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Everything posted by venom33

  1. too many changes at wos this year.... lets hope they get it together somewhat before the 26th.
  2. same song, different year, same outcome... menard is a very talented athlete but he got beat up badly by the chain gang last year and bc's heart was taken! if the o line blocks like they did last year menard will be running for his life all night!
  3. zach is a great ball player and even better young man! the future is very bright for him! were all very proud of you!
  4. i just heard from a VERY reliable source that toby foreman is in town to interview for the open position.  :o :-\
  5. I heard Riojas is out as head coach as of today... if thats correct I say Fackler throws his hat in the ring!   ;)
  6. wow! that kick from machida was nice!
  7. coach t it is!!!!     ;D ;D    congrats, he deserved it!
  8. [quote name="kicker" post="1000304" timestamp="1303317880"] official just means hire date. The pick will be today from what i was told by two sources. I have a feeling that T will get the nod. But if not, I see this board erupting! [/quote] yes sir, they wll find out at 3 today!
  9. im hearing the incentive package will once again be available to the coaches after the hiring announcement is made because if someone from the outside is brought in he will be allowed to clean house and bring in his assistants. if the decision on t has been made why is the super making the coaches aware the incentive will be available??? im telling you guys, theres a hidden agenda here!
  10. [quote name="wosmustangs" post="997566" timestamp="1302836436"] If at the end of the process, we find that it was a strategic plan to hire a certain "kind" of person, there is only one word for that.  At it's not one that society likes to deal with.  BUT, I don't hide under a rock.  I will wait to see if the SUPERINTENDANT allows (quietly drives) this process to be twisted away from a "no-brainer" decision to a certain "choice" of person.... That will not sit well with me, nor should it ANYONE. [/quote] that is EXACTLY whats going to happen!
  11. [quote name="mustangproud" post="996354" timestamp="1302638762"] The school board election is where change needs to be made, most people haven't figured that out. As far a people being in positions because of other things other than ability, well that has been going on with the program for a while. To much putting on friends and family and passing over people who are probably more qualified, so don't assume by what your hearing that, these people you are referring to are only being put in these positions because of anything other than ability. [b]It's giving these people the opportunities that they were constantly being passed over for[/b]. As I stated, I love coach Thompson. I don't want my comments to leave people thinking I have anything against him. I think he is a great coach, but as I stated there are some things that the new coach needs to be willing to do in order to bring this school and program to the next level. There are alot of good candidates and we want a great coach, but we also want someone who is going to care about every sport, every kid and give every kid the opportunity to succeed on and off the field. Kids don't need to be ran off from the school because they don't fit the stereotype of what a mustang player should look like. Every kid should get the opportunity to shine on the team , not just the player that you looked at when they were in the seventh grade and you decided, this is going to be my starter in high school...make them earn it, because this kid might not have gotten any better since, but the one you overlooked back then might have, but you will never notice because you are too busy having this picture of what this kid is going to be in your head that you can't see the superstar on the sidelines. This isn't directed at coach T, but there have been  some of that going on. By the way, I'm a female. [/quote] maybe "these people" you speak of have been passed over for a reason. the problem with the majority of these kids is they were never taught to follow rules, be it society,home,or in school (if you disagree just travel to your local mall or wal-mart) so why on earth would we expect them to follow the rules the coaches put in place? teach your kids at home that if rules and laws arent followed there will be consequenses! coach t deserves this position...it should be a no brainer. unfortunately i have a feeling that you will get a small group of people who will strong arm the powers that be into choosing on cridentials that coach t doesnt have.
  12. [quote name="PhatMack19" post="988421" timestamp="1301099964"] Droiullard solo HR.  3-1 Vidor after 2 [/quote] so much for the theory that he would struggle with 4a pitching. this kid is a beast regardless of what classification hes playing in!
  13. [quote name="Go-rilla" post="985557" timestamp="1300509866"] Toby Foreman.. Give the hometown boy a shot!! Look what he has done with the Track Program.. I'm sure there are a few guys on staff that they dont need to go beggin outsiders. Congrats to Coach Hooks on a legendary career! [/quote] I agree, but if it came down to accepting apps I dont think there would need to be any "beggin." Fridays just wont be the same... :'(
  14. the ufc gets these ppv's right once in a while.
  15. [quote name="basketball25" post="966963" timestamp="1297858978"] Anderson silva and Gsp fight the best fighters in the world and win that's why they are recognized pfp 2 best and bec they fight in the best organization, fedor startEd to lose his reign for not fighting and having a long layoff and for fighting in strikeforce and not ufc, to be the best u got to beat the best and the best are in the ufc, do u know why everyone has pacman pfp best in boxing!!!!! Bec he fights the best he ducks nobody and that's what champions are made of, u know why pretty boy Floyd isn't consider pfp best bec he's ducking pacman that's why!!!!! Fedor been ducking ufc for 5 yrs and their fighters!!!!! Diaz for strikeforce is really good but he won't get the recognition he deserves until he's in the ufc and fights gsp just plain and simple [b]that's why after ever fight he calls out ufc fighters to fight bec he knows where the best fighters in the world are[/b]... [/quote] exactly, after his fights diaz calls out the best FIGHTERS, they just so happen to fight in the ufc. recently, however, hes been running his mouth about mayhem miller and i dont believe he fights for the ufc.   ;D we should be happy as fans we have two organizations who are putting on pretty good fights. that benefits us the fans and the fighters.
  16. below is a partial interview with bigfoot after the fight, ALL CLASS... Its sad that every top level fighter in the game has nothing but respect for Fedor but so many non fighters disrespect him the way they do. Every fighter who has met him reveres how humble he is and give him nothing but gratitude for the accomplishments and so many key board warriors talk trash..… Get it? The guy is a humble fighter who will always be the best in the eyes of the fighters he has shed blood with. [i]Guilherme Cruz: Do you think the doctors were right to stop the fight? Antonio Silva: Many said he could’ve returned for round number three, but I’ll tell you something - because of Fedor’s heart and his attitude as a professional, he’d have returned for sure ... If he returned, he’d have lost his eye, because I’d keep trying to hit it all the time. The doctors are there to talk with the athlete and stop him from getting hurt. I was at the hotel and I saw him getting there around 5am, and I thought he had broken something because his face was pretty bad. For the athlete he is, he’d have returned, but it maybe would have complicated things for him, because I was ready to fight round number three. I went into tears and the entire story went through my mind: where I come from, where I am now. I had to hold so the tears wouldn’t go down. I got puffy, but I was crazy to fight the third round. GC: Do you still consider Fedor to be the greatest heavyweight of all times on MMA? AS: For me, Fedor is the Pelé of MMA, besides being a very humble guy. When he left the hospital at 5am, I was at the hotel’s lobby and I talked to him and asked him not to stop fighting because he still has many things to show to the fans and that people still wanted to see him on the cage. And, after that, the guy came and kissed my forehead… Get it? He’s a wonderful guy, and everybody wants to see the best of all times in a good shape. He’s all about being humble.[/i]
  17. [quote name="basketball25" post="966533" timestamp="1297808205"] He doesn't even fight in the UFC lol, he fights in a C plus organization, basically its the European League of basketball and then you have the NBA, everyone wants to play against the best so thats why euro players come play in the NBA, if i was fedor i would get back mentally and sign with the UFC and clean house but you know why he won't do it because he can't clean house, I like FEDOR and he was great but the guy had his chance to sign with the UFC when the UFC bought pride but what did FEDOR do he said no I am not interested, I would rather fight for a c level organization instead of the NFL of MMA. I think if he was losing these fights in the UFC it would be little different but he's losing these fights with strikeforce!!!!!!I think if you put Fedor up againt Carwin,Dos Santos, Lesnar, and Cain he loses  because these guys are a different breed than what he face 6 yrs ago in pride, they are bigger, faster, and stronger, and number 1 thing these are top notch  crazy athletes!!!! I got a feeling the winner of this strikeforce tourney will be in the UFC no doubt in my mind because Barnett and Overeem have said they would love to fight in the UFC....but Fedor said he won't fight in the UFC because he don't like DANA WHITE well how many MLB players like Selig???How many NFL players like Godell???? but you know what all these players still want to play against the ELITEEE and the BEST in the game... [/quote] i think comparing the ufc to the nba or the nfl is like comparing apples and kiwis. instead of comapring a company like the ufc you need to compare mma to the nfl or nba and think of the ufc and strikeforce as teams. each team has their strong players and their weaker ones, but no team has all of the best players in the sport. kinda like the ufc and strikeforce, both have great fighters with some divisions being stronger than the other but neither company has a monopoloy on the WORLDS fighters. you need to understand that the ufc didnt invent mma or combat sports as a whole, theyre just the best promoter in the u.s.. like ive said, regardless of money or whatever else you feel is important theres an entire MMA world youre missing. youve got to learn that the ufc isnt the end all be all when it comes to mma theyre just another company with some great fighters. the only thing they have over strikeforce is their promotion ability and hype machine. it doesnt matter where fedor or anyone else for that matter fights, its who theyre fighting. if anderson silva or gsp fought for strikeforce would that lessen their status as p4p champ, their ability, or their legacy up to that point? if you answer NO to that question then you prove my point. its not where you fight its who you fight and what your record says and in NO WAY does the company a fighter works for make them any better or any worse, the fighter however dictates that. i hope the ufc signs either barnett or overeem regardless of the outcome of the tourney. if this happens either should get an immediate title shot and the title would change hands. the ufc has always had great divisions but the hw division has NEVER been their strong suit. i guess time will tell.
  18. [quote name="basketball25" post="966176" timestamp="1297740239"] Fedor s fighting better bigger and faster athletes now, the fedor 5 yrs ago would lose, he weights 230, carwin, lesnar, dos sontos, cain, are all stud athletEs that can move and have athletic ability that fighters didn't have 5 yrs ago, fedor best win 5 yrs ago were against big nog and cro crop!!!his last couple wins of late are against arvloski, tim Sylvia who got cut from the ufc, Brett rogers who has never beat a legit top 10 heavyweight and Matt linland who weight 185 pounds, fighters these days are bigger, faster, and stronger, fedor was good in pride days  and that's it,  loook at all the pride fighters that have came to the ufc and struggled there is  alot of them, main ones cro crop and big nog...Fedor is only 34... [/quote] you kill me. i could debate mma with you all day... lol  you have to take the ufc colored glasses off and realize its not all about the ufc its about the entire sport of mma and its not about what organization a fighter fights for instead its about who he fights. youre missing out on an entire world of mma out there. you reference fedors last wins yet you only give opinions when doing so. when he fought arlovski he was ranked the #2 hw, sylvia was ranked #3 and rogers in the top 10. where theyre ranked now means nothing, it was where they were ranked at the time of the fight. you also make reference to lindlands weight being lower than fedors but never bring up the fact that fedor,in the vast majority of his fights, is fighting guys that out weigh him by a significant amount. nor do you mention the weight difference when your former champ lesnar fought couture. what top 10 hw's has brock beaten? when referencing the pride fighters who have come to the ufc you only mention the ones who've done poorly but never bring up ex pride fighters anderson silva, shogun, liddell(oh yes), or rampage and you give no credit to nog for winning the ufc hw belt???? two of the fore mentioned fighters I believe hold belts in the ufc and one of them is considered p4p champ. age catches up to us all eventually but losing two in a row after going undefeated for 10 years and being considered by many to be the best in the world means your career is over? keep in mind, anderson was subbed by two cans before going to the ufc! fedor went out on his shield in the silva fight. he took a ton of damage but showed the heart of a champion and i believe deserved the 3rd round. unlike your former ufc champ who is scared to get hit and when he does runs or turtles in the fetal position and prays for a stoppage or your current champ who struggled with kongo!   :'(    ;) did fedor get beat? BADLY! but to dis-credit his entire career and try to pick it apart is ridiculous and absurd.
  19. any word on who made it from wo-s?
  20. AWESOME!  Congrats!
  21. its amusing when they interview barnett, never know whats coming out of his mouth.  overeem and barnett in the finals would be a good fight.
  22. fedor just retired!  maybe....
  23. arlovsi got ko'd and fedor took a beating! his face was a mess! i see overeem taking this tourney.
  24. kville played in the same weather! i believe it was 3-1 or 4-1 going into the second. there was a 3 run bomb given up in the 1st inning by wos. the stangs will be fine.
  25. great idea!!!
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