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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. Did Westlake announce it's head coach selection yet?
  2. info on Garrett if anyone is interested [Hidden Content]
  3. How about a vote. If that is the 4 we have to choose from. who do you want?
  4. rumor is top 4 are David Satcher-DC @ Clearlake, Bolton, Crouch, Harrell. Not in order , don't know what order they or in
  5. I would like to give the LCM hiring group an attaboy. I don't know to what lenghts other boards go to; but I know LCM even called other coaches in the apps district to see what they thought of the app. Even though these other head coaches weren't on the apps reference list. Maybe all the boards do this also, I don't know, but it seems like LCM is doing a good job.
  6. Has LCM released the finalist name yet.
  7. Do we change the name of the thread now. Let's vote Dunaher and ?
  8. Vance pulled his app. Staying at Liberty Hill . Some of you might have been right about him using the PNG job to get a raise. Good thing we put out the list so he could have some bargaining power.
  9. Little elm 1-9 last year, Coach has got his work cut out for him. I wish him Good Luck.
  10. Anybody checked on Satcher D/C. at Clearlake Looks like a pretty good resume.
  11. Does anyone know who on the list has a masters? I would think that the new coach would have to have one after the stance the board took.
  12. Does anyone know what the board is looking for? AS in all lists of apps for HC jobs there are some duds. Some up and comers, and some established coaches. Some of the established coaches make you wonder why they would leave their present job, ie Danaher. But maybe he has valid reasons. It is easy to see why a coach in asmaller division would want to move up. But success in lower divisions doesn't always mean success at the higher levels. An OC or DC app usually means a younger man with desire to implement his style to see if it works. The job of deciding which of these apps is the right one is not a job I envy. But with out knowing what the driving force with the board is , it is hard to guess who the front runners are. Is it a certain offence they want to see, or defence? Or does it matter as long as they win? Do they want experience or a young gun with fire in his belly? I wish them luck in their decision. But it would be fun to try and guess the winner. So if anyone has a clue what the board is looking for give us a clue
  13. High profile coaches usually don't go through the application process, They talk directly to the board and their name never gets out unless they get the job
  14. Does that mean that just the unsucessful finalist have a chance of getting fired? At least we protected the non finalist.
  15. If you were that sensitive, coaching would not be a good profession. No matter what you do in coaching or life for that matter you are not going to make everyone happy.
  16. Seems like the board has got into a situation where they can't win. For whatever reason they decided not to release the names, it's going to be hard to convince anyone it was a good idea. Saying the Masters requirement didn't hurt the number are quality of appicants is impossible to prove. That said I still beleive there has to be some quality apps on the list. Hopefully we will get a good coach. It's too late to change the past, so lets try and go forward in positive manner, get over the BS and get on with hiring the best app we have. Oh I almost forgot ; release the list and let the discussions begin!!!!!!
  17. Are there any coaches out there. How about your perspective, Have you ever applied for a job and feared you would be fired if your name got out?
  18. two quick examples of full diclosure. LCM -San Angelo. The only thing that makes this situation unusual is the way PNG is handling it. With any research they would have found that this is common practice at the high school level. Even if they don't have anything to hide it makes it look like they do. I personaly don't think they are hiding any thing, after all it's been about 15 years since they have hired a HC. But come on you know your going to have to release the names, so come on and do it and let the disscusions begin
  19. I'm sure the board has a good reason not to release the names. I just can't figure out what it would be. It is comon practice to publish names of apps state wide if not country wide. All the coaches that applied know that sooner or later there names will be common knowledge. If they are in a job where they can get fired for trying to better themselves, they are probably ready to go any way. I do wish they would release the names so the community can debate the qualities of each app. Is it not one af the great things about America that we can all agree to disagree. That said it is still the boards job to hire the new coach and I will support who ever that might be. It would just be a lot more fun if we had a list we could debate over.
  20. Does anyone believe that the applicants asked the school board if the were going to release their names to the media before they applied? And told them if they did they would not apply. If the appicant did that to his present employer then he would do it to us later. The coaching profession is not the same as a job in the private sector. I believe every applicant has told his present boss that he is applying for this job. This is common practice in the coaching profession.
  21. Anybody got an idea what the real reason is for not giving out the names? The Boston College comparison idea want fly. That was a completely different situation. I guess the board has a good reason, I just can't see what it could be.
  22. Isn't there a board meeting tonight? Is anybody going to go? Maybe if the right question was asked, we might get some info.
  23. What is cornell's record as a head coach. If I remember right it wasn't very good.
  24. Was the Masters a requirement back then? Why limit your choices by asking for a Masters from someone that is not going to teach any classes.
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