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Everything posted by venom33

  1. How/when did all the slap talk move to this thread???? Ive got to start keeping up!! :-\
  2. This couldve only ended badly... What if Dicky V actually slapped somebody,broke his hand on the guys face, then filed a lawsuit saying that had the guy not talked trash to him on the forum his hand wouldnt be broke! Then we would all be talking about that incident for the next month on said forum....;D
  3. OH SNAP! Thats STANDARD? Dicky V doesnt play! :'(
  4. i agree it is a tragedy for the family, but i can say with 100% surety that had something like this happened to my child my first instinct WOULD NOT be to hire an attorney 2000 miles away before the sun rose on that morning and my second instinct would not be to call the kkk or any other white supremest group! thats absurd! she has an agenda and though getting answers is on it it is not top priority!
  5. shes still hanging on to the hopes of an inflated bank account! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6. I didnt read anything about the tats, what did they say???
  7. the family will continue to do autopsys until someone tells them what they want to hear, or atleast tells them something close to what they want so they can spin it to fit their accusations. far from over!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$
  8. You go in hard but you DO NOT go in spikes high especially sharpened spikes high with the intent of hurting another player! Ive read numerous articles concerning Cobb and his spikes and I have yet to read one that doesnt say hes a cheat! Against the rules or not he CHEATED! Heres a few more for ya--Corked bats, Vaseline on the baseball, sharpening spikes, excessive pine tar, teams that cut the field grass or sculpt the baselines a certain way to give their speedier players an advantage or take away speed of another team, thumbtacks in the 3rd baseman’s glove to nick up the baseball, catchers with larger mitts to appear to catch the ball over the plate, sign stealing or tipping, you name it, players and coaches have been doing it! Cheating is Cheating...
  9. correct, infielders get spiked, but i wouldnt say all of the time. what cobb did was absolutely against the rules! he SHARPENED his spikes and went in high on the middle infielders to steal bases. they knew what he would do and they wouldnt apply the tag! that my good man is CHEATING. now i wonder how many stolenbases he would have had he not done that?? the only difference is manny chose to hurt himself to be better, cobb chose to hurt others!
  10. WOW!!! this coming from someone who uses ty cobb as his screen name, cobbs picture, and quotes ty cobb... Cobb wasn't a cheater. He was a mean son of a gun, but not a cheater. Manny, on the other hand, is a cheater!!! soooo sharpening your spikes and sliding feet high isnt cheating???
  11. I think just as some of us bring up racial issues there is an opposing side who are in denial about how race affects our society. Just the fact that you have students in this area who have never had contact with kids from other races until they enter college still is hard for me to imagine. Bridge City, Lumberton, Vidor, etc. Race is real! Race denial is real too! I dont agree with alot of what dove says but I can say that this statement, with everything Ive seen personally and have first hand knowledge of, is VERY accurate! His statement is still racially motivated. He just happen to mention all white schools. What about schools that are majority black? They probably don't have many white friends..... very true
  12. I think just as some of us bring up racial issues there is an opposing side who are in denial about how race affects our society. Just the fact that you have students in this area who have never had contact with kids from other races until they enter college still is hard for me to imagine. Bridge City, Lumberton, Vidor, etc. Race is real! Race denial is real too! I dont agree with alot of what dove says but I can say that this statement, with everything Ive seen personally and have first hand knowledge of, is VERY accurate!
  13. WOW!!! this coming from someone who uses ty cobb as his screen name, cobbs picture, and quotes ty cobb...
  14. Does anyone have any information on any upcoming Summer football camps???
  15. i saw this comment on another site and it made all the sense in the world... if youre black and have strong feelings about something youre considered an ACTIVIST, if youre white and have strong feelings about something youre considered a RACIST.
  16. If you want to see something funny go to youtube.com and look up "Quannel X Clashes with Joe Horn Supporters." Qualude X apparently tried to protest the killing of two felons robbing a house in the Houston area and he was met with a group of white protesters with motorcycles.... Qualude and his boys scattered like roaches when the lights are turned on!
  17. I will agree with you that this is the best fight the ufc has put on in quite a while.... its about time!
  18. it seems everytime you post something concerning an upcoming fight or fighter you take bits and pieces of the past and use what you need to validate your point instead of looking at the entire picture. he beat a weak rua and won a decision to rampage that the majority of mma believed he didnt truly win. he was emabarassed by rashad and destroyed by jardine who have inferior striking skills compared to silva! dont forget he lost to tito as well... i think his only chance of winning will be on the ground, he CANT stand with silva! i dont see him being a cardio machine at all, if i recall he was gassed his last few fights.
  19. yep, but if he fights both of those guys again he beats neither one. also, anderson beat his share as well so that really doesnt hold water. the only way we could come close to comparing the two would be comparing the same opponents each has fought. also, forrest has been ktfo by lesser strikers than silva.
  20. its easy to call a guy out when you know the fight will never happen.... silva via murder! forrest is nothing! Silva would be my pick but "Forrest nothing"? I know he may not be as skilled or talented but he is one of the toughest fighters walking. he doesnt have a farts chance in the wind against silva...
  21. its easy to call a guy out when you know the fight will never happen.... silva via murder! forrest is nothing!
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