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Everything posted by TheCardinalFan

  1. Will be plenty of Crab Balls!!!!!! Same price as before.
  2. I hate to say it but bocat55, I think everyone here has been waiting for you to through the stats out there. You were quiet last week while the bobcats were 0-3, but I see you finally have confidence in your team. IT's all good.........as long as you are keeping it real???
  3. Someone please post updates during the game.
  4. Hey Maverick, from this post I can tell that you are not familiar with 1A football. FYI: High Island and Sabine Pass have been in District play with Burkeville for over 20 years. SP a few less, but thats another story. We also played West Sabine for a few years and for a two year span we traveled to Cushing for District. Two years ago Burkeville moved to a northern district, but they have settled back in D23. Now that HD & West Hardin are 2A(have been for several years now) we have an 8 team district.
  5. High Island should prepare for Mustangs this week just as they did for the Bobcats last week. Anything can happen on Friday night. The Cardinals need to be mentally prepared for the Mustangs. Coach Harper is shaping up his team and they will be ready to play. Nothing is a given. Lets Go Cardinals, get after them. Burkeville fans bring some OFF! See you at the game Friday night! GO CARDINALS!!!
  6. Looks like the Bobcats will hold on to the victory.
  7. High Island has improved, but HD graduated about 90% of their team last year. I would say that they are down from last year. It sounds like a heck of a game. Lets go Cards!!!
  8. When has Coach Tibb not been a man of Class? ???
  9. Then Burkeville followed up the next week and beat Shiner then lost in the Sate game. Then repeated to State the next year to claim the State Title.
  10. HI fans will not be suprised. The Cardinals fans expect to see a battle on the field with SP, so we do not expect any suprises. I am glad to see Coach Thib working hard to build on the program.
  11. Hey Card50, you need to erase the 6, or at least keep them from crossing the goal line.
  12. The Cardinals should win this game, but it sems that we have a little bit of an attitude, that could infect the team. An attitude of confidence and wanting to win is a good thing, but a chip on your shoulder can shoot you in the foot in a close game. The Cardinals will win this game, but you will only enjoy a true victory if your game plan consists of playing for a shutout and not making the stupid penalties. Lets be mentally smart this week men. Keep your heads in the game for 4 Qtrs. Give-em all they want, then give them some more! Go CARDINALS!!!
  13. Good Game Cardinals, I wish I could have been there. Keep up the good work. We are very proud of you guys. Go CARDINALS!!!
  14. This match up has always been pretty good, I'll take the Cardinals 28 to 14.
  15. It looks like the old one, but not sure. I will find out.
  16. My son gave me a run down on the game last night and he said the Cardinals played a good game. Yes this was against the BH Sophmore and you are right, A Varsity team should beat a sophmore team. A few rookie skill postition players were able to step up and get some quality snaps. Congrats to the Young Fighting Cardinals and the Coaching Staff. Good Luck with the rest of the season. Good Luck to the rest of the Friday Night Heros in SouthEast Texas. Game Day Week Zero, although this day comes every year; it has to be the greatest day of all time in Texas!. Go CARDINALS!!! Good Luck tonight Andrew P., play well my friend!
  17. You don't have to appreciate it. There is never an excuse for it.
  18. B Chronicle, don't be getting all upset. Down years happen and Burkeville just happens to have had one last year. Trust me, everyone who knows anything about this District can remember ALL of the years when Bville was the power house.
  19. I appreciate the kind words. High Island lost a few key position players last year, but not all of them played both sides of the ball the entire game. So that goes to show that they have the majority of the team returning this year. Coach Colton leaving will have a very little effect on the Fighting Cardinals. I wish him well in Kountze. Unfortunately, I will not be there to Cheer on the Home team, I will have to be there in spirit only. I am currently working in OK, so I will have to rely on SETXSports to keep me posted this season. It looks like I will be able to catch the Burkeville/HI game. My son Graduated so Friday nights will not be the same. It will surely be a dog fight this year. As for the fighting Cardinals, they will be ready for what ever the District brings them. The coaching staff is working hard and the boys are working even harder. Expect the same intensity this season. Evadale will have plenty of kids to keep fresh legs on the field and I sure Coach Williams will make sure that who ever is on the field will be well prepared. West Hardin actually lost a great athlete, but I am sure they will be pretty salty as well. HD lost their entire team except of KG, I hope he can rally troupes and circle the wagons, because they will have their hands full all season. Yes we know HD55, tradition, tradition, tradition........ I know they have a sophomore (AP) over there that will knock your block off, so the opposing teams better keep an eye on him. Chester is the team that could really sneak up on top teams this year. Coach Franklin is whipping that program into shape. Colemesneil, well it could turn around at anytime. Burkeville will get better, only time will tell. Sabine Pass will field a team and Coach Thib (Great Guy) will prepare the boys and they will battle it out on the field. Lets all pray that the Hurricanes stay away this year. Lets go boys lace em up, buckle em down and snap it on. IRON MAN FOOTBALL, the way GOD intended it to be. Good Luck to all the young men preparing for battle, the Mom's & Dad's and to the Coaches who believe that their boys can do anything. Roger George "THE CARDINAL FAN"
  20. You can't fault a guy for wanting his home team to be the best it can be, but you just have to wonder if he will ever live in the present. Other than Burkeville, who was the last team in the district to win a playoff game?
  21. Hunter Blake is from High Island.
  22. Any word about the TASO games at Lamar University?
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