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Everything posted by C4L

  1. Nice post...it's obvious that not only did you put a lot of thought into it, but that you also know your stuff. Having said that, I don't think Lumberton is going to be able to withstand the pressure, especially if tha Coogahs get up by two scores... if that happens, I expect the *L-Train* to implode and even if it doesn't, I still think the tradition and athleticism of tha Coogahs will be enough to walk away with the *W*. It's the playoffs and anyone who knows anything about football (in this area as well as the rest of the state) knows that LM has a habit of *turning it up a notch* once the *second season* begins.
  2. I figgered I needed to stop irritating my own people, so I came over here... C4E, you and I both know that the *L-Train* playas are gonna be peeking out their earholes while wondering what hit them/ran by them.
  3. You're right... since 1992, LM has been in the Quarterfinals 14 times. In my opinion, there are two teams in Region-III that are capable of beating tha Coogahs (and Lumberton ain't one of them).
  4. Dude/Dudette... even in a *down year*, tha Coogahs are better than 90% of the teams balling in AAAA.
  5. You know what they say Mike... *Where's there's smoke, there's fire*!
  6. Lumberton has had a good run, but it's the playoffs and the *L-Train* is about to receive a reality check...
  7. Bud, McGaffie couldn't carry Jacquizz's jock. This kid is going to make you think of Barry Sanders... He is that good.
  8. Thanks... The only reason I posted on this thread was because several individuals didn't know how to interpret the brackets. My participation kinda grew from there.
  9. La Marque hasn't played in nine State Championship Games (including a State Record six straight) and won five titles in the past twenty years by dodging anyone, much less Dayton.
  10. If I were you, I'd find another source, because as of 10/19/07 anyone who follows high school football would have known that LM had one District loss and it came at the hands of TC. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that a team that has NO losses HAS to be ahead of one that has one/two. Now, I could care less about what your opinions are, because opinions are just that.
  11. Before last weekend's games, La Marque was in third place AND they had already finished the season.
  12. Your excuse is lame and you're clueless... La Marque has been running second to Texas City since 10/19/07. Lest you forget, I’m the one that lit your panties up (when you attempted to be a *keyboard ninja*) last year.
  13. Reading comprehension is a wonderful thing... you (and quite a few others on this thread) should try it some time. If things go according to plan, Dayton will be playing Texas City next week, NOT La Marque.
  14. Gee, what a novel idea...
  15. (6) Determination of Tie Breaker Process. The district executive committee shall determine in writing prior to a contest’s season the method to determine the district representatives in the event two or more schools are tied in win-loss percentages. Seems like a lot of y'all have a problem with *reading comprehension*... Determining the District Representatives is NOT the same as *seeding*. Determining the District Representative means that the District Committee will have a tiebreaker procedure in place to decide *which* teams qualify for the playoffs, NOT the seeding!
  16. Dude/dudette... please, pay attention. Did you not notice my avatar? Do you really think that I give a about who has the #1 seed in 22-4A? The only reason I became involved in this thread was due to the misinformation that’s being posted as well as the incessant whining of those who follow the Geldings. Wanna know the real deal? Dayton is nothing more than a semi-big fish in a relatively small pond.
  17. Okay, this is for the *cheap seats*... Here's the deal... PN-G is the D-1 rep, got it? Now, that leaves Lumberton and Dayton as the D-2 schools, got it? Lumberton BEAT Dayton, so Lumberton is the #1 seed, got it? Do I need to paint a picture? Here's the bottom line, there ain't no *three way anything*... Deal with it!
  18. Come playoff time, nobody gives a about who the District Champion is... it's all about *seeding* and THAT is settled by *head-to-head* competition... PN-G, Lumberton and Dayton are co champs... end of story. Congratulations on making the playoffs AND being the #2 seed... IF the Geldings had taken care of business ON the field against Lumberton, you wouldn't be sitting here trying to figure out a way to avoid Texas City... of course, that would have potentially left the Geldings with a second round match up against (you know who).
  19. Nothing personal, but you need to check *yourself* and your *facts* because you don't know diddly... Each District has the right to decide how to implement tiebreakers to determine *who* qualifies for the playoffs, but seeding is, has been and always will be determined by *head-to-head* competition.
  20. Get over it... Playoff seeding is ALWAYS decided by the *head-to-head* results and the bottom line is that Lumberton spanked the Geldings.
  21. Don't you feel stupid?
  22. I think you're clueless, but that's just my opinion.
  23. He's the offensive line coach at Ball High.
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