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Everything posted by venom33

  1. Gas, did you happen to go to Smith St across from WOSHS? My sister in law and her family stayed and we can't reach them. With Gov. Perry saying billions of $$ in damages, would Orange County be conseidered a "total loss"
  2. any word about lake street area in bc or oaks on the bayou behind mans video?
  3. Water kicker, you know where i live, is it flooded??? dont know, I will pass the info as i get it. sounds good...if you happen to see it let us know.
  4. Water kicker, you know where i live, is it flooded???
  5. any idea of lawndale avenue, 105 and 87 by the dps office???
  6. It seems Orange County is being spared. Is this correct and if so, will it continue??
  7. just talked to kogt, they said not much was happening...
  8. Man, you just like to bring on the bad news dont ya? Dont be so pessimistic. ??? What? Pessemistic? I am relaying info from the government. Would you like me to put some spirit sprinkles on top to make you feel better? lol. keep the info coming!!!!
  9. any word on cow bayou in bc? my in-laws live in oaks on the bayou on skylark!
  10. not good.... the storm isnt here yet! does anyone have any word on bridge city or orange???
  11. were evacuated to natchitoches la and were hearing that esthers restaurant is under water, is this true????
  12. doesn anyone have any info on 87 north? is it bad?
  13. geez kicker, you sound like you are really stressed. Are you a public official? Stress is part of the job, you either work well with it and accept it or you dont. Like I said, my deal is the foot dragging thats going on! Ive already said that I have rooms booked and damit i will leave, but what about the people who dont have the resources to do the same? Thats what the majority of us are saying.This shouldve been done yesterday,instead people who need direction and help are now left to fend for themselves and that is the sad part.
  14. Kicker, since you have such a well known inside source enlighten everyone... Heres my problem, they came on the six o clock news saying they had a plan and the resources to get the 211 people out and not five minutes ago on channel 6 they are saying the resources arent there and everyone is pretty much on their own! They knew at 6 they didnt have the resources nor a plan to take care of the special needs people or the elderly yet they assured us they did... what gives???? this has turned into a CLUSTER F***!!
  15. That's bull.. I'd be in my car and gone. They aren't saying that you can't leave. They aren't going to lock the gates to the city. It just will not be mandatory. I would be on the move also. I dont think anyone on here is disputing whether we can leave or not, the majority is floored due to the incompetence of our "leaders!!!" If the mandatory isnt called they should be ashamed and I hope the residents let their displeasure be heard!!!! PATHETIC!!
  16. ummmmmm, you do realize hes a meteorologist? just making sure everyones on the same page.
  17. Any word on LIT being closed tomorrow or Friday???
  18. Voluntary just called for low lying areas!!!!!
  19. I for one am not nervous, I have rooms booked... Im just confused as to why its taking soooooo long for the "powers that be" to make a decision. I think theyre doing the citizens a HUGE disservice waiting like this! Late Thursday,early Friday will be too late!
  20. Its always better to be safe than sorry... This storm is right on our butts and could do anything! If it stays the course we could be greatly effected! If they continue to wait how would the elderly and special needs have time to do anything???? C'mon tvc,youre a cop,you know their job as elected officials is to protect the citizens of their counties and I think as of now theyre failing miserably! Yes and they did exactly that a few days ago for Gustav and everyone was up in arms because we didn't get hit. Gustav was very close. We got some heavy rains and some fairly strong winds out of it in parts of this area. That didn't matter. Many people seemed to be angry that their homes were still standing and they left "for no reason". AGAIN, if anyone wants to leave, then do so. There is no permission needed to evacuate. This isn't China where you need papers to authorize someone to leave the county. If they call an evacuation this afternoon for tomorrow morning and it hits near Corpus Christi, the exact same people that are complaining now, will complain again that we didn't get hit again. I beg to differ,permission is infact needed, China or not...
  21. Its always better to be safe than sorry... This storm is right on our butts and could do anything! If it stays the course we could be greatly effected! If they continue to wait how would the elderly and special needs have time to do anything???? C'mon tvc,youre a cop,you know their job as elected officials is to protect the citizens of their counties and I think as of now theyre failing miserably!
  22. If they had a good idea that it would be near here, they would. Right now the storm looks to land 200 miles away in Corpus Christi. I understand that, but you'd think they would rather be safe than sorry. How far away did Gustav hit and we ran for the hills QUICK! It appears were gonna get hit,maybe not direct but were gonna get some weather we havent seen in quite a while.
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