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Everything posted by #10gwh

  1. yay for silsbee they played a good game nothin of hj was falling but like that other dude said didnt us freshman beat silsbee freshman by 34 looks like yalls run gunna end sooner that you think im sorry buddy but claiming your freshman team as the best thing ever is sure an insult to your varsity... its like saying they suck
  2. hmmm i guess i just never noticed it...
  3. im just wondering but how com some districts have played 8 district games already? i thought they all started at the same time apparently i was wrong
  4. arent yall over looking bridge city?? isnt that who yall play tom.?
  5. they are right they COULDVE won... had silsbee played a terrrible game but they played an ok game and still won sorry dude...
  6. No your ignorant because you'll got strummed at your own gym and still think your argument holds water thanks for beating me to it maybe hearing it from an outsider will make him believe it... doubt it but maybe
  7. we were beating you by a lot more... we went into a spread and tried to hold the ball with like 7 minutes left in the game... we stopped even trying to score for some reason.... you truly are ignorant there are HJ fans whom every silsbee fan on this website respects who say silsbee is the way better team, then there are guys like you who are just plain ignorant
  8. ozen central lcm livingston hj of silsbee kountze deweyville warren
  9. by the way ST4life arent you the same person that picked silsbee to only win by 2 at hj... now youre the biggest fan... let the dead dog lay we won we have the rest of the season to worry about move on
  10. scrubs are for football i remember explaining that to you last night....
  11. youre retarded... that hj team is young throughout the program their run isnt over...
  12. you shot terrible behind the arc because you never really got open looks.... you'll win in Silsbee??? no comment ill let you live in your dream world... hawk hecklers were awfully quiet tonight... surprised by the domination that just got put on them i guess... hj never gave up... very impressive to not fold when you went down by 20
  13. aww you copy what he says too... wanna be just like daddy thats alright if i was wrong i would be upset too. and i know you do #10gwh that is ooo boom! wow sick burn ooo boom?? wow sick burn??? im sorry you must be way too hardcore to understand : no not really... i just dont speak it... whatever it was you said... do you even know what you said or did you jut put the first words that came to your mind its off of step brothers you should learn it alright we agree thats a great movie
  14. aww you copy what he says too... wanna be just like daddy thats alright if i was wrong i would be upset too. and i know you do #10gwh that is ooo boom! wow sick burn ooo boom?? wow sick burn??? im sorry you must be way too hardcore to understand : no not really... i just dont speak it... whatever it was you said... do you even know what you said or did you jut put the first words that came to your mind
  15. aww you copy what he says too... wanna be just like daddy thats alright if i was wrong i would be upset too. and i know you do #10gwh that is ooo boom! wow sick burn ooo boom?? wow sick burn???
  16. aww you copy what he says too... wanna be just like daddy
  17. youre one to talk you let your daddy Mcwheasel do all the talking for you cuz you cant keep up
  18. yea tom brady sucks he is so terrible what three super bowl rings he just sucks dont he well he said when he was at michigan that going to the horseshoe was his worse nightmare because of the FAN NOISE AND NOT BEING TO ABLE TO CHECK OFF FOR HIS TEAMMATES aND it causes me to create more turnovers grant hill also said pretty much the same thing when he was at duke quote "You better hope that N.C. dont make big play cause then momementum will switch so fast that all of sudden your down by 10 in no time" i rest my case tom brady thats football not basketball thats different anyways... and according to what you said... "dont let NC make the big play"... that big play has to be done by the players... therefore the momentum will be changed and carried on by the players not the fans i left off the rest of the quote my mistake you cant try and make a good point without the whole quote you almost had me... but not really... anyways it was fun im tired of arguin later roy
  19. yea tom brady sucks he is so terrible what three super bowl rings he just sucks dont he well he said when he was at michigan that going to the horseshoe was his worse nightmare because of the FAN NOISE AND NOT BEING TO ABLE TO CHECK OFF FOR HIS TEAMMATES aND it causes me to create more turnovers grant hill also said pretty much the same thing when he was at duke quote "You better hope that N.C. dont make big play cause then momementum will switch so fast that all of sudden your down by 10 in no time" i rest my case tom brady thats football not basketball thats different anyways... and according to what you said... "dont let NC make the big play"... that big play has to be done by the players... therefore the momentum will be changed and carried on by the players not the fans
  20. sorry roy no more breaking it down... anyways
  21. tom brady sucks... and anyways if they let fans... the people who can only dream of being in the position that they are in (similar to the way that the hecklers dream of being on the court with the important people)... if they let them get in their heads then they are weak
  22. because i wouldnt expect you to understand it wasnt really necessary i had to break it down into small soft bites for you
  23. nobody said we were imitating you? who would want to be a bunch of punks hollering obscenities??? i could careless about the hecklers they dont help you do anything... and the only home court advantage that makes a difference is the refs trust me... since you obvisously never been on the court in a gym that gets loud... when you are playing you dont hear anybody in the stands because YOURE NOT THAT IMPORTANT hey moron i have played on the court when it gets loud and it is i can tell you this if your the home team it really does help if your the visitors it is important you have to know how to block it out so that it doesnt get in your head apparantly you have never played on a court thats loud because anybody who has will tell you that yes loud and rowdy homecourt fans do make a difference i mean and if they disagree then they are liars point blank ok you danged pion... they make a difference to people like you but to the true basketball players who can play without letting get in their head then it doesnt matter... you can only hear the people in the stands because you sat the bench!! o really okay well lets see for example its loud to loud to hear play calls to loud to signal to you teammates what do coaches do THEY CALL A TIMEOUT THEY WASTE A TIMEOUT that they could have saved free throws are the worst when there is hundreds of people screaming at the top of their lungs it is an distraction and even the great ones will tell you that crowd noise and rowdy fans are IMPORTANT why do think the arizona cardinals had such a great postseason at home because of the crowd noise the offense lost snap counts and couldnt hear to check off Duke and N.C. there fans are brutal and get in peoples domes and cause turnovers apparently either you dont know alot about sports or well i dont want to call names but anywhoo i am probably 80 times the athlete you are and i know now you know nothing so just sit back and close your trap you sure are high on yourself there partner... and youre still wrong... rowdy fans are nothing... this is high school basketball not the arizona cardinals or duke or N.C..... and when its loud you use hand signals not waste a time out... and if youre kids already know what they are supposed to do then it doesnt matter what the fans are doing... 80 times the athlete... you wish.. i got more athlete in my left big toenail than you... okay whatever man id hate to tell you but no one is going to agree with you cause your wrong it doesnt matter who it is or where it is a dominate homefield advantage is one of the most precious things that a coach can have i know this i have heard professional to collegiate to high school coaches and they all every last one of them will say that a rowdy fan section and homefield advantage is a serious plus to have as far as the athlete thing goes you talk about something that aint true im not wrong... what im saying is that if you are in fact a weak player then the fans will affect you... but the strong players will not be... and i know of very few weak players
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