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Everything posted by raiderpride

  1. wow thats terrible, i hadnt heard anything about it, they have my prayer
  2. nice one, thats funny, i bet you made an account just so you could pick on us poor lumberton people huh?
  3. lumberton loses to ozen in 4 games
  4. those were also two teams lumberton beat by a combined 11 points, compared to this years 78 points, and dominating them on both sides of the ball, read the article in the Beaumont Enterprise on another of the topics, yes were better, no we arent amazing and gonna destroy everybody, but upsets will happen and nobody knows at this point were our district is headed
  5. lumberton vs dayton (a huge game) and lumberton vs vidor (our unofficial rival lol) for us lumberton guys and gals
  6. this forum is like a roller coaster ride!!!! whooo!!!
  7. hey stuff happens and hussey got all he needed from the look credeur gave him, i was pulled out personally by credeur last year and after the game pulled him to the side and personally apologized for my actions, that man scared the crap outta me lol i felt like dying and he didnt even say a word, he has a look, all of the lumberton players know it, lol
  8. lumberton is a very decent team this year, i look for them to be top contenders they just have to learn to finish well, that has been there problem all year long, they win the first two, lose the third bad, get down on themselves and lose it all
  9. lol oh yeah it hurts real bad, but your sure glad you have em cause that weight seems alot easier with the support of em lol
  10. oh trust me, we went into last years game with a big head, which was part of our problem, we were thinkin they were the newcomers to our tough, stout district and we were gonna give them a proper welcome......needless to say they earned our respect big time, these guys know whats comin from each other and i personally cannot wait for this game, i was simply saying that speedwise they are ahead of lumberton, but unless something happened this offseason, sizewise there isnt much of a difference
  11. hopefully we wont have this little problem week after next for the dayton game, cause there is gonna be some good photo ops i can feel it lol good collisions in that one, man i cant wait!!!!
  12. im goin with kelly bigtime, at least by 21, but who knows....this is highschool football......
  13. being a raider and playing with bryce i know he is a great qb, i hate that because of the teams the raiders have played, bryce hasnt been set loose yet, but once district comes around.....i think credeur is gonna let dejohn loose and i know people on this forum have somewhat forgotten about him, and focused more on the rb's but he is there and he will make his presence in this district felt lol ;D
  14. raidernaytion, im happy your a lumberton fan but easy killer, haha, its good to be supportive of our guys, unlike some so called l-town fans that like to shoot down our high spirits
  15. whoo lumberton lol had to say it, and all this size i keep hearing dayton has, i havent seen them this year but if its anything like last year, i have a picture of myself standing in front of daytons o-line and im only 6'0, 275lbs and i towered over them, they werent big, they were had a quick first step and quick feet, they did however need work on cut blocking lol
  16. ;D lol i know i was just tryin to prove a nice point, gosh lol jk, respect is good in highschool football ya know
  17. why does everybody gotta get there undies in a wad lol its not like by law this is how the season is gonna play out no matter what lol i mean this is just a discussion and im sure coop doesnt do these rankings by himself, he has help with them, just get over it, everybody wants there team higher and all the other teams lower, thats life but you dont have to complain about it
  18. i dont know about anybody else but i just wanna know who this security guy is now lol
  19. lumberton plays a close game, i dont really know how to call this one so i wont open my mouth lol, all i know is that lumberton is not as slow anymore as everone thinks they are, no there not blazin fast like other teams in this district, but we arent as slow anymore, lumberton will hold their own
  20. see i like this place this year, people from all other teams are nice and just as supporting as I and any other lumberton fan is for the other teams in this area, minus a few people, we from lumberton respect all of you
  21. kinda not sure about the score lol i just cant wait for this game, its gonna be alot more interesting than last year win or lose, and WOS i dont know what you have against lumberton, but you never do anything but hate on them, these guys go out every friday and play there heart out, if you cant respect that then just leave it alone please
  22. will france is a great guy, im happy that he dropped off pics, i am however very upset that he couldnt get pictures of his own daughter, him and robin mauer are in my mind the only two commercial photographers ever on the sideline, and in know personally that they have a good relationship with each other, mrs. robin has not been able to be at the football games, on account of her daughters volleyball games.
  23. now dont go off giving all of lumberton a bad name, im sure if the fans heard about this they would be just as outraged as anybody else, these people love looking and the pictures and the players do too, its ridiculous, just know its not all of lumbertons fault
  24. i think that was me that said that, and if it was, my bad dawg, lol i didnt mean it haha
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