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Everything posted by shorttexas1

  1. Bandkid you are very smart. So you know you can look the debt vs GDP and get a true vision of the debt gained!  Think about it... debt is the numerator and GDP is the denominator.  If the Denominator gets larger then the resulting number is smaller.  If the denominator gets smaller then the resulting number is larger!  Get it!  During Bushes years market value of all final goods produced in America were very high, especially housing, oil products, and weaponry.  Those inflated cost darn near caused the recession.  The debt has been on an exponential growth spurt since the 80s Reagan Tax cuts.  If you know anything about exponential graphs (growth), by nature it leads to infinity!  In other words it had no choice but to end up here.  When we as a country began to decrease taxes on the wealthy we should have been simultaneously decreasing the government because those funds are what allows the government to operate!  But we didn’t and created this monster over the last 3 decades.  Not with just Obama!  That was too long winded. See below [Hidden Content]
  2. Mitchell isa REALLY GOOD qb but the zone read offense is not his stregnth.  The Running backs are not good enough for that offense either.  Every time we run it, it gets stuffed.  Lets line up in the I and run down hill, allow for the play action to be set-up, and gte mitchell on the outside of the pocket so he can avoid the rush.  Defenses are pinning thier ears back and coming after the QB because our line is not good enough & the RBs are not shifty to effectively run the slow developing zone-read. Stowers made that mid season change 4 years ago and we went deep in the playoffs after a slow start.  It is time to make that change NOW!
  3. You may be right.  My point is that we have gotten so enchanted with environmental concerns/global warming  that there is no more realism and common sense about this stuff.  My guess is that there are hundreds of businesses that might be operating now if it werent for the obstacles one must overcome to get started.  Not to mention the size/cost of those employed by the fed to oversee those things. [/quote] Having been and Environmental Consultant for 7 yrs I can tell you that no rule has hurt big oil as much as the MSS rule past by Texas under Rick Perry as the Govenor.  So if you really want to demonize a President for the EPA then demonize Perry for the TCEQ.  Note the EPA's regulations were not enacted by OBama, they have been there for decades.  All the new rules that industry hates that havec ome out under Obama were proposed and on the timeline to roll out before Obama took office; which include GHG, Boiler Macts, interstate Air Regulating, and Rotating Engines regulating.  They were all on the timeline to be rolled out beforehe took office (new rules take 3 to 5 years to roll-out, most take 3 years before you must comply).  A Supreme court decision with two Bush appointees gave the EPA the authority to regulate GHG!  So Obama is not more the culpret, neither is Bush.  The one thing Repubs hang their hat on is drilling, but I say he had to respond to the desaster!
  4. Ok... I found the imposter!  Sorry Jay Bilas... I am the REAL Dickie V!!!  Please no frauds allowed!
  5. Ourtside of the crazy Paul is actually a better choice than others you all have in mind.  But we can't vote for free thinkers... We only want Right or Left winged Zombies! America the foolish, compromise has always been one of the staples of our greatness! We are turning into any other monarchy, where they who are in power at that time can just drive the ship into a waterfall rather than compromise to get it to the shore!
  6. You guys are something else! Paul/Palin has a better ring to it!  We would call it PeePee since they both believe is Trickle Down Economics!
  7. But we want weed and pretty girls... No need for stats!  Ron Paul/Bachman ticket with Palin as Secretary of State!  Can't beat that ticket
  8. Ron Paul for President!!! i NEED MY WEED!
  9. I think Kenny wanted to gain confidence with his players for a few years so he scheduled accordingly.  I remember hearing from everyone that this guy would not do well at Memorial, now the program is turning around  quickly.  When the State gets past all these budget cuts we will see if the scheduling changes.
  10. Da Butchness... WHere Butch Whacken will be Hap-nen!
  11. Leelnd finished in 1992 so they are WAAAYYY off with this article!  Smith may be good, but route running is a skill ad it is hard to develop in a few months.
  12. You always think I am going there!  ::)
  13. Elton Roy will be the better college player, Poor mans Trey McDowel!  Ags you would be suprised at who got them here!
  14. Yes that is no loop hole!  The rule calls for a player to be 19 and one year removved from school.  The D-league meets the qualification for kids who want to come out and NOT go to college.  Kids dont think it pays enough but they should do this and make some money if they are not going to be STUDENT athletes!
  15. No prison would make you happy!  He is close, real close!
  16. Wait til you see where he is, it will run you hot!
  17. [quote name="ABSENT!" post="1023789" timestamp="1310402953"] My Bad because Wilmer Hutchingson shutdown!  So wron there too! [/quote] My bad on the Anuhac
  18. My Bad because Wilmer Hutchingson shutdown!  So wron there too!
  19. WOW!  Those kids can go! Did Snap fail out of WKU?
  20. Lamar PA had its best season when he was an assistant for one year,  The recruits that he attracted have put a great stamp on an up and coming program.  The Head coach left and Lamar PA did notwant to guarentee him a contract so he did not get fired.  He was laid off with pay at the last private school position, which is not fired.  Wilmer Hutchingson was a strange issue at most.  They were winning at a new school before he walked his team off the court.  He has an opinion of what happenned and so does the school board.  He left Prarie Veiw to pursue head coaching on a high school level.  The Wnnie job was releavd of duties issue.  So I count relieved twice!  ;D
  21. I know many of you dont like the guy but he has had success as far as winning at every program he has been apart of (as an assistant and a head coach)! The guys only issues is that I don't think he was ready for the politics of being a head coach and he did not know how to stay still. Other than that he is neither a bad guy nor a public travesty!
  22. Yeah, I think it is one of the reasons he went college in 2007 and then to private school! Well that use to be the case but about 5 years ago there was a big push to get them all certified.  They were let go then a few went on to complete their certification and get re-hired.  Example... Coach Ned!
  23. NOT!!!!!! Yeah you have to be certified
  24. [quote name="BadMedicine" post="1015765" timestamp="1306958701"] Correct me if I'm wrong, but he would only need his teaching certification if he was going to teach a class.  He wouldn't need it to coach basketball. [/quote] DING, DING, DING, we have a winner!
  25. [quote name="Aces_Full" post="1015756" timestamp="1306956749"] On the SBEC website the person in question's certification is listed as revoked as of 9/4/2007.  Also, here is the definition of "revoked" on the same website:   A revoked certificate has been rendered [b]permanently or [glow=red,2,300]for a set term [/glow] invalid[/b] as a result of disciplinary action by the SBEC. I don't know him personally, or what he did to get his certification revoked, but I bet it can't be good.   [/quote] U left that out of the definition!  Here is how it reads: •revoke or cancel, which includes accepting the surrender of, a certificate without opportunity for reapplication for a set term or permanently
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