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Everything posted by UNLV

  1. How about updating the slc cup race? hehe...
  2. It would be a stepping stone to the next level, if assistant coach is not his thing.
  3. Saw a recent article about the coaching hire that mentioned Centenary as possibly going to Div III. Have to admit, I had not heard that nor seen that anywhere else, so take it for what it's worth... Centenary must be ran by former Lamar administrators.
  4. I say Tarleton st.
  5. SHSU was using those big fat bats you see kids using. I don't know why Lamar didnt notice.
  6. This coming from a program that has failed to find success in the SLC tournament as of late. Throw in the fact it's in Huntsville, that's going to help...if the pitching continues to be strong and the Kats get as high a seed as possible in order to draw a very winnable first game (though nothing is guaranteed in the "lowly" SLC as you guys like to call it), I like their odds... Exactly, going into the tourney after beating everyone hurts because of the revenge factor. Now we will be the team with revenge on the mind while top teams will have the X on their backs. UTA in basketball...
  7. UTA, like Lamar, needs to focus on big players.
  8. This another reason we should leave the slc. I'm tired of Lamar letting the slc teams win because they feel pity for them.
  9. I think SHSU is cheating. Someone needs to check them for listening devices.
  10. As your history will point out, Beaumont was founded and built on the petroleum industry. The industry and the refinery has provided good living standards for many, many families in this area since the early 1900's. Who knows what this area would have been without the oil discovery and the developement - refinery - that followed. Now people use the word "Refinery" like a dirty word. My, how things change. I don't live in Beaumont now but did for many years. The refinery never bothered me. That's because I came to Lamar in 1955 to try to play football. The refinery was not the problem - but the sulphur plant (then, but since closed) darned near choked all of us to death. Sorry Tiger, I can be such a perfectionist at times. Beaumont was founded in 1838, 63 years before oil. And what growth and prospects did the area have for the period 1838 until the Spindletop discovery? And, what exactly is a perfectionist? Lumber mill town. If not for oil, a mega lumber mill would be next to Cardinal stadium.
  11. We are all idea out. We are ready to here the real name so we can start discuss how this coach should build this team. We are experts ya know.
  12. Same excuse used to drop football.
  13. As your history will point out, Beaumont was founded and built on the petroleum industry. The industry and the refinery has provided good living standards for many, many families in this area since the early 1900's. Who knows what this area would have been without the oil discovery and the developement - refinery - that followed. Now people use the word "Refinery" like a dirty word. My, how things change. I don't live in Beaumont now but did for many years. The refinery never bothered me. That's because I came to Lamar in 1955 to try to play football. The refinery was not the problem - but the sulphur plant (then, but since closed) darned near choked all of us to death. Sorry Tiger, I can be such a perfectionist at times. Beaumont was founded in 1838, 63 years before oil.
  14. Staying in the Southland is like putting Lamar on the crack pipe. There was a study that came out a few weeks ago that said this area has an inferior view of it's self. The people in this area feel Beaumont should never better itself, Houston and Austin deserves anything new and innovative. That we are not worthy of any considered good. So there is loud voices screaming to keep the status quo. You can see it on this forum, you can see it in the Jefferson county leaders, you can see it when you look at the history of Lamar between 1970 to 1999. Thank Goodness Dr Simmons and the Legend is not of that mnindset. I may be having a senior moment but I seem to remember Lamar decided to go back to the Southland after several years of playing with the big dogs in the Sun Belt. Big dawgs like La-Monroe, school pop. 7,000. Lamar came back to the SLC because someone had the mentallity of a fly. Every week I use to see Lamar name on the big board at Ceasars Palace, Barbary Coast, Flamingo, Mirage, and Star Dust(RIP). Southland teams don't make the board. Bad leadership is so frustrating.
  15. OK, I'll call you crazy. For starters, it's an outdoor stadium...why have it right on top of the refinery??? Second, we don't have enough parking over there. If we draw more than 5,000 for basketball you have to start parking across MLK. Third, where is everyone going to park if we actually want to try and draw 10-15,000 for a football game??? Exactly....
  16. I don't get it. Boutte is a high school coach and you are getting all excited wanting him to coach at LU? Makes no sense. He should be begging Lamar to give him a shot to move up...not the other way around. Both Boutte and Lamar would benefit greatly from each other, neither should have to beg but neither should be so blind not to see the benefit. Boutte could help raising Lamar Signing players by 1 and in some cases 2 stars.
  17. I agree! What an awesome clip and what an awesome team!! And Barbre could flat out coach (and recruit). That was a great time going to watch those teams and that tourney run was absolutely awesome. I think the problem was we got too good too fast and we beat the wrong teams (UT and LSU) that year. I'm still convinced a lot of it was a witch hunt to bring down our program for beating those schools. We beat UT, LSU, then Arkansas to reach the elite 8. And yes it was an a successful push to bring LU down, and the Lamar went along. No team today would fire a successful coach for giving out a few dollars in pocket change.
  18. Staying in the Southland is like putting Lamar on the crack pipe. There was a study that came out a few weeks ago that said this area has an inferior view of it's self. The people in this area feel Beaumont should never better itself, Houston and Austin deserves anything new and innovative. That we are not worthy of any considered good. So there is loud voices screaming to keep the status quo. You can see it on this forum, you can see it in the Jefferson county leaders, you can see it when you look at the history of Lamar between 1970 to 1999. Thank Goodness Dr Simmons and the Legend is not of that mnindset.
  19. I find that hard to believe that Tubbs does not want to stay long term in the SLC. He's doing a respectable job as far as making his voice heard in this conference as he works to "improve" it... Hey, let's not put the cart before the horse here. Tubbs would be stupid to look beyond SLC for atleast the next 10 years. Let's get the program established and running. When you start whipping the boys across the Sabine, then we can talk about beyond the SLC. And everyone can stop dreaming, we're not getting a "Big Name" coach coming to Lamar to start a 20 year dead program! We need someone with college level coaching exp., and local ties to here. Someone willing to endure 1-9 and 2-8 seasons for the next 2-4 years. Your not going to see the Mac Brown's or Les Miles' lining up for that job! No, just the opposite, not looking beyond the slc is stupid. Nobody wants to see Lamar vs Nicholls st or Lamar vs Tarleton st. Nobody except Terror.
  20. He was a SHSU assistant before he landed in San Marcos. Major part of our 2004 run. I think he's going to be a finalist. Tubbs would be in the wrong not to give him a up close and personal look considering the names I've seen do not as many SLC ties (since you don't want Jim Bob) as Norton... HaHa, in your dreams. Reguardless of the fact he coached at SHSU, you have posted many times basically saying Texas st sucks at football. Yet you want Lamar to hire one of the coaches of a team you says sucks. I bet you have dreams of LU football failing.
  21. Ben Norton would be the best hire if you want someone that knows how to win in the SLC... Time at SHSU, McNeese and now at Texas State - San Marcos. Graduate of SFA. Vidor native. Recruits Golden Triangle. Would love nothing more than to coach at Lamar. [Hidden Content] As much as you spit on Texas st football, you want one of Texas st assistant to build Lamar's program. That sounds desperate to me. Terror you must really fear Lamars rise.
  22. Memphis coach and roster will have a hard time accepting this.
  23. We play SHSU twice next year. Here our chance to show them who's the master and who is Sho-nuff....
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