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Everything posted by deadeye

  1. I you dont know, there are three phases to a game...If you cant punt, dont call that a "gift" to us...thats the coaches fault. I think the weather played a large impact on our offense..but i'd never use it as an excuse...we didnt excute...we lost...we wish you well...
  2. Its probably was about like Dayton fans yelling at our coaches coming out of the box with classy stuff like."Take that S**t" and "You better ask(axe) somebody"...bad fans are everywhere(and are insignificant in the overall outcome of a game. Good luck guys, you have Kerrvilles support (at least some of them )
  3. Where are you getting this? Dayton played a heck of a game and so did we. Congrats to you guys and win it all.
  4. They are not cheap shot artists, TIVY is a classy bunch of kids...
  5. I hope they do too...What a freakin blast. Two of the best teams goin head to head. Kerrville is ready!
  6. WOW..... ??? I don't know how to respond to this...let me guess 13 year old freshmen?
  7. You must know all about Kerrville coaches, explain...
  8. ???? Wow, Im embarrassed for you. Dayton fans...I wont hold this guy against you. 8) I know you havn't seen TIVY play, But Tivy and Dayton are VERY similar...style and players
  9. The Defense gets after it...most of the time. Its the offense that makes you guys good (sounds familiar). It sure makes a week long when you're waiting for the game.
  10. so being from the hill country makes you tougher right. If you've ever been to dayton, you'd know it's pretty countryfied itself, so that one is a wash. :D Have you ever been to Kerrville...If you're 60 or under they call you a "punk kid". The entire town is old people and their parents...Its a great place, much like dayton...Stayed in Dayton for a week...neat town.
  11. Pampered??? AJ and Cody are both as tough as they come. I for one, never said dayton was better... never even made a prediction. Trust me, the ones that matter aren't taking tivy lightly. doesn't matter to me how tough your district is, you don't choose it and neither do we. Sounds like you may be the one doing the underestimating. No sir...You guys have my TOTAL respect, you gained that last year. You gotta be doin something right to get to the semis 2 years in a row..."pinche lake Travis". I've seen both teams play, In my opinion...Tivy plays alot harder and seems to be a tougher team...but not more talented. All I can forcast is a freakin hard fought, grudge match of a game. If Tivy can stop Daytons offense a few times, Tivy has a great shot at playing for a state title, or not... thats why you play the game
  12. One thing is guaranteed...Tivy is gonna line up and HIT dayton in the mouth, even the pampered D-1 fellas. I hope you guys take these hill country boys lightly... It fun reading different perspectives on how much better dayton is than Tivy and no one even knows where Tivy is? Tivy played in one (if not the) toughest districts in the state(co-district champs) and battled Top 5A teams in the state (beat SA roosevelt, Wagner) How tough is Daytons district? Three first year programs from what I hear?? Please...dont hurt 'em too bad
  13. No Passing game?...Its apparent that you are clueless.
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