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Everything posted by TheCardinalFan

  1. SETXSports small school game of the week. Cardinals squeak by the oilers in tough battle. Go CARDINALS!!!
  2. You are correct, No Rice Festival this year. I have had a plenty calls about people wanting Crab Balls. Maybe we can sale some at the Homecoming game. That would be a treat for anyone to make a special trip for.
  3. Coach Williams only concern will be that the Rebels play smart Football, stay injury free and make no mental mistakes. Rebels will not have any problems with Burkeville. Good Luck, we will see you in a couple of weeks. 8)
  4. Hey that's alright guys, that is what makes this game that much better. I am not much on predictions, but I will tell you that this game will open the eyes of everyone in SETX. For those who remember the teams of the early 80's, if you make it down to HI on Saturday; you will see that same intensity from the Fighting Cardinals. Go old smash mouth football, from whistle to whistle. You gotta Love it! Good Luck to the Oilers, we will see you Saturday. Cards will pull out the upset in a hard fought game. Go CARDINALS!!!
  5. This should be a very good game on Saturday afternoon in High Island. I expect to see the stands full for this battle between the Cardinals & Oilers. Go Get 'Em Boys!!!!!!!!! Go CARDINALS!!!
  6. This should be a Great Game?
  7. Non District game: Cushing 47 Chester 7
  8. High Island stats against Burkeville. Mason Mounkes: 206/11 att. w/ 2 TD & 1 Int. Tiner George: 77/5 att. 2/10 passing for 30 yrds. Donald Hooks: 77/12 att. w/2 TD Hunter Blake: 55/9 att. w/1 TD Roger Davis: 35/5 att. Andrew Pursley: 22/5 att. James Lupeheke: 12/1 att. 1/1 pass for 8 yrds 1 Fumble recovery returned for 40 yards for TD Christian Andres: 1 Int. 25 urd return Colt Hughes 5/6 on PAT
  9. Congrats Evadale! Coach Williams is doing an outstanding job with the Rebels. He is a class act and has the Rebels hitting on all cylinders. HD still has plenty of football to play. Who thinks that District 23A has lived up to its hype since District play has started. 1A Football, you just gotta love it!!!! Go CARDINALS!!!
  10. High Island 41 Burkeville 6
  11. It was a very emotional 1st Qtr for me. The Fighting Cardinals played a very good football game. I am emotionally spent after everything that has taken place this week, from the kids back in the class rooms to the athletes on the field. District 23 A is shaping up to be a dog fight for a playoff spot. We play in High Island next Saturday afternoon at 2:00 PM against West Hardin. If any of you can make for the game, I am sure that you will be pleased with the intensity and purpose that the Fighting Cardinals are playing with. I really enjoyed watching them enjoy this victory. It reminded me of the Cardinals from back in the day. 500 + total yards of Offense. I will post the stats tomorrow. Great Job Men. Go CARDINALS!!!!!!!!
  12. Don't worry about jacketdad, he has plenty to worry about with the next three games they have to play. It won't get any easier for him for the rest of the season. The Cardinals are on the road headed to the piny woods. My prayers go out to everyone who is traveling tonight and to each players on the football field. Good Luck to each team and may the spirit of competition be with everyone. Hey jacketdad, see you in a few weeks up at the pit. Go CARDINALS!!!
  13. That is why the games are played. Jacketdad Tonight will be very good game for the Fighting Cardinals. Tiner George is back from his pre season injury and his leadership along with the determination of the rest of the team will be to much for the Mustangs to handle tonight. When it was thought that all was lost, the High Island Coaching staff received phone calls from the parents of the Cardinal Football Team and all they could talk about was how much the young men wanted to finish what they had started. Even though most of them had lost their homes, the parents of these young men wanted them to be able to enjoy the thing that made them the happiest the week before Ike. Friday Night football united this group of young men and the Parents, High Island ISD Administration (Backed by the Board of Trustees), Faculty, Coaching Staff and Community feel that the determination of these young men, their lack of fear and the understanding that this Cardinal Football TEAM has nothing to lose will be enough to convince the Fighting Cardinals that defeat is not at option tonight.
  14. All of the displaced High Island kids are back in High Island, waiting for a 7:30 kick off in Burkeville tonight. I spoke with most of the young men last night and they are focused on the task at hand. Go Cardinals!!! Once again, Great job Legacy.
  15. You are right Mr. Reality. With all of the smack and trash talking that goes on in most of these threads, you can only hope that the players who get on here can find posts like the one written by HDBobcats9 that gives meaning to why they put themselves through the summer and two-a day workouts. Victory may be the main focus, but the many lessons that are learned through these experiences will be the catalyst that makes each young man a better man in the future.
  16. Congrats Legacy! Keep up the good work.
  17. Thanks for the support Mr. Reality. Anticipation kept me up last night thinking about the oportunity that these young men have in front of them. Good Luck tonight against Evadale, it should be a good game. Go CARDINALS!!!
  18. I was able to pick it up yesterday, finally. Listened all the home form Deer Park to High Island.
  19. Good Luck tomorrow Night Bobcats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Friends and Family of High Island ISD, Official Update on Pep Rally Friday, Oct. 10 beginning 2:00pm in High Island School Gym. Charles Breithaupt, Director of U.I.L. and the Regional Nike Sporting Goods Company Representative will make a presentation to the High Island Athletic Department of new athletic uniforms. This community Pep Rally is also being covered by the local and regional T.V. and media outlets. Everyone come out and support the High Island Cardinals and the Pride and Spirit of Cardinal Country. Go CARDINALS!!!
  21. Great Post H-D Bobcat 55. You are right about being a chosen one, whether it be a Bobcat, Oiler, Cardinal, Rebel, Yellowjacket, Bull Dog or Shark; when you play 11 Man football at the 1A ranks you are battled tested and gain a confidence about yourself that others wish they had. As I stated in some of my past posts, most young men in the State of Texas only get to play half of a football game, but most you 1A guys get to play 48 minutes of "Iron Man Football", the truest form of football in my opinion.
  22. Thank you playdefense. It is easy to write about what you are passionate about. The young men you spoke of will enjoy reading comments. The Cardinals will play their next two home games on Saturday afternoon. Maybe we could both get lucky and you could come see the Fighting Cardinals in Battle. I appreciate your kind words of encouragement. Go CARDINALS!!!
  23. Great Job Colmesneil & Chester! Your thoughts, prayers and assistance at a time like this has touch so many lives in the Sabine Pass & High Island communities. High Island, Colmesneil, Sabine Pass and Chester have battled on the athletic fields and courts for many years and it is always good to know that a friendly rivalry takes a back seat to community support. Thanks Guys!
  24. To the Fighting Cardinal Football Team, I commend you for committing yourself to the TEAM and making the sacrifices that it will take to finish the season. There are those who think the Cardinals are just riding on emotion and will not be able to contend in District play. You must remember in your hearts that there are more people in SE Texas who are behind you more now than ever before. Each one of you has experienced emotions during Ike that are still building up inside of you. Emotions, when bridled by discipline; can be a powerful force that will enable you to overcome any adversity that you may encounter in battle. “Pride is an emotion which can refer to a strong sense of self-esteem or self-respect. Look in the mirror what do you see-if you do not have self-esteem where are you heading this day. Along this same line we look at self-respect to which one must possess to endure each day as without self-respect for ones self there is no respect for others either. Self-esteem encompasses such beliefs as "I am competent" I can complete this accomplishment and with great pride I have completed that accomplishment. Self-respect, like self-esteem, is an emotion of Pride which refers to a strong sense of joy in the accomplishment of one's self or a person or group.†W. G. Pride I challenge you to focus on the task at hand and embrace each other as a family, a band of brothers who will stand side by side on the field of battle and resolve to accept nothing but VICTORY. As a band of brothers, you will be "A Force to Be Reckoned With". GO Cardinals!!! Sincerely, “The Cardinal Fanâ€
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