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Cardinal Fan

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Posts posted by Cardinal Fan

  1. Just got back from Natchitoches it was a great game. Just one thing Baker didn't strike out to end the game. With a runner at 3rd and 2 outs Baker hit a shot right to the 3rd baseman who threw him out. Coach G said after the game he was suprised the 3rd baseman was playing so close to the line, normally teams give Baker the line because he hits more to the hole. Instead he played the line and it worked out, G said just about any game this year that would've been a hit for him. Also G flat out said he didn't believe his team lost to Sam Houston last night he didn't want to go into detail but you could tell he was still frustrated.

    Well, I guess you can say we are all frustrated Lamar Fan's right now. The loss to SHSU isn't what killed the season. That is one game, there are several others in which either the pitching or fielding was terrible by DI baseball standards. If I was Coach G., that is what I'd be frustrated about.

    I will say with the upgrades to other baseball facilities in the SLC the administration at Lamar needs to step up for Gilligan. I know they used $1 million last year to have the stadium in shape to play ball but look at SHSU and SFA for examples. They have/are building multi million dollar stadiums. That is hard to recruit against!

    Vincent-Beck needs a major upgrade and Coach G. will be able to recruit the players we need to win the SLC tournament again and head back to a regional.

  2. I was not there, but my cousin was on the 1994 LCM team and he told me at halftime of the WO-S game, DW didn't say a word, he just went to the chalk board and drew an elaborate drawing of a castle.  He then drew a crude looking outhouse next to it, turned to the kids and said, "Where do you want to be when this is over? The Penthouse or the Outhouse?". It really fired them up!

    As a transfer student I didn't know DW very well when football practice began my senior year but I still remember him turning around a baseball cap and while doing tackling drills he form tackled a kid who was in full pads and Coach Williams was in a T-shirt and short. I thought, man this guy is crazy.

  3. It is a shame that adults do not understand sarcasm anymore!  I Am closer to DW than anyone on this board and I think he is one of the three greatest men I have ever met. He is also the best FB Coach I have ever seen, bar none.  Unfortunately, the community had a very short memory and the "he can't coach" came from them, not me.  DW gave LCM 33 years of faithful service and he did not even get a "thank you" when he left.  They should name the stadium after him!  Then this new coach comes in and wins 8 games in two years and they think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I was merely comparing the records of each man's first two years, 8-12 for the current coach, 20-3 for DW. You do the math!

    Sorry, I didn't catch the sarcasm in your post. I know a lot of people wanted "new blood" after Coach Williams last few years weren't overly successful on the field. Please except my apology. I'm just a little sensitive to the unbelievable remarks I've heard in the past regarding this wonderful coach. He was the DB coach when I played there and my brother worked for the man. He has ALWAYS been there for my family when we needed him.

    My brother thinks of Coach Williams as a second father. I may not be overly close to him as you may be but I know Dan is.

  4. It seems that Year 3 of the Moody regime should procduce a district, if not state champion.  After all, he was 5-5 last year. He has a great program if left alone, he will definitely be there when the chips are down.  Coach Moody is the best thing to happen to LCM since David Williams went 36-11 in his first four years(32-8 in regular season).  I figure since DW couldn't even coach, this guy should be ready to win state!

    Are you are a flipping idiot? DW is the only HC to EVER lead LC-M to the playoffs. He is a wonderful man, was a great coach and is very loyal to his players, his staff, his team and his community.

    The man you state can't coach doesn't need the headache anymore of running a athletic program as he is very wise with his money and made some very good investments. The man has more money than you or I probably ever will.

    Now back to the topic of LC-M making the playoffs. I think they are prime for a run at the district title and as a alum of the North Orange school district I'd be very proud of the Bears if they earned a playoff spot.

    However a run at the State Championship may be premature.

  5. I'll be honest, you guys don't want to sit around me. I don't think there is a place in the world much less a sporting event for racism, profanity, sexual comments, or personal attacks on players, other teams fans or the refs but WE ARE TALKING ABOUT BOOING. Good God, I promise I've been booed before and deserved it. Have all the calls I made is the past been correct, heck no. I have officiated men's softball games in the past and it can get heated.

    Personally if it is just booing I don't see the big deal.

    Of course this is my own opinion, you guy are very much entitled to yours.

  6. Well, the men have a verbal commitment from Ashton Hall. They are recruiting Donohoe at HJ, Keller at Lee College, Netherly, the 6-6 kid at WO-S and from what I've heard they are recruiting J'Covan Brown. I've also heard they are looking at Tramain Thomas from EC. Who else would you like them to recruit? They suppose to be looking at a kid currently playing at Kountze.

    Honestly there aren't any more top DI talent I'm aware in SE Texas. Please list a few you think can compete in the SLC or above.

  7. It would be great to have football back at Lamar, but at what level would they start and how would scholarship numbers be affected by that? I totally agree that the Cards would have to get as many recruits from the area as they can, but how many of those kids can afford tuition if there are limitations on scholarships? We all know the economy isn't very good in Southeast Texas, so for a while it might be tough to get some of the better available local kids when they can get their educations paid for at more established football schools. Thoughts?

    Lamar University will never beat out the UT's, A&M's, LSU's, Texas Tech's of the world of college football on a player. If those kids are good enough to play at the elite football schools it will be hard to land them even if Lamar had a winning football program rich in tradition. I somewhat disagree with the local economy statement. From everything I've read and heard, un-employment is the lowest it has been in 10 years and it is definitely better than back in the 80's. The wages for this area are comparable to other areas in the state. For example in my career field, I'm make more than I did when working in the D/FW metroplex.

    In closing, there is a major population growth expected in SE Texas in the next 5-10 years with growth in population in the Triangle said to be over 500,000. That would be huge for the economy and Lamar University with or without football!

  8. If they run FAT 4.2 then it is legit.  Oyherwise I would be skeptical.

    You do mean flat 4.2, right? If it is a hand held time, there is always the possiblity of human error. That is why when I attended HS I had to run the forty multiple times in 4.5 for the coaching staff to consider it to be a legit time.

    Now, the Golden Triangle had a young man who is projected to be a ILB who runs a 4.5. If that it true, which I believe it is, he is darn fast for a LB. Yes, there are kids playing RB, WR and CB that can run a 4.2. It may be 4.29 but if that is me, I'm telling my friends I just ran a 4.2.

  9. Thanks player!

    Go to rivals.com and check the football recruiting. Yes, there are kids running in the upper 4.2's. One name I'll throw out is Jamaal Charles.

    He runs a legit 4.2 and electronic time 10.3 100 meters. I don't blame you for not believing me. Heck, I would never dream a woman could bench press over 300 pounds nor a high school sophomore. 

  10. Man, if you like it here. This is a top notch site, don't leave. If the guy is abusing his power, Cooper is a good and fair man, he'll see to it this doesn't continue. This discussion isn't a one way street. There or several different opinions, not everone is going to agree. But SE Texas has a drug problem. It isn't confinded to one school district. We have to come to some solutions and I think drug testing is expensive but great idea. Let's not bury our heads in the sand.

  11. i dont understand what steriod testing has to do with deadbeat parents or shameing the innocent, i think it should be done to level the playing field, those "innocent little kids" should be the ones wanting testing done. for the kids that go to practice everyday and say yes sir, no sir. they bust their buts on the field and in the weight room but still cant compete with the bigger stronger kids because they are cheating, steroids might or might not be a problem in SETX but for every kid who makes it and gets a scholarship for using steriods there is his backup that keeps on making his way in the world the right way, paying his own way through college and studying to get his degree, and he gets to wonder what could have been

    Great post, I guess then serial killers all have bad parents. I guess, Judas Iscariot had bad parenting for the betraying of Jesus. I believe the gosples show differently (As a child-Son of Simon - John 13:26

    He was innocent then).

    I guess, those single women who hold down two jobs so their kids will have something to eat are bad parents. Give me a break, next time I beat the heck out of some guy I'll telling the judge I had poor parenting. Wonder how far, that gets me?

  12. Any of you guys see Mark Henry of Silbsee lift? I was judged a few meets and even 18-20 years ago he was lifting un-godly amounts. This young lady must be extemely strong!

    I benched over that amount several years ago and now a need surgery of both shoulders.

    Kids just keep getting bigger, faster and stronger.

    When I was in High School 4.4 was exceptional fast. Now half a High School team runs 4.4.

    The exceptional kids now run 4.2. It is crazy!

  13. Great article there Cooper. Sounds like the women's soccer team is in good hands. It would be great if they could have their own facility. I hadn't heard news of this before. Sounds like LU is about to pony up some money. About 20 scholarships, hire a assistant coach, new equipment and possibly a new facility in the near future. Just a suggestion, move the track facility near Vincent-Beck and make it a soccer and track complex. Then Lamar would have additional parking space near the new Shelia Umphrey Rec. Center for students going to class or using the rec center.

    All this makes me wonder about the return of football at Lamar? That would be awesome.

  14. I will admit Lamar hasn't been successful on the court in numberous years. However, there are other sports Lamar has been successful. BTW, don't count out a future return of the pigskin to the Cardinal program in the future. I've been intrusted with some (non public information) which is all I can say at this point.

    You don't have loyalties to LU, I understand since you did not attend the school. I've never understood someone being loyal to LSU, A&M, UT, Florida, Miami and any number of schools people support but have never even set foot on their campus.

    I'm proud to say the Lamar campus and university is in the best shape it ever has been, thanks Dr. Simmons and other current administrators. Lamar University's best days aren't in the past as some may think, but it the future. One day that little darling of yours may be a LU grad. Wouldn't that be the darnest thing?

  15. If that is a pic of your daughter she is cute. My kids are 14, 13 and 11. A little older than yours. If you have no loyalty to Lamar, then why post on every topic about Lamar? I never hide behind a user-name. There are a few people who post on this board who know me. They will tell you the same.

    Dale Rose

  16. Cardinal Fan, Were you not on the LCM team that won a homecoming game 77-0?

    And tried to throw a TD pass with seconds left in the game?

    Yeah, DP except a couple of facts need to be made. One the coaching staff did not call that pass play. Two, we scored a TD on the final play of the game. Our backup QB threw a TD pass to a backup WR. They went against the coaches wishes and called the play on their own.

    I was standing on the sideline with other starters like Richard Pannell, Chris Hyde, Don Kemp and several others. As a matter of fact, I played maybe two series in the second half.

    So, basically the answer is yes with a few clarifications. Am I proud of beating a team like that, no. It is not classy to run up the score on a team who you are better than at every position on the field.

  17. I guess everyone forgot about Deweyville's football team whipping up on a short handed Cathedral Christian School in football. Wasn't the score something like 76-0. Cathedral had 19 varsity players. What goes around comes around. Deweyville being a 2A school I'm sure a few of the basketball players also played football. I would think they would be the last team to cry about someone running up the score.

    I'd be more than happy to post replies from the Deweyville faithful after the Cathedral football game. Your comments sure changed a lot after being on the short end of the stick.

  18. Believe me, I know how good LU's baseball team is. I remember freezing while watching the Cardinals beat the University of Texas 15-3 at Vincent-Beck. I also remember a the year Rice won the NC, LU was the only ball-club to beat them twice.

    Let's be patient with Coach Rock and see what happens. I think you'll like the results. BTW, last season Lamar had three players sign professional contracts headed by Alan Daniels who is making over $200,000 overseas.

  19. I agree, there is a time and place for everything. I think it is time for Jeff to leave Vidor and return home. I attended HS and played football with Jeff. He was a graduate assistant when my brother was on the McNeese football team. I've know Jeff almost thirty years and you won't find a better person. He is a great motivator and could do a great job in BC. The key for him would be delegation. He would need good assistant coaches that are hungry for success. From what I've heard sometimes Jeff tries to do to much himself.

    Honestly Jeff may not have led the Pirates to the playoffs but there hasn't always been a wealth of talent in V-Town.

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