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Everything posted by venom33

  1. Lets just hope that if the WOS savior returns history doesnt repeat itself....
  2. So if the first few times the shotgun formation didnt work then why didnt the "other coach" call something different instead of the same thing?
  3. It wasnt the OC who called it, correct?
  4. Seriously, who called the shotgun play at the goal line?????
  5. Me too, they didnt come today and its overflowing! Since you're trying to charm the sanitation workers can you put in a good word for me? ;D
  6. C'mon Tater theres more to that story than you're giving.... C'mon Tater!
  7. Dust, are you sure thats all you know about the WOS program????
  8. Thats very sterotypical of you dust to put all WOS fans in the same category. I agree with you the crying should cease and we play the hand were dealt. As for ME Ive never called for the OC's head, though I have questioned our lack of a kicking game and I can assure you Im not a garbage collector... ;D
  9. I see all of these "bring Toby back" posts but Im not too familiar with what he did for us before he left.... I was told he was partially responsible for the infamous shotgun formation on 1st and goal at the 1 foot line against Giddings a few years back that led to us not scoring.
  10. What does it matter what the guy does for a living? Does his profession lessen his opinion or his right to have one? He stands firm behind his opinion yet you continue to make personal attacks and as usual certain mods turn a blind eye and accept your garbage posts.
  11. Berkman is a pathetic "attention whore" who is worried the spotlight wont be on him and his numbers.... Its amzing that hes worried about team chemistry and yet everytime he opens his mouth hes rocking the boat and doing nothing to promte this chemistry.
  12. It amazes me that all these years everyone complained that the Astros would never open the checkbook to get quality,all star caliber players instead they hung on to the deadwood "feel good story" players... but now the checkbook is open and the players are coming and yet people still complain.
  13. Kicking game killed us!!! We have to get a kicker!!!!
  14. The kicking game hurt us.... No reason on earth we cant make a PAT,wouldve been a different game!!!!
  15. They have agreed to terms, so hes done... ;D
  16. Ok to not be confusing let me explain... had that post been "serious" that would have been the dumbest,most ignorant, thoughtless, funniest,most hilarious, post of all time. I was hoping for your sake it was only a joke, but had it been serious it wouldve been a classic. Also, how would that be racist? Its the same as calling someone from America an American...
  17. Is "smack" not allowed on this site? PLEASE! I just wanted to make sure you werent serious, if so, that would have been an all time great post!
  18. Are you really serious? I know you are a cheerleader and all but are you serious? I have seen a lot of your posts. Are you really serious about the "chinese people" comment about China Spring?
  19. My wife and I... she reads all of this too
  20. kvillecheer... we really like your support and posts but you gotta stop these kinds. This just sets you up!
  21. Does China Spring have a site you could be on? If so you need to get your boys mentally ready for the HAMMERING they have coming in a few days!
  22. Arent you all like 5-5 this year???? Now thats a record to be proud of! Count your blessings you havent faced us this year, we would've spanked your little a$$ and sent you home...
  23. This is really sad for those LaVega kids, you have to feel for them--- The ignorance of this guy is really gonna get a few of those poor kids SMASHED come Friday :'(... Dude unless you're on the field to take some of the pain and punishment thats coming Friday night I would suggest you cut your Vega kids some slack!!!
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