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Everything posted by Cowboy4jc

  1. Silsbee has some good looking athletes in middle school coming up. But HJ's haven't impressed me too much at this stage. I predict HJ's program going through a rebuilding year in 2-3 years 8) So the HJ 8th grade finishing as Co-District champs and Silsbee finishing 3rd or 4th didn't impress you. : Nope, Hamshire Fannett will have a big 9th grade class coming in. If this team goes to gym and work hard to improve their skills, they will make some noise. HF needs to a good /quick athletic point guard to improve this class and give HJ a run for their money 8) Is that the team that your son is on or is he on the 7th grade team?
  2. No kidding, it's like some people sit around and do nothing but think up an argument that they could bring up against their rivals. I'm impressed that their hasn't already been a "will Silsbee or HJ win region next year" thread or poll released.
  3. Well, if you can consider this a bright side...Its been about 24 hours and there has been no arguing between Silsbee and HJ fans. ;D Sorry Mr. Vitale, I couldn't help it.
  4. You know Sir, I think I would rather be a dumb hick than a narrow minded, arrogant man who believes that everything he says is set in stone. Yes I understand that you get paid and earn a living doing what you do but sometimes people are wrong, no matter how much they get paid or how long they have been doing it. So you know I am not speaking about this instance in particular but in general to what all I have seen you post.
  5. This is interesting. The boards are turning from HJ vs Silsbee to region 3, 3A vs Dick Vitale...
  6. Wow, I didn't know that you thought so much of our staff.
  7. Ive noticed that you only have to lead at the end of one quarter to win a game.
  8. I'm VERY impatient!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > Why are you so impatient....I believe that freshmen are not included.... lol I don't care! I see these guys and talk to them every day at school! Its not like I've never met the people! Heck! I've practiced with these guys!!!!!!!!!! lol, Im just messing with you. ;D I can't wait for them to be released either...
  9. They met another good team. Estacado didn't get that number 2 slot without working their butts off and proving that they deserved to be there.
  10. I'm VERY impatient!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > Why are you so impatient....I believe that freshmen are not included.... lol
  11. Wow, tied at 53 at the end. Are they in over time?
  12. Just as soon as ST4life makes his decision. Is that a pic of ST4Life in elementary school?
  13. I know them. I have played with both of them and plan on taking lessons from Mr. Cramer this summer. I was just looking for competition to keep me at it.
  14. yea true that but doesnt there jv team have a few kids that can shoot We've got shooters out of the yazoo. Now, MAKERS, that's another dimension. : I think that every team has that particular issue.
  15. Hey, its a sport. The hot dog eating contest awards an olympic gold medal...
  16. we need to have a competition of some sort. i'm thinking basketball, soccer for me, golf for you, maybe bowling, ping pong, some other stuff where your impressive girth won't hinder you. ;D Pie eating contest?
  17. Not to take away from what you are saying but didn't we beat Navasota by 7?
  18. Well this game was a blast from the past for the former Jasper Head Basketball coach. ;D
  19. It was pretty nice but my little brother got a myspace and went download crazy on it so now its messing up a lot. Been deleting a lot of junk off of it.
  20. Ok, Thank you. My computer has kinda been on the fritz recently so that may be it.
  21. Is the video not working? I tried the link and it did'nt work so I went to KFDM.com and tried it and I got the same message about it being broken... Am I the only one with this?
  22. Thank you.
  23. Yes. I just posted a thread making that announcement. Ok, thank you.
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