I will preface this by saying I have no irons in the fire or dogs in the fight. "As an outside observerer, there are more issue that need to be handled. However, they do not need to be handled on this forum. All this bickering is not beneficial to the end result, that the kids at HF deserve the best opportunity. Ok, Mangan did not work out. Quit beating the dead horse. If you wonder about it coaches that consider appying watch these boards and form opinions about communities, situations and jobs. Perception is reality......... " [font=Comic Sans MS][color=blue]And therein lies the REAL problem shermdog, too many people on many levels are putting their own self interest above that of the kids as a whole, and until that stops and what is best for the kids becomes number 1, there will be problems. And yes, coaches definitely read these posts, and very little of what's been said paints H-F in a very good light. [/color][/font] "Mangan was new in the program, not a coach that had been there before and not from anywhere in the area and look where that got him -- so what's your next suggestion? We've had coaches from in the area, out of the area, promoted from within(been there before), and already there. This has been said before -- The problem lies deeper and yes the school board, community, parents and kids will all need to recognize the real problems at HF before we see improvement/success no matter who is there. All sports under the athletic program need support from all of those mentioned above. I attended basketball games at WOS, HJ and Orangefield where community, parental and peer support was present. I attended basketball games at HF(HOME GAMES) where the cheerleaders were not dressed out and cheering on their team (peers). I do understand that the sponsor had a baby during the basketball season but was no one else able to step in and be a co-sponsor? I could go on but my whole point is many things need to change, get with the program, HF is being left behind in athletics." Well said hfmom - the problem does lie deep and the kids are the ones who pay the price. There are many truly talented athletes, supportive parents and community members that want a change, but we have to be willing to make the tough decisions, dig in and work hard to get it fixed. It won't be easy, and probably not pretty, but it's time to work together to solve these issues and bring back the H-F spirit and pride that existed once upon a time before it's too late for yet another group of kids.