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  1. I thought this thread was for updating the scores for the tournament.  People need to get their facts straight before they go making statements about something that they know nothing about.  All the coaches seem to be enjoying the tournament games. The bracket was not change so that Woodville would be in the championship game. There were teams added late, and travel consideration played a big part in having to move some teams around. Don't make assumptions about a person that you don't even know. The Woodville Coach is a pretty good guy, and if you would like to know why there were changes, it was not so that they would be in the championship. You can can talk to him, he is a pretty level headed guy. I know that this is a public forum and you have the right to speak your mind, but know your facts first.
  2. Woodville is having a 9th and JV Tournament on December 6th and 8th.  If you are interested contact Reginald Williams at [email protected].  Presently there are 9 JV teams and we are needing at least 4 more 9th grade teams.
  3. It amazes me to get on here and read the things that you great basketball minds have to say about a coach and their players.  Everybody has an opinion.  Whether it is right or whether it is wrong, only time will tell.  However, I do have a question.  Why is there so much talk about Woodville when no one respects them.  Even when they play a good team and do better than anyone thinks that they will do, they still get no credit.  It's usually because the other team is "OVERLOOKING" them because of who they play next. Let's just stop beating around the bush, a great person in my life once told me "Do not judge a book by its cover."  You are on the outside looking and you don't know how hard that team works and what they are made of.  Let their game speak for itself and not you trying to give your personal opinion about them or their coach.  They did not get to 10 and 3 by accident.  They must be doing something right. 
  4. Ok, I was at the game last night and I thought that both teams played with a lot of heart and effort. I believe that there were times when Woodville played well and there were times when Silsbee played well. Howeber, I do agree that the game was a little sloppy on both sides, but that is to be expected this early in the season. As for #5 for Woodville, I believe that he is a 4 year starter for Woodville and the kid has a lot of heart. I believe that the Woodville team has a chance to be good if they continue to work hard. On, what was deal with the Woodville Coach never standing up and coaching during the game? Good luck to both teams.  I really enjoyed watching you play last night.
  5. The Woodville Boys have the following dates open:  Nov. 22nd and Dec. 21st.  They will have three teams.  If you are interested in possibly playing, you can contact the head coach. The Coach is Reginald Williams, and he can be contacted at 409-283-5608 or by email at [email protected].
  6. Woodville wins 68 to 46
  7. It was a hard well played ball game between the two teams, and just leave it at that guys.  SA has a good ball club, and Coach Barnes is doing a good job with those guys.  They play hard for him, and puts them in good situations to be successful.  Just let the game speak for itself and leave it at that.  Good job by both teams and it was an enjoyable game to watch.
  8. The final score of the Woodville and Silsbee game was 65 to 39.
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