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Everything posted by fridaynightlights

  1. Ty calls the play while everyone is running to the line. Ref spots ball, we snap it. Everman tried to sub several times. 3 penalties for 12 men on the field.
  2. I guess everybody went to go look at them. I'm outta here.
  3. Wouldn't know. But it is the name of a local man's business and he takes game pics every week. He takes a ton of pics.
  4. SS game pics at trophyoftexas.com
  5. Did that work against the Lobo's and Tx High -- Don't you have to wait til the ref. puts the ball down ? That is covered in pregame!!
  6. You would be too if you knew you were about to be 4A DII State Champs!!
  7. Did that work against the Lobo's and Tx High -- Did against the Lobos. We kinda killed ourselves deep in their territory about 3 or 4 times in that game. The wheels fell off in the T-High game. But trust me.......ya'll are no T-High or Longview.
  8. That is why SS's offense is so good this year. They have a lot of weapons. Like 5 or 6. You can't just shut down a couple and expect to have success. They literally use the whole field, vertically and horizontally, and every player.
  9. The reason that ESPN called it NASCAR is not because of the "spread" or "the hurry up". They work on it in practice all the time. It is designed to fatigue the defense, therefore, taking away pass rush and making it hard for coverages. They will literally sprint up to the line and snap it. You better get your butt back and play defense or you will be in trouble quick. If you try to "sub", Ty will call for the snap and uh-oh. Not a good idea. If you want him on the field, get him on the field at change of posession/start of drive. He better be ready to sprint left, sprint right, come up and make a tackle, get back in coverage. Oh and go 15 yards down the field and get lined up again. Repeat. Constant running around.
  10. Won't be any "subbing on 3rd downs". Not enough time for that homie. 12 men on the field or someone left uncovered if you try that.
  11. SS's elected to go on yella dogs to all of their playoff games so far as well. They decided to go to this one first class. It will be fun. I think they are stopping at UT to practice on the way.
  12. Reality will strike Saturday afternoon. Dayton will see how close they really were to a state championship this year. Rerun of last year's LT game. Sorry guys. Great season though.
  13. This is one of the better offenses that SS has seen, but not even close to being one of the tougher defenses they've faced. Dayton's D is decent but not stifling. SS will move the ball well. We will see if Dayton can. I think that SS's O is better than Dayton's. D's are about the same.
  14. Ya'll keep on BELIEVIN'! We will keep on DOIN'!
  15. Ryan Young just scored on a 57 yard burst.
  16. Dayton fumbled the ball on the KOR. It was recovered by SS. Tyrik drops back, and hits Shane McQueen in stride for another score. The PAT is good! 15-0 Wildcats with 11:35 left in the first quarter.
  17. Dang Dayton, yall are getting punked on the board and youre going to get punked Saturday! ;D
  18. I hope so because when what I'm saying starts coming true I will be thinking about you. Remember what I said.
  19. Are you coming to the game Rollinac?
  20. from TexasFootball.com "QB Tyrik Rollison is really putting together a run to remember, and by the time his career is over next weekend, he might be one of the best to play in the last five or six years."
  21. I'm sure Dugat will do his thing! But once again, Tyrik won't be denied!! It's gonna be a BLUE and GOLD X-MAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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