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  1. You guys are totally in the dark when it comes to Kerrville Tivy, with the advent of the internet you would think that some of your guy would be doing some sort of research and be shaking in your boots by what you find, trust me, this is a bad draw for you Broncos, it just is. Kerrville's motto is T.F.N.D. Meaning Tivy Fight Never Dies, these guys never give up especially if they get behind they get hungrier and they make very few mistakes. And don't be shocked because they don't have marquee running backs or receivers because these guys are lethal. Tivy 28 Dayton 10 and that's very liberal.
  2. You guys think Cody is another Vince Young, Codys good but hasn't truly been tested not like he's going to be tested when they play Kerrville Tivy, trust me!! Vince Yound never made it to state either.
  3. I'll give it to Dayton their "O-Line" has done a pretty good job, but boys you'd betta get ready for some smashmouth football because that's the only way Kerrville Knows how to play!!
  4. Few Understand And It's Never Understood Why Tivy Is So Great And Dayton Is Just Good!!!
  5. Alright fellas I'm here now let's get the banter flowing, I'm a Kerrville Tivy grad tried and former player. I was on the 87' '88 team that went to the Dome for the Semis back in the day. Let me stir up the pot for the Bronco fans. Guys, let's get real and do some deep soul searching regarding this Saturday's contest in Georgetown. I understand you want your team to win and do well but I'm sure you already know that it's Tivy's year for success and they will step on anyone trying to get in the way!!!!!
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