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Everything posted by raiderpride

  1. ouch that looks painful, i dislocated my knee in the 06 season, and i know it hurt purty bad, that just looks painful, i think the worst ive ever seen is when centrals DB got nailed on the knee at last years game, helmet to knee contact right in front of me and the helmet won lol i think his knee was dislocated too, but man it was nasty....and the noise it made......owwww
  2. well after what lumberton did to new caneys spread offense, im not sure it would do much better for bridge city, and i honestly think BC is a better team than New Caney, but the spread wont help them at all
  3. uh no lol you wish thats what it was, haha, its kind of like the tightest ace bandage you could ever imagine, some schools dont use them but they all should, not only does it protect the lifters knee in case of an accident it also works kind of like a spring, though it bruises and bleeds most of the times lol you get used too it and its worth it
  4. but the whole thing people are trying to drill through lcm fans heads is that for most teams its not a walk in the park trying to hold the same intensity throughout an entire season, its nearly impossible to be honest with you, weeks and weeks of practicing until seven, eight o'clock at night start to wear on players, its all up this year
  5. nope lol its the lcm education lol just kidding, only kidding nobody bite my head off, sorry Coop it was there i had to say it lol
  6. and good luck to you too man, i just really dont want a repeat on here lol
  7. lol im still not totally into ozens uniforms haha maybe not such a bright yellow and it would be just fine lol
  8. good lord whats wrong with you people, and why does everybody like to go on ranting and raving about lumberton.....i dunno what others think, but i can personally tell that most lumberton fans on this board are doing there best to not have a repeat of last year......im beginning to think the other school fans are trying there best to get started again, just leave it be please
  9. :DOUCH, lol thats gotta burn the tailfeathers off any cardinal haha
  10. id say go with the trojans as the name....they would be about that dominant in football ya know
  11. its gonna be all three lifts, with three shots at each one, if you miss all three lifts you scratch out of the meet completely, best thing is start with a weight you can undoubtedly do, just to be sure your staying, another thing, squat suits and knee wraps will add about 40 to 50lbs to your max depending on the person some people it adds more just for the mentality of knowing it
  12. YAY!!!! LCM fans are taking over for lumberton fans big mouths last year WHOO!!!! lol ;D ;D 8)
  13. yea...prolly should leave that whole battery thing alone lol, i think ill leave it be. haha
  14. im gonna go with dayton again this year, but without the undefeated season, they will have some tough games, i say some lol but they all will be tough in this district
  15. there is a place in houston, i just cant remember the name.....lol sorry, i do know that the open meets they hold in the area, most of the time have vendors at them if you hear of any around you.
  16. it shouldnt even be legal with the signed paper, its just not right. definitely a situation were, be it my child, if they got married he would roll down the aisle
  17. for a jv meet in that weight class.....id say between 300 and 400 to be a good squat, about 250 bench, and about 350-400 deadlift. those would do good for jv. One to look for this year, kyle gillam, from lumberton, deadlift is his strong point, great lifter, i think he managed 600 last year (sophomore) this should be a record year for him if not his senior year, just keep and eye out for him
  18. it would definitely be a force to reckon with, top athletes from the schools now together......man it would hurt to be the other team lol
  19. looks like a tought district this year, not unlike on the football side of things, ozen has come to play at all of there games, lumberton always plays hard, just tends to lose it when there down, looks like anybodies ball game at this point, thoughts and opinions please
  20. i agree but when your mad cause you had to work on a friday night lol they sure can help lighten the mood sometimes haha
  21. this district will be tough, everybody can compete this, count nobody out, i dont really know who my dark horsey is lol, lumberton will def. be in the mix
  22. anybody know where i can find some lumberton stats, i cant seem to find them
  23. im gonna go with the raiders on this one nowhere near as close as last year, the defense wowed me with the improvements they have made. 35-7 Lumberton
  24. ltown i dont know who you are, hopefully your just some random guy trying to make lumberton look bad, but i can definitely tell you that your no fan of lumberton, because of your post im sure no one on this board has anymore respect for you, all your trying to do is start things up that others are doing a good job of avoiding, just leave it alone, and if your are from lumberton, show some respect to the town, the team, and the other members of this forum.
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