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Everything posted by shorttexas1

  1. Jaguars eat the Raider's Horses!!!! They end up withgout a leg to run on...
  2. Dave never shows this area any love...
  3. They play a strong Westbury Christian team and Fortbend Baptist, both teams are highly talented as well...
  4. How is PNG the front runner when Central has not lost a game in district either? PNG has not played one any of the big three teams, Vidor has played two and Central and Lumberton has played one a peice... Not to mention the sleeper like livingston... Look no futher than LCM to show where the Jags are as compared to PNG.
  5. I disagree Kelly... If a Freshman plays varsity... when he returns on his sophmore year he is still a young player. The real question is not will this team be good?... It is when will this team be good? Can BO,Jr. make a move to get this team into contention by this season or next. I have faith in the ball coach and I see them making major improvements by December. The gap is not that big...
  6. WOW!!! Thanks... I think we can if we tighten up on Defense.. This is the best Central Offense That I have ever seen. As far as deiscipline, complexity, and execution!
  7. It really doesn't matter this Friday night!!! May the best team win!
  8. No luck you all won thoise games!!! Just this year is not last year or the year before!!!! While we are talking past we can go back before then and see who leads the series... Speed has killed you before and it is possible it will kill you again this year!
  9. Well duh!!!!!!! :D LMAO!!! I hate the DUH stuff.. I had a middle school teacher that was always saying "No Duh" I could have just thrown something at her.
  10. I understand that... I don't even think you have had time to put a system together. I wasn't knocking your team for playing AAU ball, but that is the reason why they did not perform well. This team will perform better next years fall ball just because they will have played together and will understand how to operate in a scheme. Not because you have perepared them for fall ball, but because they will have greater knowledge!
  11. All the yteams here were VET clubs running their season's style of play... LN was playing AAU ball. I don't know if they have had enough time to put together a scheme of play!
  12. These tournies were not full game situtation. They played two halfs and had a running clock... That is why the scores are so low!!!
  13. Well I went to watch the kids in fall ball!!!!! The one word that comes to my mind while watching this team is "YOUNG"! These kids are young and will need time to get their play together. They actually trued to go out there and play an AAU style game against teams that were running their program's system. I don't think BO Jr. has had a chance to really impliment his system, but he has a tough job ahead of him. This team will have to be coached every play, until they learn how to play together, and run the scheme appropiately. As far as talent goes I have not seen as much potential on one team in high school outside teams like Westbury Christian, Oakhill, and St. Patricks. These kids are very talented though individual play could not really show off their complete skill set. They were taking on five guys by themselves. One-on-five does not work. Well I will start with the 6'5" pg, his name was Mike. This kid is a gamer and he plays hard every play. Going to the rack he is unstoppable, once he get the step. He is a really good rebounder too. When this kids frame fills out... My GOD! Then the 6'9" Bail. This kid knows he is good. It will be a challenge for the coach to get this kid to play within himself. He has the frame, skill set, and athleticism to be a big time PF. But the kid wants to be a 3. Which is OK because he is that skilled but he could be a better PF if he commits to it. If he would stay on the block the scores in the game would be alot closer. But he was on the parimeter. The 6'9" kid they called Chicken... I love this kid. He is the one kid that played HIS game the entire day. He is lanky and is kind of a Kevin Durant-like talent. He can really shoot, block shots, and rebound. And this kid has a motor, plays hard every play! He needs some weight though. The 6'5" kid named Nevin... He is the lone Jr. starting. The coach is hard on this kid because he expects more out of him. I do't think the being hard to push the kid idea works with this kid. He gets down on himself and loses confidence. Then you get nothing out of him... But he as good potential. Then there is this 5'8" freshman PG that I really like. He plays hard all the timie... None stop motor here too. His offense is a little behind but his defense is killer. He is like the 6th man! There is another 6'8" big on the bench that is truely a space eater. Another 6' guard that could be really good too. The guy coaching did not go deep into the bench and seemed to get caught up in the game. I bet the bench could have helped this team. But these games were fast and ended quick... That is why the scores are so low. I would like to see this team in December, I bet they will be better. I hope the coach can pull it together because the talent is there. I think the main problem is the youth and lack of running a system... The other teams in this tourny ran the system that they will run during the season, so LN is already behind the ball... AAU is over now... This team will beat alot teams just on talent, but this was some of the best teams in the area here... Obama Jr. is already bald but these kids will force him to lose a few more hairs, just because of their youth, not because of their talent!
  14. LTrain... My dear LTrain... Yes I am a believer in the Raiders. Listen to me when I say yes you have beat Central's speed for the last two years. Yes The Jags D is a question mark after allowing Vidor to put up 50! And yes you are the returning co-champs of this district. Those things we all know. Know for what YOU don't know. Under Stowers Central did not run an offense that exploited the fact that we had great speed. He was OK with 3 to 4 yrds a pop!!! This offense takes full advantage of the speed!!! You will actually get to see it this year!!! The defense got down on itself against Vidor. It usually turns on late but there is no late turn on when you are worn out! Oh and as for Ltowns speed... You will not be close to Central come track season in any event that involvess running. All those kids are on the football field! Jags will win this game by at least 10!
  15. Looks like both Central and Vidor having jet lag
  16. Looks like both Central and Vidor having jet lag
  17. Tough matchup with Wheatly first and an even tougher one with Bellaire second!
  18. Its funny how teams fumble against these Jags.
  19. Dicker is my friend but I am never bias... He knows I am dreadfully honest. It will not be bias...
  20. I thought the entire reason for a blog is to discuss(argue) your opinion. Give predictions and state your point of view about the sports.
  21. I will be there tomorrow to watch LN and I will return with the truth!
  22. Quit comparing livingston's ,d vidor's run game. They are day and night. Livingston doesn't have that massive Oline and Vidor does. Livingston doesn't have three back staying fresh and Vidor does. Vidor will win because I don't think Newton is one of the best teams in this district. According to Ltrains Silsbee game they are.
  23. See short. It is posts like this that make me relapse. However, I am going to prove to you I am working hard in my rehabilitation and not respond publicly! Sit Indian style count to ten... and reapeat "WOO-SAAH" 5 times... It is very relaxing and will help you deal with the relapse urges! Thanks so much. That did it short. I may have to start paying you for this advice. Simply amazing!!! No thanks needed... I just expect you therapy payment in the mail on the 10th of every month!
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