The reason the turf was separated from the rest of the items is because when the bond was first proposed, people complained more about the turf than any other item. I personally believe the proposition 1 barely passed in part because of all the other athletic improvements. Tam2121, our racial composition certainly played at least a partial role. I'm not sure how many black people voted, but traditionally, black voter turnout is disproportionately low compared to white voter turnout. I would bet many of the voters were older whites who no longer have kids in the school district, so the motivation to pay extra taxes was not the same as if they had kids who would attend the new or renovated schools. There has been an effort to get the plants to help us with the turf. The same plants to which we have and are currently giving a significant tax break, and they refused to fund it. If those plant managers have kids in school, I doubt they are attending WOCCISD. The money we lost due to "Robin Hood," it's gone and is never coming back. As for the current funding of education in the state of Texas, it's a case of meet the new boss, same as the old boss. We are still getting robbed. I'm just thankful proposition 1 passed. Our program will continue to be great, regardless of the surface of the Dan R. Hooks Stadium.