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Posts posted by backdoorcuts

  1. 67-44 (I think)

    Random observations from NW vs. EC...

    1) The fans suffered through one of the worst recorded renditions of our National Anthem, ever. I very much get that the US is very multicultural. I have no problem with that. However, it is a travesty when our anthem is butchered so badly it is unrecognizable. A gangsta' rap version was played, and many in attendance didn't even recognize it. People sat down, others shook their head in disgust. Rap had already boomed for 15 minuets or so before it played, so, why did they have to push it ???

    2) NW was less than impressive. Really. For a supposedly #1 team, how did they struggle with EC for 3 quarters? EC flat out "took it to them", and stayed within a 8-9 point margin for most of the first three quarters. Great job by the Bucs!  ;D

    3) How NW's #4 did NOT get a tech in this game is beyond me. He made gestures, stared down the refs, got all bug-eyed, etc. The guy was real lucky, IMO.

    4) NW's fans were obnoxious. Real obnoxious. Thats all I am going to say.

    5) After struggling for three quarters, NW finally extended to a larger lead near the end of the game. In a classless move, with a 20+ point margin and just 10 seconds on the clock, NW jacked up a 3 from just inside the midcourt stripe. It missed, and with 2 secs remaining, a NW player threw down a loud dunk, and the NW bench and coach earned themselves a tech by dancing out on the court while the game was still in progress. Classless, IMO. I blame their coach.

    Finally, this has been a great run by the Bucs! This team started 1-11 and was given up for dead midway through the season, yet played on into the 2nd round! Who wouldathunkit?  ;D A resounding accomplishment by Coach Andrews & the Bucs! You made us proud!  ;D

    Other one sided observations in the game.

    1.  I don't think that Marvin Gaye was a gangsta rapper.  But I agree that it was a poor version.  But I doubt it was meant to be direpectful to the anthem.  I heard many twist to some good some not so good but the gangsta rap part I dont think was necessary.

    2.  NW did look a little rusty but they hadn't played in two weeks.  I think everyone has a bad game sometimes, maybe like Monday night.  Beating a charter school at the buzzer?  Are maybe your kids played the game of their lives.  But if you look at NW resume and some of the teams they have beat this year and I wouldn't question their ranking.

    3.  How did #15 not get a tech when he's jumping up and down raising his shirt up at the NW crowd beating his Chest?  I'm sure you missed that staring at #4.

    4.  EC fans cheering the coach for getting a technical?  Pretty obnoxious also. 

    5.  All I saw was our coach grab one of his kids and push him back in his seat that jumped out on the floor.  Maybe the fact that he dunked on three EC players did add a little excitement to the fans and the kids on the bench but coach dancing no way!!!!!  You lie on that one.  As a matter of fact I was behind the bench and listened to him chew that kid out that stepped on the court.  But you blame who you please.

    I was impressed with EC but I thought that was a pretty narrow minded, one sided post.  I am a New Bulldog fan but I am becoming a loyal one and I thought both teams played well and Good luck NW versus Kountze!!!!!!

  2. THats a very good assesment nikes.  How good is San Augustine?  From what I've seen they lost a couple of big games, at home at that.  What kind of team are they?  How would they match up with experienced teams such as Arp and New Waverly whose kids stood on the state floor last year.  What do you know about New Waverly?

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