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Everything posted by DZkpr

  1. So are retired old farts  ;) allowed at tryouts?  I mean, will you be there?  Thanks for all you have done for [b]all[/b] the girls, not just your own.  Good luck umpiring, you really are a glutten for punishment...no wait...you won't have to put up with it as a "Blue".  ;D  Have fun, see ya at the park.
  2. Winning [b][glow=red,2,300]is[/glow][/b] fun...lol...no matter what level of the sport.
  3. When and where will the next round be?
  4. :-X Me too....who has the paddle? Breaker?
  5. Will this affect Friday's game times?
  6. Thanks BirdMan!
  7. Glad you were wrong..
  8. That's what the paper says too. Suppose to be something on the JumboTron....Highlights, etc. Hope everyone can come out and show their support. Thanks in advance. Go Wildcats!
  9. Everyone is invited to Kyle Field to help fill the stadium and support the Wildcats. Dress Code: Red and Black ;D
  10. Is this for certain? ??? Someone had said Friday nite in Dayton. It'll be a good game where ever it's played!
  11. That is no lie about the ball control. Gotta also give it up to the Wildcat fans. Big turn out for the game, rain and all. Anyone know how many were at the game? K-ville definitely had more there than Cleveland. Good Luck Wildcats!
  12. Dang gurl, that's pretty deep thinking! Did you figure that one out by yourself? LOL I'm impressed. Go Wildcats!
  13. Good Luck Bryan Barbay! Congratulations on making the playoffs your first year there.
  14. Let me have a big HOO-RAH! Go Cats!
  15. Anyone have any stats on this game?
  16. Thanks Sportsman, hope we have good weather for that road trip
  17. Has anyone heard how Linwood Crawford is doing? I heard his leg was broken in 3 places. BB&J was suppose to evaluate it today. Our prayers are with him. Shawn Atkins also left last night in an ambulance. He has a concussion, but was doing well today.
  18. Congratulations to the Coaches and the Players! Way to battle til the end! The Wildcat Express definitely got a workout in that game. The JumboTron looked great and the sound system was loud and clear. Kirbyville needs to thank all the sponsors that made that project possible. Wildcat Pride!!!
  19. Thanks Coop, but where's the moderator for all the mouthing? Is it different because it's a football sight? People in Kirbyville are embarrassed by some of the ridiculous comments posted on here. Why all the hate or is it suppose to be rivalry?
  20. Great info...also, if someone already has it, they need to keep it covered and not share it with everyone else.
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