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  1. Well they didn't miss the prediction on when and where Rita was gonna hit last year. So far this year they haven't missed but a few predictions on regular weather. I custom bale hay and look at the weather everyday to know when to cut and when not to. So far it hasn't let me down yet :wink:
  2. I know I know....but they also said Rita would hit Matagorda Bay Who picked the name Ernesto neway...lol
  3. Last year i told everyone in all my college classes we were gonna take a pretty direct hit. NO ONE believed me heck I was getting up to minute dates from NOAA through the VFD... In the almanac it states East Texas will recieve a hurricane between the dates of Setp. 5-9th :shock:
  4. Coop, I just watched your broadcast...i sure don't like the sound of things. Dangit i just moved my camper to Beaumont to. i don't wanna have to move again...LOL
  5. My shirt is pimp. Hopefully we will have some vinyl stickers to pass out at next game.
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