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Everything posted by shorttexas1

  1. I wonder who said all of that? :...You must have been calling the GURU line during the game last night!! Yeah that GURU was asking me alot of questions ... Made me feel like I was the Guru! 8)
  2. One of the best championship games I have ever watched! Kansas (Bill Self) almost blew this game... Bill self almost out cached himself in this one and almost cost his team a championship. In the first half CDR was untamed but Rose was bottled up. Kansas man-to-man Defense with a big showing hard of the pick and a back side man playing help side had Rose all confused and he could not get his game together. If you notice Rose and CDR are the only potent scorers for Memphis... The object of the game is to shutdown one and see if they can beat you with only one. Self should have stuck with his shut down Rose mentallity but he tried to go and Slowdown CDR with a box-and-one and it almost cost him the game... This allowed for Rose to have lanes and positioning that he did not have in the first half. So he began to ball and almost beat self. And it put his rebounders out of position and Memphis started getting rebounds!!! Also, his team lost rythm because their d is part of their offence. BUT I can see what Bill was thinking but it was over coaching! I just point that out but it was a well coached game by both coaches. It came down to execusion and Memphis did not close the game. One for the record books!
  3. ??? That guy is no where close to the lottery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. There is more parity and better stories in tyhe college game. Coaching still controls the game. There is a new great team every year and a cinderella!!! I love it baby.. PTPers, Diaper Dandies, Show timers, etc. The NBA is not fun to watch til the last two months and the playoffs... Other than that it is mondain and boring!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. D' Antoinie is a Amazing coach that took an Average Point Guard and coached him into making everyone around him better... Nash had been nothing but average his entire career until he got D'Antonie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I would volunteer my Rockets for the EAST... NBA Championship birth almost every year.... I remember one of thos STeve Francis Yao Ming years where we were an 8 seed with a better record than the three seed East
  7. I would have to agree with Dickie... Mike had 10 assist and 4 steals in the State Championship game. He was one of the pest pure point guards in the state in High School!
  8. Let me tell you something, man! I had the pleasure of watching you guys get your butts handed to you by Waller last year. After having watched West Brook the whole season, and then watching ya'll I learned something. The speed of 5A varsity competition is just.......awesome. There's no way that Lumberton, on their best day, could keep up with and compete against some of the better 5A teams in the state. I know that Lumberton had a great season, and yes you did. I agree. There are other posters on this forum that will agree with me 100%. However, It would not be beneficial for a team like West Brook to play Lumberton in a preseason game, it just wouldn't be. There is no competition, there. That's why we're playing teams like Spring Westfield, Katy, and Aldine Eisenhower. These schools are, West Brook included, WAY out of your league. If you want to entertain the thought of your Raiders keeping up with the Bruins, well, then go ahead. But dont waste our time with such an ignorant post. If you'd quit making such stupid posts, you might get a little respect. i actually cnt wait till yall play those teams u jus named so u brook fans can shutup and realize stump was a plum fool for putting those teams on the schedule oh and i feel sorry for when yall play northshore too! yalll record is goin to be pretty bad this yr yall still make the playoffs with that weak district tho........ Stump was no fool... Even if they leave that schedule with a fat egg... It will be an opportunity to guage exactly where they stand by how they compete!
  9. WOS will be loaded with speed next year Franks, Gloston, Haynes, there on both relay teams. Central will lose their main horse Hall to A&M Ozen will also lose some speed but honestly in the Pear Orachard there will be speed coming from some where Hall is not the main horse on the relay teams anymore! It would be the two Thomas boys...one of which is his brother! Both guys ran sub 4.4's in the 40 and are around 10.5-10.6 in the 100. Hall has other stuff on his mind! like what?
  10. Ozen is the only high school in town... This was a Central thread! For one his talent is not out of this world... He coached two super stars, Stevie Jackson and Kendrick Perkins. He coached four decent D1 players. He has coached some great Junco players.... Since he has been at Ozen four of his guys were D1 material (still playing D1) Keena Young, Kris Richards, Brandon Chappell, and Perk (NBA). Three guys played D1 on that one Champuionship team. Dabney (TSU-didnt finish), Chappell (Lamar 5 solid years), Young (BYU-All American).... Besides that one year Boutte doesnt even average one D1 player a year. Whre is all this all world Talent... No he would not go far in Nederland and Lumberton, Maybe Vidor would do well!!!! but all would be more competitive. The fact is basketball is not what the kids want to play in those towns... Those kids grow up baseball, football, and soccer!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. name the top 10 people in the NBA and tell many how many are bigs and how many are guards. Name me one Championship team on any leve (high school through the pros) that has one a championship without great guards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Closest one is the Robinson/Duncan Spurs or maybe Chamberlan of the 70s!
  12. Take that Soulja!!! Give me one slooth footed, clumbsy post man about 6'10" to stand with your three six foot tens and four good hustling guards ranging from 6' to 6'4" and I will beat you and beat you good! And I'll take my four quick race horses and beat your clumsy men down the floor AND wear them down in the process. Now if we played half court, thats a different story. You missed the boat Dove... Pleae read my thread again... I am going with the guards... Brain you are right in your eyes and I am right in mine... Nuff said!
  13. Take that Soulja!!! Give me one slooth footed, clumbsy post man about 6'10" to stand with your three six foot tens and four good hustling guards ranging from 6' to 6'4" and I will beat you and beat you good!
  14. Delusional! And I love my Jags.... The last Tourney we won was 2001 with Dominique Young (sr.), Brandon Anrews (Soph), Clearenc Matthews (Soph) and Henry Morris (sr.). and it was the YMBL. Under rices tenure there have been none. He looks poised for his best team since coaching the Matthews/Jacko team. We will see what he does with it. This may be his first opportunity to win in the playoffs!
  15. Plain and simple.... If the NBA is going to give away MVP Trophies where is Steve Francis' award. At least when he was in Houston in 01-02.. He averaged 21.6 pts, 7 assist, 6.4 Rebounds, and 1.4 steals!!! He did not get it.... Stats way better than Nash's... BUT Steve Frnacis did not deserve to be the league MVP, that shows that Nash's meager stats show nuff did not deserve it!!!!!
  16. Name one Highschool squad that you have seen with three very good 6'10" players? It doesnt happen!!!!! Oakhill recruits and I have not seen a team of theres with three 6'10" players starting that were very good! The closest they had was Carmelo's year. 6'8" Melo with two bigs that stood in the 6'9 to 6'10" range... That team went undefeated... But then again, that is not a normal Highschool line-up!
  17. LUMBERTON it's official....I have just thrown up in my mouth! ;D [glow=red,2,300]In my Mouth!!!!![/glow]
  18. Yes but the area had no bigs this year... Like I said the Gamble team stayed in the game on guard play!!!!
  19. Central returns three starters... Jefferson, Gulley, and Green (I think that is the lil sophmore PGs Name) They ought to be pretty competitive... I would like to see them beat Ozen but I think Boutte owns Rice... But I would like to see them get out of the first round... Maybe a third round or Regional showing... When you have a special player like Gulley the opportunity is there!
  20. He did well.. Soild play and made some good shoots...
  21. Thanks COOP I wanted to continue that thread!
  22. Maybe and this is a BIG maybe... Chappell or Andrews...
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