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Everything posted by UNLV

  1. Many of us know how the business of collegiate athletics has changed -- guess you didn't get the memo? Come on UNLV, you know better. I do not think the Southland was ever on equal footing with those conferences. We were at a higher level than we are now by leaps and bounds, but we were still on a second tier... And now we are a 3rd tier. You seem perfectly happy with that.
  2. Terror your problem is SHSU has never been near the top and the Southland you know is the lowly Southland of today. Many of us knew the Southland when it was a standing side by side with the SEC and Big 10. I remember Southland teams going to bowls, La Tech mens BB ranked #8, Lamar ranked #18, sweet 16's, blowing out SEC teams instead of them blowing us out like todays reality. Once you had a taste of that, you want more. Terror SHSU never tasted that before. Just being DI is enough for you. Lamar fans can never go back to the sweet innocent virgin state SHSU is in.
  3. And what angiers me is that the Southland is satisfied with the status quo and so is most of the member schools.
  4. How do we know now that you're not joking, about joking, and Switzer is named the coach? huh?
  5. I think Switzer name will get the recruits while the younger coaches do most of the coaching while Switzer is styling on FOX. Kinda like how Tubbs set things up for Roc.
  6. When Tubbs first took over as AD, Switzer was the name he mentioned. He also mentioned the WAC. Ofcourse the landscape looks different today so maybe the WAC is out. Tubbs also said I-AA will not work in Beaumont. With Lamar on national tv every weekend, this will help Roc and other sports in recruiting.
  7. That shows how far the conference needs to go.
  8. Many here didn't like the idea, however he is the second best choice. First is Jimmy Johnson. Give him all the Fox breaks he want. Can you imagine Lamar being mentioned every weekend on national tv before a NFL game. Imagine the recruits we get from that.
  10. I think you'll be disappointed UNLV but I hope I'm wrong. If they only have $6.5 million planned for stadium upgrades then that will barely cover upgrading the pressbox, seats, scoreboard, etc. It would probably take an additional $10 million to horseshoe the stadium. I'm concerned the $5 million or so they have planned for the field house isn't enough. Didn't McNeese just spend around $9 million on their field house? Hopefully the announced figures of what they plan to spend isn't the total they plan to spend. I heard Lamar has raised a whole lot more than you mentioned. A whole lot more.
  11. That has nothing to do with Lamar. Houston MSA 5,000,000 UH 30,000 you say football 15,000 Lake Chuck MSA 178,000 McNeese 8,000 football 16,000
  12. We probably won't know the coach for a while, so I am more interested in the stadium plans. Anything less than a horseshoe will leave me disappointed.
  13. Roc can only do so much for a low seed conference.
  14. i understand that, but as far as lamar is concerned we need to start by winning more games than we have been winning. im a firm believer that winning fixes a lot of things in any program, regardless of conference. and right now slc or not lamar is not winning enough games to get respect from the rest of the country. if we join another conference and win 20+ games a year then im all for it, but what happens if we join another conference and become a celler dweller. as for me id rather be on top of the lowly slc than at the bottom or middle of any other conference. believe me i agree that eventually we will need to move to another conference if schools like SFA, SHSU, or McNeese move. but for now imo we need to stay in the slc. Look at this way. Lets rate all recruits 1 to 5. 5 being superstars, 1 being good enough for D1. The big name conference gets the 4-5's. Midmajors like gets the 3's, some 4's and some 2's. The low majors like the slc gets the 1's and some 2's and sometimes a 3. How will a team with 1's compete with 5's. As a result, Roc could only do so much before he is working in vein. For Lamar basketball to grow, a higher conference which gets the 3's or 4's is a must. Lamar still has more room to grow however there will be a limit ion that growth in the slc.
  15. Makes some noise in the tourney you say. The SLC is something like 2-22 in the tourney over the past 20 years. The talent in the slc is not there for more than 1 win a decade.
  16. 3rd from the bottom. LU. This is why I think Lamar could make this conference. Lamar will be adding 3 more sports, making Lamar a 16 sport school. Lamar is already equal or better than most of those schools in other sports. Lamar brings to the table a good size market. The one negative right now is football. Now if Lamar lands a big name coach and big plans for football, then that negative can turn positive.
  17. SMU, UTEP, Houston, North Texas, Rice, Tulsa, Tulane, Louisiana Tech, and either Southern Miss or Arkansas State. This is about as close as you'll get to the old Southwest Conference. Call it Southwest Conference Lite. ;D Let me get my notes out. Southwest Conference ------------------------- UAB UH NM st UTSA UNT Tulsa SMU Rice La-tech LU Tulane ULL UH could go Big 12 UAB could tag along with Memphis
  18. If anyone calls in, ask coach about ms 30 pts a game Katrina Harris from Central. This kid can score and she did it at the 4A level and against 5A schools. Lamar could use this kind of scoring off the bench and maybe starting in 3-4 years. Or did she sign with another school?
  19. UTA has no chance, not even a scare. Too bad they couldn't have gotten another number 1 seed. Memphis 96 UTA 57
  20. SLC baseball is very strong this year. 2 teams from slc is going, maybe a 3rd.
  21. He has a top 25 class coming in. We are talking 2 players better than Tamara; Green and Kalis. Another player not as good as Tamara, but can score and has height to solve our rebounding problem. She should open things up for Brittany. If Lady cards can get to the championship game with the current so-so ability team, imagine what the new recruits will do. Top 25 in 2 years, You heard it here from me first.
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