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Everything posted by Cowboy4jc

  1. I put it to you this way. In a game he wont take it unless he is for sure he can make it but if you were there last night he busted his butt on a dunk. And oh yeah. He is also pretty good from the 3 point line.
  2. He can do that on a normal rim. Most of the time... ;D
  3. Ma'am, not to question your antics but are you saying that it is ok for a player to get angry and disrespect a ref but not ok for a coach to get angry and throw a clipboard? In my eyes they were both wrong for their actions.
  4. Ok, that schedual only covers the first round of the playoffs. Not last night. Sorry about that....
  5. lol Im working on it. Just slowly.
  6. Sounds like they had two good games.
  7. Come on. Like this thread is being used for anything else... Just asking questions.
  8. [Hidden Content] Here's the 3A playoff bracket.
  9. Yeah, you're kinda dragging the dunks to death...
  10. I wonder I'd the hawks are going to want to get even with LH.
  11. Are you sure? I'm 6' tall and me and Jacoby look each other in the eye.
  12. Ok thank you, I wanted to try and dub the video. And where is Nash? I figured he would me all over this.
  13. That's nice.
  14. Hey AAW , do you think it could be possible to get me the broadcast dub? And I put in your headbang.
  15. I saw that and the initial reaction was DANG! That was really quick!
  16. I got the link up.
  17. Here it is! After three hours, my computer freezing twice, Having to download, new softwear, I finally got it done!!! Karma would be nice by the way.... Lazeek...
  18. I finally got it all converted and uploaded to youtube but it is still proc..NEVER MIND!!! ITS UP!!!
  19. Yes sir. Youtube wont upload it so Im running it through a converter to see if it will work. If it doesnt work I (along with quite a few people) will be very unhappy.
  20. Ive been having one tech error after another. Had to download some new hardware after I got my computer unfroze and had to start over. It should be up by ten if everything goes smoothly. Im gunna deserve a karma boost after all this is over....
  21. Wow :o...HJ has won state :...How could anyone forget Nobody will forget it!!! I forgot but then you had to bring it up agian.......... Wow, that was quick, he already came back.
  22. I dont remember that...Ill have to scan through the film and check that out.
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