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  1. Good Lord! Cam I follow what you are saying and agree with most but Craig is also right in his most of his views. The problem with this format is that all one sees is text. You can't see tone or context. Big girl is too far gone.... A true racist there!
  2. ECO is just trolling..... as usual.
  3. I did too.  Who knows maybe he will make the team and not be shafted again! 
  4. They could put him at wide "receiver".  Im sure he knows how to catch.
  5. Maybe because nobody cares about the WNBA???  
  6. And all races have engaged in that practice. 
  7. It might be time for Obama to finally get a strategy  instead of golfing while American's heads are being lopped off.
  8. I'm sorry but she really is delusional.  In the history of this board she may have the most lame posts ever.   She is a great cut and paster though! 
  9. They know that he is weak and incompetent that's for sure.
  10. You make way too much sense Nash. I guess when someone is losing the new thing is to yell Boom Roasted. LOL
  11. This blows! I think he got shafted.
  12. Really?  The democratic underground?  This site is so left that it makes even the most radical lefties look normal.  Pure brainless wingnuts. 
  13. Play everything.  Got only one chance to go through school.  Might as well do it all.
  14. I know this much.  If i were still in school playing I know that I wouldnt want my mommy and daddy on a forum making outlandish statements and riling up everyone in the district.  Wouldnt it be better to be humble and come flying in under the radar thus sneaking up on some teams?  And, lol if I ever heard my dad using the term "bra" when referring to someone I would disappear in shame. 
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