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Everything posted by ss#1

  1. I thought you were an Everman fan? Or maybe it was S'ville?
  2. I don't think you did, it's just something I have been reading a lot of on posts and I just threw that in there while I was testifying.
  3. well of course they'll use Jace, but they'll also be using my homeboy Shane McQueen (greased lighting) and Ryan Young our outstanding runningback, just no that if Dayton focuses on blocking our passing game, we'll run it in the in-zone, and vice/versa. They'll have the best chance having a well rounded defensive setup, i probably shouldn't be giving pointers to the enemy so ill shut up now lol Oh and from what I know Jace has been looking at Baylor i think And a little something, Our star QB Tyrick Rollison needs to work on his grades before he should think about a DI school, the reason he couldn't play Basketball is because he failed. And SS is the visitor again to answer that other guys question, we've amazingly been visitors 6 times in a row Hmmmm ??? Well that was last year, and from what I know he's not positive on anything but both Ty, and Ryan Young are leaning toward the Army, I added the part about him failing to explain why he's not shooting for somewhere like OSU or Tech Or Florida or something like that. Everything I read says he is leaning to OSU? I think there is a youtube vid taken after the denison or heath game where he talks about recruiting.
  4. Ridiculous statement. Had we shut them down then you could say that but the way it was you just can't. I think we were up by 18 in the 4th when we went to running out the clock otherwise there is no telling how points we would of put up in that game. To say they run out of time is a stupid statement also. I think most good teams will milk the clock down in that situation. Heath and Everman both have better defenses than you so this will get ugly quick. SS 56 Dayton 14
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