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Everything posted by sstexasfootballfan

  1. check out what? - so what he if he is fast - is he fast enough to cover #1, #5, #2 and help to stop the run from #4? didn't think so.
  2. Last time I was on here I was trying to warn you that Dayton's all world #8 won't be able to play both ways, err, I mean be effective both ways. He'll have to chase #1 on fly routes all game long. That guy is more that a little trouble. His speed is shocking. You'll see. I would suggest Dayton leave him on Offense, cause we're gonna score anyways, over and over and over. Go Big Blue! Dude, I hate to tell you but #1 will not be the fastest player on the field Saturday. That honor always belongs to Cameron LaCour. Living in your fantasy world again with your pony stampede!
  3. The FBI was busy yesterday...seems the same thing happened in Sulphur Springs ;D SS hasn't practiced at Gerald Prim all week - I wonder what the FBI was investigating???? Oh that stampede of ponies everyone was talking about - apparently some garden gnomes had lost their way to the Alamodome
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ever seen us play? LOL LOL LOL LOL :D :D Good luck SS Wildcats! May the best team win. :D :D Seen your videos - you got something better - because if not - you need the luck
  5. OMG.... Can't help myself... Doesn't your momma work there?? lol... yeah she works there. Thats why I hang out there so much. Stop by and bring your unicard and I will buy you some purple koolaid. WildcatsRule, you too will be on the bronco bandwagon after this game. Just like the Lobo's will be on the LT bandwagon. Wildcats Rule, didnt know if you saw this one but had to bring it back up. Admit it.. I got ya. looking for approval backflipper?
  6. Actually, wouldn't it be you'RE an idiot? Get your grammar together before calling anyone an idiot. AC - you teach English too?
  7. gosh you're good - can you teach me?
  8. there is a link on Smoaky.com - I am pretty sure there will be a link to listen from there but not positive. try to check that out. Not sure about the houston/dayton area.
  9. no doubt here... But hey check the article on the other thread - your coaches are planning hard... maybe a little doubt there?
  10. Isnt your smoke break over yet? Get back in there and cook me a whopper. Your reaching now. I can sense the doubt building up. you SS folks are piling something up allright but it ain't doubt on our side if you are implying that we are feeding you info to give you the inside on how to beat us - know this - we are not the coaches and they do their job well - and if you are the guy who calls the plays - shouldn't you be doing something else besides underhanded research on how to be the best team you have faced all year? umm you are the best team we have faced all year just like we are the best team that you have faced all year..thats why they call it the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME..... DUH 8) hey man - I can't help it that our side of the bracket was tougher than yours - but i understand how you MIGHT THINK you have played something like you will on Saturday. - I can't wait to see the blanket of silence over your sidelines when your jaws drop - I call it to happen by the third SS offensive play.
  12. Isnt your smoke break over yet? Get back in there and cook me a whopper. Your reaching now. I can sense the doubt building up. you SS folks are piling something up allright but it ain't doubt on our side if you are implying that we are feeding you info to give you the inside on how to beat us - know this - we are not the coaches and they do their job well - and if you are the guy who calls the plays - shouldn't you be doing something else besides underhanded research on how to be the best team you have faced all year?
  13. Everman had more highly qualified athletes on the field than Dayton has - that is why we keep comparing who we have played. I am not trashing the Dayton players just stating a fact. He was not the starting QB because he ran faster and harder but it was obvious that his arm was weaker and less accurate - putting his ability better as a defensive back and corner so he could cover receivers - which he was very good at doing. Didn't you guys say you have a great defense? I am beginning to think you say that because you are so scared of the SS offense - YOU SHOULD BE! Everman had more qualified athletes on the field than Dayton has" Why ? because you say so ??? Because it is true - if that is because I said do then yeah! Everman had more speed - not that you guys do not have some than can run - but Everman had twice as many - which is why they ran the ball the most. You run hurry up no call "spread" type offense right? Well Everman got most of it yards on the ground - 297 to 109 in the air. This is also why the back-up Qb started where he did. they did not need a dual threat QB - the run the ball. The first string needed to throw not be like Cody Green or Ty Rollison. Two different styles.
  14. Is that Everman with or without there starting QB ? ;D he was out for one quarter and the second string was faster and ran harder anyway...where were you going with this? so why is he second string? Because he played first string free safety (that is a defensive posistion) That's not the reason he wasn't the starting QB!!! Come on man....There isn't a coach alive that would pull a stunt like that i wasn't saying the coach pulled a stunt - and you are right he wasn't the starting QB because he was the starting FS - which is why he ran faster and harder. (FS train different than QB) duh !!! So, are you trying to tell everyone that the only reason he didn't start at QB was because he was needed more as a FS? Do you really believe that?? If so, please go to the nearest book store or amazon.com to purchase the book below......Oh, By the way, Thanks for the training lesson..... Can't I just borrow your copy?
  15. The safeties are defensive backs who line up from ten to fifteen yards behind the line of scrimmage. There are two variations of the position in a typical formation, the free safety (FS) and the strong safety (SS). Their duties depend on the defensive scheme. Man I hope your boys are as strong as you say they are because you guys don't know crap about the game - this is gonna be great!!!!! Oh my goodness. I gotta go. I will be back on here when WildcatsRule gets back this afternoon. Obviously he is the only one from your town that is on my level of intelligence. Yall rednecks should go watch replays of some NAS-TARD race. If you were being satirical (you know what that means) I was justing trying to be satirical back - hahahaha - you are smart - should i talk about your mom so you feel better?
  16. Hype is relative - quit blaming your local sport station's decision to cover teams in your area with hype as an excuse for your weak opponents. If your opponent were doing what Katy is doing and has done we would be talking about them and knowing about them - you create hype not wait for it to be given. So again - SS will win!
  17. Everman had more highly qualified athletes on the field than Dayton has - that is why we keep comparing who we have played. I am not trashing the Dayton players just stating a fact. He was not the starting QB because he ran faster and harder but it was obvious that his arm was weaker and less accurate - putting his ability better as a defensive back and corner so he could cover receivers - which he was very good at doing. Didn't you guys say you have a great defense? I am beginning to think you say that because you are so scared of the SS offense - YOU SHOULD BE!
  18. The safeties are defensive backs who line up from ten to fifteen yards behind the line of scrimmage. There are two variations of the position in a typical formation, the free safety (FS) and the strong safety (SS). Their duties depend on the defensive scheme. Man I hope your boys are as strong as you say they are because you guys don't know crap about the game - this is gonna be great!!!!! SS - 91 Dayton - 28 (because we give it to them at the end)
  19. Is that Everman with or without there starting QB ? ;D he was out for one quarter and the second string was faster and ran harder anyway...where were you going with this? so why is he second string? Because he played first string free safety (that is a defensive posistion) That's not the reason he wasn't the starting QB!!! Come on man....There isn't a coach alive that would pull a stunt like that i wasn't saying the coach pulled a stunt - and you are right he wasn't the starting QB because he was the starting FS - which is why he ran faster and harder. (FS train different than QB) duh !!!
  20. It's trash talking here...not 4th grade playground garbage. Next thing I'm waiting to hear is nanabooboo stick your head in ... Where's Wildcat fan or whatever his name was...someone in SS call that guy and tell him to get back on here...he came strong and held his own...even throwing a few momma jokes in there, see above. his name is wildcatsrule - and he is taking a break - he will be back!
  21. So based on your philosophy - SS can't beat a team because of ONE player being out? That is garbage! I will give you that SS took advantage of the starting QB taking a break on the sideline - but you wouldn't? It was shift in momentum! As far as the comment about HEath and the RB - not our fault - you are grasping dude! SS will win - you will see! but hey i admire your faith
  22. Is that Everman with or without there starting QB ? ;D he was out for one quarter and the second string was faster and ran harder anyway...where were you going with this? so why is he second string? Because he played first string free safety (that is a defensive posistion)
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