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Everything posted by dusty311

  1. I think another thing worth mentioning is the amount of class and character and heart both teams have. Neither side has a logical argument to say they have the upper hand in this. Both teams pulling come from behind wins shows that neither is going to give up even if bad things start happening to them. Your going to see players giving 100% between whistles and then helping opponents up from piles and giving taps on the helmets\pats on the back afterwards. Also your not going to see unsportsmanlike conduct from either side. Sure hope a bad apple doesn't ruin whats going to be a class act, action packed game to the end.
  2. [quote]You guys that went to both games.... How do the teams match up as far as overall speed?[/quote] I would say size and speed wise almost identical on an overall average. Honestly if both teams switched jerseys you'd have a hard time noticing in my opinion. Dayton's D-backs being larger might come into play but honestly #9 was well covered on both TD catches and just flat out won the jump ball and made great catches. Serious threat. Brenham had a giant number 90 on the d-line and Dayton doesn't have a monster like that but it has more speed and the potential to offer more QB pressure than Brenham will be able to. Also Dayton has a big experienced O-line. But I thought Brenham had excellent pass protection against Angleton as well. The QB got hit hard once on a play that was flagged roughing the passer (it was very close) and got knocked out for a few plays. 1. He is definitely going to get smacked in the mouth (again) at [i]least[/i] twice hard by Dayton this year. It's just gonna happen. 2. it might not matter at all because the backup QB came right in and threw a beautiful touchdown pass to #9 I concur that the kicking game with come into play big. Both teams offenses will be able to move the ball some and have a couple of 20-30 yard gain plays but the equal speed will prevent either from taking them all they way to the house. Both teams have great short field and red zone defenses. I think Angleton got in the redzone 3 different times and walked away with zero points to show for it. This will result in both teams kicking field goals.  I saw Brenham's kicker putting kickoffs out of the endzone (with the wind to his back) so i'd say he has a leg. Dayton's kicker although freshman is I believe 100% on the year for PAT's and field goals with a 44 yard long under his belt. On paper and from what I've seen both teams match up perfectly. It's gonna be a defensive battle and that's the best kind of game in my opinion. This is highschool football and with two great defenses there is going to be least 3 turnovers. Just depends on who gets the upper hand in this department.
  3. I give my predictions after having watched both the Dayton vs El Campo and Brenham vs Angleton games. As a Dayton supporter I can say that we would have been so much better off against Angleton. Dayton would have been able to use their great defense to exploit Angleton's one dimension the exact same way Brenham did. Hats off to Brenham. Defense: Two really really good defenses. Dayton has always been stellar against the run and nothing is different this year. At first I was thinking Angleton was overrated then realized this was due to a good Brenham defense after they started breaking BIG runs. Angleton was ridiculously fast and nobody could have run those guys down from behind. I noted that neither El Campo nor Angleton were able to put together "real" scoring drives against each respective defense. Everything was scored on big plays that broke. Both defenses made adjustments accordingly but I would say Dayton did a better job. EC scored twice early and then Dayton's defense completely dominated them the rest of the game esp during the second half. Brenham made good adjustments as well and seriously slowed down Angleton but they still broke a few big plays and scored again in the second half. Of course it can easily be argued Angelton was better than El Campo. As far passing defense El Campo didn't throw much and Angleton threw even less. However when they did BOTH Dayton and Brenham got interceptions. Both D lines looked very good although I would give Dayton's the edge especially after seeing a Cub go down late in the 4th with what looked like a bad knee injury. Offensively both looked very similar. They both were able to slingshot off of momentum given by their defenses to rally for multiple scores and secure come from behind wins. Very impressive both managed the clock well and did just what was needed to win and then keep the lead. Both teams have two dimensional offenses. Passing, I only saw Brenham go #17(screen/wheel route/short passes) and #9(downfield, caught 2 TD balls). Dayton's coaches will obviously see this on film and be watching. I would say Dayton has more variety of receivers that get the ball even though they obviously wish they could throw it to Ploch every play. I have seen him play receiver, QB, Defensive back, and run down and knock guys off their block on kickoff. He's a team leader and that's exactly why Stewart put the ball in his hands at the end of the EC game to finish it off. Obviously both coaching staffs are top notch although Dayton has been in the playoffs every year since 96' when Stewart showed up at Dayton. Both teams are hungry. Brenham wants revenge and Dayton has been deep in the playoffs multiple times with zero ring to show for it. Gonna be a hell of a game. Winner goes to team with fewer mistakes/less penalties.
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