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Everything posted by BHFAN

  1. BH 35-24 3:03 left on the 3rd
  2. Yeah the wildcat was killing us. Long game ahead whoever gets it together at the half will win this one
  3. 29-24 BH at the half. BH gets the ball coming out of the half
  4. Well at least the Crosby Females still have some spunk The kids may have to play lights out due to budget controls! BH would love decipher the Code tonight, if we do I’ll give Ned the combo in the morning.
  5. So anyone have the sub varsity scores?
  6. Not what I expected! Lee is coming together
  7. Keep the updates coming pride
  8. Wow glad we already played them!
  9. Lord
  10. Rut row..... 23-7 Lee at the half! This is the best dump ever:)
  11. I got the radio set up in the bathroom and just ate a huge helping of Taco Bell! If everything lines up I will be letting it go right as the Bronco’s take the field Go Ganders!
  12. Dude , I know you not going to believe this but I caught it right away. Thank you I except being #1
  13. Lol Belbiz they have no idea. Our threads used to go 20 pages with nothing but BS, Crazy pictures & craziness. We are now lucky to get 2 pages before a snowflake breaks down:) Dayton will be back to whooping our butts one day and I expect what I will receive!
  14. Yup not only went 10 yards but 10 yards in the air like a dead duck.
  15. 9 pages!!! I can’t barely get 2 going! Good luck to both of you. I have Ned winning, but they better bring it.
  16. I prefer God but warrior will do.
  17. Ok now since I have Dayton crying on the toilet bowl thread back to business. First I would like to start off by saying my Keyboard is huge, so don’t think I can’t handle my self in a game of Fortnite! Second I hope the Eagles burn up that scoreboard before the repo man comes and takes it. Third we can we will because we’re freakin Barbers Hill!
  18. Oh 2 pages. Back to the game. Still picking Lee in a turd stomp!
  19. Yall are so cute
  20. Agreed, they had thier chance and couln’t Though. Just like BH could and should of beat Nederland , but that didn’t work out either. As has been told this year you better come to play or go home with the L.
  21. Now now football dad no reason to pitch a hissy fit. We know your son has done a great job this year and just happens to be on a team that SUCKS however it is your great wisdom that has been telling us how the mighty Dayton JV team would rise up one day and crush all Varsity opponents that dare stand thier way. We tried to talk you off of that mountain of Bronco Manure you were yelling from , but you just kept on yipping. You will be gone next year as you are only a fan of you son and not the Broncos. The true Bronco fans will be here supporting them as they find there way back into the win column.
  22. Yeah this is all in fun. Dayton used to beat us like a drum then rub it in every opportunity they could get I told them then to be humble when on top that they would not be there forever. Of course they no listen and now here we are Lee all the way!
  23. Oh we believe , but Believing and doing is two separate things. The last couple of meetings we tend to look good then Crosby just starts handing it too whoever the best athlete in the field is at the time and he runs around and through us.
  24. Didn’t see any talk on this one Dayton Vs. Lee who will be the turd and who will be the flusher? I’ll take Lee by a butt hair
  25. Ok we throwing bait but the cougars ain’t bitting I hope CISD doesn’t run the interweb in Crosby.
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