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Everything posted by venom33

  1. do you think it was our decision to drop to 3a??? you're a fool!!
  2. we have to get better with the PAT'S!!!!!!!
  3. heres a good one that deserves a t shirt... "The Mustangs get their JOLLIES all night long in the cat house!"
  4. OMG!!!! Is there an age requirement to post on this site? That was brutal!
  5. its gonna be a great game, i just wish there was more available seating at the stadium...
  6. No lefty, I promise your original post hit no vein here, I just thought the "I have sat back long enough" comment was hilarious. It was as if you saw your friends getting spanked and you decided you were gonna step in to make a difference, kinda like The Lone Ranger riding into town to save the day. Its all in fun....
  7. I type exactly what I mean!!! Its not my fault you take it the wrong way, soooo maybe this site is a little too mature for you! Also, just because I pointed out that your little panties were in a wad doesnt make me less mature it just makes me observant. Stop crying and save all of your little tears for Friday night. :'(
  8. its about time you chimed in sent youve sat back lonnnnnnng enough. :-X when i say "they" im talking about the folks from kville who have posted, i dont think i ever said everyone in kville, unless your population is like 6 or 7 which is a really good possibility. so get your little panties out of a wad and sit back down.
  9. see 92, that doesnt matter to the kville people... when you present them with the facts and numbers they dispute it, the only thing that matters to them is their lame a$$ opinions that really hold no substance. everything they spew can never be backed up! they need to realize the pain thats coming to little ol kville on friday night,but the sad part is theyre to ignorant to understand. :'(
  10. last years game was bad :'(, this years gonna be worse... getting your a$$ kicked at home in front of your own fans!
  11. re-read, i said "so far"....
  12. isnt lumberton the only team to play dayton in district so far???
  13. no,the real challenge is you spelling correctly! ;D
  14. Just act like youve been there before, oh wait..... :'(
  15. It seems some people get on here and try to get crap started.. This was a subject that had died down and all of a sudden someone out of the blue gets on here and stirs the pot and some of you fall right in the trap. Lets focus on spanking the hell out of Kirbyville and nothing else!
  16. What???? The title of THIS thread is "WOS at Kirbyville Predictions?/Small School Game of the Week"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet you decided to sabatoge this thread with your crap trying to get something kicked off. You evidentally didnt read this thread! Take your garbage to another thread and let the predictions continue! But maybe in your retired age you just might have misread so I guess that can be taken into consideration.
  17. Im not sure why YOU brought it backup?? I thought it was a subject that finally died down but for some reason you throw gas back on the fire, why? Maybe you need to categorize yourself in with the people who need to let the subject finally die!
  18. Im gonna have to disagree with the superman comment. I will go out on a limb and say which ever team suited up superman would have a definite advantage due to his strength and his ability to fly. ;D Also, dont compare either team to UT,they suck!!!
  19. There is not enough fire in he** to get you fired up to beat WOS!!!
  20. seems like Kville folks hate the statistical facts :'(.. nothings changed but the weather, WOS by as much as the greatest head coach in Texas will allow!!!!!
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