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Everything posted by BHFAN

  1. Sexton running the ball would be something to see!!!!! The coaches will have the Eagle ready to play ball and like every year new stars will emerge!!!
  2. Goodluck the afternoon BH!!! Game one is going to be an important one. I wonder if they are going to pitch Stone against Hales or save Stone to game 2 like they did last seris?????
  3. I'm thinking BH in 3 ,but I sure hope 2 ;D With all of this weather brewing up this week it will be a miracle if were not playing a triple header Sunday night
  4. Well everyone else is posting one so why not me ;D This will defenitly be a "rebuilding year" for the eagles after loosing so many 2 and 3 year starters to graduation! 1st team Joe Sexton at LB will be the leader on defense as he will see alot of new faces. Chris Bradshaw will lead the team at QB (I assume) as he will be surrounded by new faces in the backfield. All in all BH has a pretty strong underclass to help fill the holes that graduation will leave behind. BH also has to replace the OC as he has moved on!!! It's going to be interesting to see how this new group molds into a team ,but I have know doubt they will be competitive. Can't wait to see who developes and become the new stars at BH!! I look for BH to have a 7-3/ 6-4 year squeeking into the playoffs in the 3rd spot.
  5. Nice! Congrats Kendall!! I also noticed Montgomery's stone threw a no hitter!! I hope he got that our of his system ;D
  6. All that I have found is when .The where is still TBA. 5/24 @ 7 PM 5/25 @ Noon 5/26 @ 1PM This is from the UIL web site
  7. Not really??? The game could have been scheduled at 7 P.M. where someone besides the players could make the game!!! I know there is nothing that can be done about it now, but is sure is fun to whine ;D ;D ;D
  8. If I were to keep it real then Carthage in 3, but why be real? BC in 3 ;D Hope the Cards wins!
  9. I have know idea, but Goodluck Jasper!!! and i don't think any teams that are still alive could be labeled as being "Down" ;D
  10. Just read that Brenham was beat by Austin McCallum!! So the last four in the region is Texas City Vs. Austin McCallum & Barbers Hill Vs. Montgomery I think BH is only going to school for a half day Wednesday which allows them to travel and play so early, But what about the FANS!!!! I wonder who's brain child 4 PM was???
  11. I have been to several games this year!! Just not as much as I wish i could. BH will defnetly have their hands full with what the #2 team in the state Winner of this game plays Texas City/Brenham game (If Brenham inded up winngh against Mccallum) I just checked my schedule and wouldn't you know it I have a stupid Meeting I can't get out of Wednesday at 3:00!!!!!!! I'll be at the rest though!!!
  12. 4PM in Montgomery?????? I gues they don'e want the BH fans at the game I'm going to have to sneak out of work to go see this one!!!! Goodluck BH!!!
  13. Congrats to Texas City and congrats to New Caney on a geat season. I'm sure I'll be watching PJ Dean on TV on day!!
  14. Next week we all should tailgate!!! I'm finaily free from my T-ball duties ;D
  15. Congrats BC!! Just one more!!
  17. Congrats BH!!! Got past the dreaded Regional Quarters that they have had so many problems with!! Now the Monkey is off Just keep on keeping on!!! You guys are Awesome!!!! Also thank you for showing the doubters just how good you are!!!
  18. Here is a write up on the game from the Baytown Sun [Hidden Content] Hey LSU BH-89 will come get ya ;D
  19. BH has a crap load, but I lost count a couple of weeks ago. Any BHer's know?
  20. You just gave me a visual I could have done with out :-[ Good luck tonight Eagles!!!
  21. Ouch!!! Thats not a score I'm used to seeing in the 3rd round Congrats Buna!!
  22. Just messing with you guys! I figure if I keep going I can get a -100 Karma by the end of this week ;D I try to aim my comments to those that spoke so much trash during the year and the beginning of the playoffs about our "Weak" district!! LCM had a good team this year, but believe it ot not our distrct may be just a tad stronger in baseball!! SETX 4A never had to deal with BH or Huffman as we are just tiny 4A schools, but we are here to play!!!
  23. Congrats BH!!!! As I had read from a poster a couple of weeks ago " BH is no LCM" ;D One more game and we can hopefully get past this dang Quarter final round!!! Gooo Eagles!!!
  24. Couple of articles from the Baytown Sun [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
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