech is a big name school and Lamar is small time? So yes, I'd rather see Lamar in Tech position. UL-Monroe recently beat Alabama in football. Yes, I would rather see Lamar in UL-Monroe position.
  21. If you go FBS, don't cut your band...Nevada had to do so to save $$$. Bet if they stayed FCS and did not suffer hemorrhaging of the $$$, that they would not have to do this... 2014 is the next wave of massive realignment if you ask me. Will Lamar be ready? Could a San Marcos shake-up in their move to FBS hurt the chances of TSUS sisters SHSU and Lamar? [Hidden Content] Your basing that on ND 5 year contract. Nope, the shake it will happen sooner. ND is not the spark.
  22. La-monroe is much smaller than Lamar with a much smaller metro. Lamar might surpass La-tech this fall and our metro is bigger.
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