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rabbit ears

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  1. I do NOT want to axe any sport. But this is a HUGE issue. This is a safety issue. Kids will be kids, and when 10 of them pile into the back of a pickup because they dont have a safe ride home you have now got a tragedy in the making. What will happen when that wreck happens??? It will happen, and it is 100% avoidable. As for the sport cuts which I do NOT want but I would place far before the safe transportation home cuts it would start with powerlifting(not a UIL sport), then soccer or track( co-ed title9).
  2. I just saw on the news where some of the police forces in Los Angeles are cutting cost by no longer passing out Christmas gifts to needy children. The City Council approved this and said would save LA taxpayers an estimated $30,000 to $60,000 dollars anually. Police Chief Bratton stated how 'short sighted and stupid' this decision is. How 8-10 years from now 'maybe a certain youngster doesnt pull the trigger because of the kindness showed to him by police when he was young'. The WOS school board is doing EXACTLY the same thing. When funeral arrangements are being made because of this 'stupid ' decision. What will be said then?? This decision is short sighted, is not in the best intrest of the student, and the money being saved is very little.
  3. They better think long and hard before they take away this transporation service. WOS has been providing this for years. It is a service that is expected and needs to be provided. I can tell you that some of those board members in closed session talked about how the ' kids will get their rides, and if they can't the coaches can take them to and from practice and games'. But I promise you what will happen one day or night is that 7 or 8 kids will pile into the back of a pickup to get home and there will be a wreck. When 1,2, 6 or all of them die and this could have been avoided, those board members wont be able to move out of town fast enough. This is a huge issue. It would almost be better to axe a sport or two then eliminate their safe transportation service. It's chump change they are talking about. There is a disaster looming. The WOS school board BETTER realize this.
  4. What will happen and the school board knows this is that Coach Hooks and his assistants will now be forced to run a taxi service at a personal cost to the coaches and their families. Because these coaches(as most coaches are) are so committed to the kids they serve and their programs they will do this and not complain. The coaches now will get home to their families 1-1.5 hours later than usual. They will do this because they know its in the best intrest of their program and the KIDS. At least its good to know someone puts the kids first.
  5. GREAT MOVE WOS School Board!! Now that gas is back down will they start driving the kids again? It's unreal how ignorant and short sighted soooo many people are!!
  6. I agree with ESPN2 to a point. PNG will win it. I will take LCM 2nd based on everyone coming back. Nederland, then Vidor. All four get in and they will play for a good long while in the playoffs. They will be the ones knocking each other out. It's an excellent district. 18AAA is another tough one!
  7. LCM & PNG should be the teams to beat.
  8. Who is Jason with now? He was great with the Twins.
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