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Thats what Lamar needs to do, horseshoe the stadium, build huge press boxes on the refinery side of stadium, suites on the west side, video scoreboard on the Montagne, turf, for $20 million.
Did you know ExxonMobil gave $100 million or the price of a new Cardinal stadium to Stanford in 2007.
Click on Lamar vs Virginia for a trip to the final four, there is a highlight clip... [Hidden Content]
Everyone else building a new stadium, why can't Lamar. We are the birth place of the worlds largest richest company; ExxonMobile. The ExxonMobil stadium. Anything partnered with the county would be a huge mistake. I say new stadium. Turn Cardinal stadium into a track & field/soccer stadium.
Why it couldn't be high schools playing at a college stadium?
Texas State - San Marcos already announced their plans to leave by announcing they will move to FBS in job postings, at public meetings on campus and the such. One thing to look into it, another to publicly advertise that you are doing it... nope, Texas st announce their plans to go FBS. They didn't announce the departure of the slc. Texas st plan could be FBS in 2011. Just because a team announce FBS plans doesn't mean the school gets kicked out now. The slc still needs time to find a replacement team for Texas st....and UTSA ....and LAMAR ;D No, I would like Lamar to give the slc the bye bye. Bring back the old slc teams into a new conference and a few new schools. ULL La Tech UNT Ark st Lamar Texas st UTSA New Mexico st Rice SMU Tulsa Tulane
Two years or at the discretion of the ADs per the by-law.. Two years (even if you do not count this year) would leave the Bobcats as an independent with one more year before the moratorium is lifted. It would really hurt their athletic program... Now, if Lamar plays a full SLC slate in 2010 (as at least one of you want), that would handle that issue. I'm fine with 11 teams across the board in all sports for a year or two until we add another squad... Texas st will announce their plans to leave next year, giving them 2 years. Texas st did nothing wrong so there will be no kicking.
Terror, Texas st should have 2 years before the SLC could ask them to go. right?
I call it Boutte hating. The man won everywhere he coached. Were Beaumont schools going to state before Boutte?
Ok, who told him?
Southland is kicking nobody. Southland knows change is near and that it will lose a few schools.
Check out Bluedove numbers...lol.
Ralph Nader...
I enjoy the forum more when we talk and give our opinion on news not yet released versus not chatting at all...
I would say it. If Lamar expand to 30k or 42k, the stadium would be full first game. After that, the numbers will fall to about .70-.60 for the rest of the season. The results of the first season will determine second season.
As strong as the MVC is in basketball, football could break up that conference. Privates vs public is breaking up that conference. If it did break up, UALR will get the call to join basketball schools and I am sure Denver is watching. Bradley Creighton Evansville Drake Denver UALR Eastern Illinois Oral Roberts North Dakota South Dakota Western Illinois -------------------- Wichita st and Southern Illinois would join UTSA, La tech, and New Mexico st in the new SWC. I'm sure UNT would join. So that leaves the Sunbelt with 2 open spots.
SFA and SHSU united to bash Texas st. I'm sure UTSA is secretly cheering on Texas st. The slc is becoming the Democratic party. One correction Terror, Denver is good as gone out the Sunbelt so there will be room for Texas st. UALR is looking at other options, UNO may follow.
Anyone notice Terror wants it both ways. Lamar basketball is history, history is not important. Yet football, oh now we need some history. Oh wait, Texas st football history is not good. It seem the importance of history changes with each view made by Terror.
I'd rather have a 30k horseshoe. Besides that design would have the stadium on the feeder road.
Lamar does not have football nor a compelling argument to move to FBS at this point due to a) current lack of football (with no telling how well they will do) -- schools like South Alabama have an advantage already having a seat at the table despite a lack of football, which just makes adding football easier... can not say they have been consistent in men's basketball, which would obviously be a foot in the door to any FBS conference... It's a different situation... Do you not want us out anyway, reguardless of football. All you will ever get is slc bashing from us. Replace us with a school that appreciates the slc. What do you say.
Will give your program credit... For as much as you guys talk about Lamar being this great basketball power, you have one NCAA tournament appearance in the last however many years to claim for it -- and that was one of those years you were a very bad seed... And for as much as Texas State - San Marcos has the $$$ and all the talented recruits that picked them over FBS schools and plenty more (picking themselves to win the SLC each and every year), they have one SLC title and it was a co-championship with players recruited by a known NCAA rule violator... Very similar...but then again, football-wise. Lamar does not have a team on the field just yet and until they do, there's no telling whether they will be successful in the SLC . No telling if you will be closer to McNeese or closer to your TSUS sister school in San Marcos... Does that mean you want Lamar out too?
If that's the case, what are you good at, outside of getting under my skin? Not sure what this ratio has to do with anything... Did you know that schools with larger enrollments than yours have Div II football and Div III football? Did you know that schools in larger MSAs than the Golden Triangle have Div II and Div III football? We can all pull stats out of our backside that do not mean much... Did you know Monroe enrollment is 7,000 and they play FBS.
UTSA is not a member of the conference in football. They have yet to do anything as far as announcing football is a go and have yet to make as bold a statement as Texas State-San Marcos has as it relates to their football program -- namely due to a lack of a program at present time. ABR3, several things... 1) Texas State - San Marcos will not win the SLC next season. In their 20+ years in the conference, they have one title, one they won in large part due to recruits brought in by the biggest rule violator the SLC has seen in the 21st century -- Manny Mataskis -- including one, Barrick Nealy, who was brought in illegally. 2) SHSU fans want Texas State - San Marcos out of the conference because of the rules laid out by the SLC by-laws. It is our feeling that certain individuals in the conference refuse to acknowledge the by-laws. The by-laws were set in place for the good of the conference, just like all other by-laws. These by-laws, if you read them, dictate how things work in the conference and while I disagree with some things (i.e I want the limit of sub-Div I basketball games reduced to four and football games reduced to one), they are the rules and we must abide by them. The conference must acknowledge that Texas State - San Marcos has announced a move to FBS and in doing so, they have activated a condition of the by-laws. The conference needs to announce now that they plan to cut ties with Texas State-San Marcos at the end of the second academic year and also make it clear what privileges will not be allowed by Texas State - San Marcos as those two years go by. This is pretty similar protocol to that of other conferences. While I'd like for Texas State - San Marcos to have a rough road to FBS (considering they did "flourish" at this level -- ha!), I do understand they are granted their two years. To me, the conference has not officially acknowledged that Texas State - San Marcos has announced a move up, but they have on numerous occasions. The conference refuses to talk about it and needs to be pressed on the issue. It's unfortunate that the SLC will not act because unless Billy Tubbs doesn't like it (and since Lamar doesn't have football yet, he could care less), nothing is going to happen...and that quite frankly, is the view of many around the conference, whether they will say so or not... Why can't you and katfans want Lamar out too. C'mon Terror, want us out too. Please. I would support you as SLC commisioner if you want us out too.
I'm not very good at explaining my views, so let me try another way. This is why I am so passionate about rushing Lamar to FBS. I already told you about conference alignment, now or next time in 30 years. Look at this stat... Louisianna...pop. 4,500,000 Texas...pop. 23,000,000 Houston MSA. pop. 5,700,000 La. has 4 FBS public schools Tx has 6 FBS public schools Do the La to Tx ratio..
Don't let Terror trick you, Lamar does not need to go independent in other sports to go FBS. Terror is afraid Lamar, Texas st, and UTSA will up SHSU. What other reason would angier him so much. Would you and I be full of rage if SHSU moves up? no, we would say good luck. Represent Texas well in FBS.