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Everything posted by shorttexas1

  1. Trying to get at least one setxsports fantasy league going in all sports. This is the first one and it is for basketball... The draft is tuesday night... If the league is not full by Monday at midnight it will be automatically dropped.. If you would liek to play sign up at th elink below! shorttexas1 has invited you to join a CBSSports.com Fantasy Basketball league! To accept this invitation and join the league, click the link below (or cut and paste the link intoyour browser's address field):[Hidden Content] If this is a private league you'll be required to enter the following password before you can join the league. (note, public leagues do not require passwords)League Password: 123456 Keep in mind that each CBSSports.com Fantasy Basketball league has a limited number of spots, so it's possible the league could be full before you have a chance to join. If that happens, or if you're interested in a different type ofleague, you can easily scan other open leagues or even create a new league at:[Hidden Content] We hope you enjoy CBSSports.com Fantasy Basketball and have a great season. The Fantasy Sports Team
  2. I thought they would be there in bunches too...
  3. Drinking Somebody please take this drink from me!!!!! Better luck next year team.... Jag for life babay!
  4. I really hope WB doesn't bring this game to Houston for the play offfs because it would be a short trip for them... These guys are much better than they played tonight, slightly lethargic. If it wasn't for a few called back big plays for Humble, the Brook would have been sweating and maybe would have lost. Humble came to play and Micheals was kept in check all night... The district's two best teams have enough D to make some noise but both need to play a more mistake free game. Go West Brook this Jag will be following you hopefully to Texas Statium.... I need a vacation!
  5. Good game indians... Good luck in the Play offs... Make some noise for the district....
  6. Well coaches coach, and I do my job, I do work! Its a coaches job to be at practice and its a fans job to show support at games. Maybe the problem is all those parents and fans there at practice instead of letting the cocahes do their job... I still have a right to an opinion... And I still have a right to voice it... I have never bashed the Jags... I have given a synopsis of what I have seen. I have been honest with myself and others... I THINK YOU JUST HAVE A COMPLEX!!! If I was wrong about Brandon so be it!!!! Thank you for correcting me. But there was still more passion on the field last year. I have been through the same adversity... I went to Central... In a tougher time... I have been watchin since '88 but I am not THAT old!!!
  7. I wondered the same thing!!!!!
  8. I not so-so.. Just fustruated... I like Stowers... don't like the OC... If you played for Stowers you are young.. I played for Dixon and have been a fan for many years before.. Im talking 1988 here.. I know the offense has never been great at Central and it is fusturating seeing no change with new coaches year in and year out. And another thing! You can't judge my fanhood young buck!!! I have been through many moons of good and bad seasons... I've danced in the bleachers and cheered when we lost and when we won. I have seen so much Jag football that I dream about it at night... I wait every season just for openning day. I am a real fan... and a realistic fan!!! The false gander of ultimate pride you throw at me is for the birds... I have spent days horse, can't speak from cheering and yelling for this school! Please don't fix your lip to question my dedication... I still have the right to voice my opinion good or bad. I seen Brandon (though I don't know him personally) go completely off on a person for missing a block.. That shows passion... this year I have seen body gestures but no mouth... Passion could push something into these kids.
  9. Change the name of this thread from Kobe a Bull? to Kobe's Bull!
  10. So who are the Rockets? They looked suspoect last night!
  11. Yeah we would tell you... He's not the secret weapon or anything?
  12. Our best chances were 2004 - 2005... Last year they were better, we only had Demond and he was playing out of position.
  13. Coop? Soulja? I am appaulled that so manty on this thread pick Central outside of the top three. Central has only missed the playoffs once since I have been envolved with HS sports and it was in 5A 96'-97' (regional final the next year!!!!). Vidor has been competitive and so have LCM and Dayton but I can't and wont even phatom Central outside of the top three!
  14. You guys can't call for Calvin to be fired... Central HC hasn't done much but who has outside of Ozen. I thought when Central stepped down they would be better too, but I was wrong. Zoning is not the issue so Dick's zoning arguement is irrelevant. Kids that can play ball are smart and so are there parents. These kids use uncles and grandparents and sisters addresses to get to Ozen (I hate to say this). Truth is there is only one outstanding head coach in Beaumont and it is Boutte. I hate that some of his kids will never play bigtime D1 (though they have the talent) because of his low score hold ball style, but he is the best coach. Westbrooks doesn't have a coach. And Central's HC is decent at best. Yes he folds to Ozen and the playoffs, but all the best talent in BMT fights to get to Ozen because they have a winners mantality. Yes Central's talent base has not beent there the past few years but Central's HC did squander the good talent he had his first years, he has made a impression for himself of not being a next level guy. So the talent will not gravitate toward him. Calvin will keep these kids competitive and in the top thre but its true they won't be much more than that. No, he shouldnt be fired unless you first fire WB's coach!!!! But he needs a new staff that can teach him a little offense... they play good D!
  15. It should be some kind of critiria to smite or apllaud. Like you must have 500 post or at least a year tenure before you can participate in smite or applaud. Someone that signs up tomorrow can read one of my post and jaffect my karma!!!! unfair
  16. Where do i start... Uhhm lets see 1. Shabby blocking (the paly is not over til the wistle blows) 2. OC has no clue (offense just doesn't work) 3. HC looking foward to his next job (North Texas HS Football here I come) 4. No head hunters on D (couldnt takle a takling dummy) 5. Zone read for first 7 games without a zone read quarterback 6. No Moxy from the coaching staff to make personnel changes 7. No on the field leader (No vocal presence at all) 8. Heart is leaving the building 9. Under utilized talent 10. And last but not least Shabby Blocking
  17. I am so dissapointed.... You finally make coaching and line-up changes in week 8? If the starters won't give 100% effort its time to start putting in the guys who want to play.... to much talent and no on the field leader. Brandon would be livid if the blocking was this bad last year.... He would be very vocal to the guys up front, but no leader this year. Like I said I love you Jags but I cannot pick you in a victory. 21-21 PNG!
  18. But I don't have a laptop and wireless modem
  19. When a Jaguar is loose in a hurd of horses... Its feeding time. The Jags wake up and play bigtime ball. Dayton has ahad a two game cream puff fest but now heres the battle.... With the way I work I will not be able to make the game before halftime so I will be watching WWB and Memorial. Soulja, Jag, I will PM you guys my number.... PLEASE.... keep me informed!
  20. Dude you sound like Digger Felps on College Game Day... You ever thought about being a sports caster?
  21. After these past few years we may can reach out and get Bobby Bowden or Mike Stoops!!! Two good canidates!
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